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    Quine’s Dispositional Approach to the Language
    Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 53 213-216. 2018.
    This paper examines the dispositional approach to the language introduced by the W. V. O. Quine. The author consideres the naturalistic understanding of the meaning and criticism of “mentalistic theory of ideas”. Dispositional approach to the language is characterized by the fact that: first, language statements are understood as a verbal reaction to the current stimulations or to situations, which are only potentially; second, stimulus meaning is subject’s detailed disposition to agree or disag…Read more
  • The article discusses the problem of reference of proper names on the example of name Aristotle. I analyze the controversy between the theory of descriptions and the theory of direct reference and note that the theory of descriptions faces some difficulties, while the historical explanation theory proposed by K. Donnellan successfully solves the problem.
  • The article deals with the problem of future contingents in Aristotle. According to Aristotle, clarification of «conclusion’s principles» is included in the subject of philosophy along with the study of being as such. The law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle are reliable and unconditional principles of conclusion. However, the example with the statements about future events either calls into question the universality of these «conclusion’s principles» or leads to «epistemic fa…Read more