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    Two preachings on Lazarus Saturday: The moral dimension of friendship according to Saint Justin (Polyansky) and Saint Innocent of Kherson
    Известия Саратовского Университета: Новая Серия. Серия Философия. Психология. Педагогика 23 (2): 159-163. 2023.
    Introduction. The article is devoted to the concept of friendship in Christian ethics. The author analyses the idea of friendship and its moral aspect in two previously underexamined in Russian theology sermons of Saint Justin (Polyansky) and Saint Innocent of Kherson on Lazarus Saturday. Theoretical analysis. The research allows us to make the following conclusions. According to Saint Justin (Polyansky) and Saint Innocent of Kherson, friendship represents: the friendly love of the Lord Jesus Ch…Read more
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    Medical ethics revisited
    with I. K. Cheremushnikova
    Bioethics 26 (2): 6-8. 2020.
    Reliable reconstruction of historical – cultural past, including the past related to medical culture, remains an important methodological task. However, most documents and materials traditionally used for such reconstructions are often "mythologems", influenced by official ideology. Inevitably, the historical-cultural context is replaced by the historical-clinical one. The researcher is transferred from the field of culture to the space of professional constructions that impoverish our ideas abo…Read more
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    The article explored the fact that various bioethical principles underlie the evaluation of the patient’s status and role in therapeutic interactions in written medical documents. We have found that characterization of biomedical, social and behavioural aspects of the patient’s existence relies on such bioethical principles as obligation, truthfulness, respect for human rights and dignity, the patient’s good. A few facts of the violation of the principle of respect for human rights and dignity c…Read more