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    La morte patologica. Riflessioni a partire da Eugène Minkowski
    Revista de Filosofia Aurora 31 (53). 2019.
    Se è nel tempo e attraverso il movimento che partecipiamo alla vita, la morte ci nega per sempre questa possibilità. Nei sistemi viventi il tempo funge da organizzatore della situazione vitale dell’organismo. Il metabolismo e le funzioni vitali si compiono infatti attraverso lo scandire preciso e incalzante di ritmi biologici. Con la morte si verifica il disgregamento della nozione di tempo. Non si tratta più del tempo della vita che unisce, che coordina, che costruisce, che organizza. Il tempo …Read more
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    The Enactive Approach to Qualitative Ontology: In Search of New Categories
    with Roberta Lanfredini, Nicola Liberati, and Andrea Pace Giannotta
    Humana Mente 9 (31). 2016.
    The notion of quality constitutes the title of a pressing philosophical problem. The issue of the location of the qualities of experience and reality leads to thematize the “clash” between the scientific and the manifest image, which also lays at the heart of the issues of naturalism and reductionism in the philosophy of mind. I argue that a transcendental version of the enactive approach constitutes a fruitful way to address these issues, thanks to its conception of the relation between subject…Read more
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    Introduction to the Special Issue on The Enactive Approach to Qualitative Ontology
    with Andrea Pace Giannotta, Roberta Lanfredini, and Nicola Liberati
    Humana.Mente - Journal of Philosophical Studies (31). 2016.
    This Special Issue is dedicated to building a bridge between different disciplines concerned in the investigation of the qualitative dimension of experience and reality. The two main objectives of the Issue can be summarized as follows: 1) to elucidate the need for a revision of categories to account for the qualitative dimension in various disciplines (that include, for example, the cognitive sciences, neurosciences, biology, linguistics, informatics, artificial intelligence, robotics, newly em…Read more
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    A common approach in biosemiotics suggests that semiosis (any activity or process that involves signs) is a natural process embedded in evolution, which entails the production of meaningful processes. As Pattee has argued, a closer look at living systems shows that semiosis is closely related to a very specific and highly functional context of selected constraints. Symbolic control consists in 1) instituting a friction on the novelty, variability and randomness of life processes 2) allowing surv…Read more
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    Mouvement et corporéité chez Patočka.Les origines aristotéliciennes du concept de mouvement ontologiquePatočka reconnaît dans le mouvement vital de l’existence humaine le fondement ontolotique de l’ouverture-au-monde et à l’Être entier comme totalité de ce qui est: par rapport à Heidegger par contre, Patočka entrevoit dans la corporéité une dimension ontologique fondamentale pour la donation même de l’existence actuelle. C’est dans ce sens que le mouvement de l’existence prend chez Patočka une d…Read more
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    Mouvement et corporéité chez Patočka.Les origines aristotéliciennes du concept de mouvement ontologiquePatočka reconnaît dans le mouvement vital de l’existence humaine le fondement ontolotique de l’ouverture-au-monde et à l’Être entier comme totalité de ce qui est: par rapport à Heidegger par contre, Patočka entrevoit dans la corporéité une dimension ontologique fondamentale pour la donation même de l’existence actuelle. C’est dans ce sens que le mouvement de l’existence prend chez Patočka une d…Read more