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Elliot A. Hopkins
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Areas of Specialization
Mind-Body Problem, General
Consciousness and Materialism, Misc
Qualia and Materialism
Other Anti-Materialist Arguments
Kripke's Modal Argument Against Materialism
Zombies and the Conceivability Argument
Arguments from Disembodiment
Phenomenal Concepts
The Knowledge Argument
Philosophy of Consciousness, Miscellaneous
Philosophy of Consciousness, Misc
The Concept of Consciousness
Philosophy of Consciousness, General Works
Qualia, Misc
Functionalism and Qualia
Eliminativism about Qualia
Science of Consciousness, Miscellaneous
Science of Consciousness, Misc
Science of Consciousness, Foundations
Parapsychology and Consciousness
Consciousness and Language
Neural Correlates of Consciousness
Neurobiological Theories and Models of Consciousness
Consciousness and Neuroscience, Foundational Issues
Consciousness and Neuroscience, Misc
Consciousness and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanisms of Consciousness
Consciousness and Physics, Misc
Consciousness and Biology, Misc
Evolution of Consciousness
The Will
Theories of Free Will, Misc
Theories of Freedom
Libertarianism about Free Will
Identification Theories
Free Will Skepticism
Agent Causation
Alternative Possibilities
Free Will and Foreknowledge
The Consequence Argument
Topics in Free Will, Misc
Moral Responsibility, Misc
Responsibility in Applied Ethics
Doing and Allowing
Free Will and Responsibility
Free Will and Science, Misc
Free Will and Physics
Free Will and Neuroscience
Causal Closure of the Physical
Dualism, Misc
Dualism about Consciousness
Anomalous Monism and Mental Causation
Downward Causation
Externalism and Mental Causation
Reasons and Causes
The Exclusion Problem
The Function of Consciousness
Mental Causation, Misc
Other Minds, Misc
Induction and Other Minds
Abduction and Other Minds
Criteria and Other Minds
Analogy and Other Minds
Concepts of Other Minds
Direct Knowledge and Other Minds
Epistemology of Mind, Misc
Epistemic and Non-epistemic Perception
Naive and Direct Realism
Perceptual Evidence
Perceptual Justification
Perception and Knowledge, Misc
Perception and Skepticism
The Given
Speckled Hen Problem
Sense-Datum Theories
Observation-Based Accounts of Self-Knowledge
Expression-Based Accounts of Self-Knowledge
Rationality-Based Accounts of Self-Knowledge
Externalism and Armchair Knowledge
Externalism and Self-Knowledge, Misc
Externalism and Slow Switching
Memory, Misc
Theories of Memory
Epistemology of Memory
Memory and Cognitive Science
Bodily Sensations
Pain and Pain Experience
Pain and Perception
Pain, Misc
Explaining Consciousness?
Consciousness and Materialism
Theories of Consciousness
M&E, Misc
Arguments from Miracles
Anselm's Ontological Argument
Descartes' Ontological Argument
Ontological Arguments for Theism, Misc
Arguments for Theism, Misc
Cosmological Arguments from Contingency
Cosmological Arguments from Regress
Kalam Cosmological Argument
Cosmological Arguments for Theism, Misc
Design Arguments for Theism, Misc
Fine-Tuning in Cosmology
Intelligent Design
Arguments from Moral Normativity
Arguments from Moral Order
The Secular Problem of Evil
Moral Arguments for Theism, Misc
Pascal's Wager
Pragmatic Arguments for Theism, Misc
The Argument from Evil
Arguments from Naturalism against Theism
Divine Hiddenness
Arguments Against Theism, Misc
Divine Eternity
Divine Goodness
Divine Freedom
Divine Omnipotence
Divine Omnipresence
Divine Providence
Divine Immutability
Divine Necessity
Divine Simplicity
Divine Attributes, Misc
Divine Foreknowledge
Divine Middle Knowledge
Theories of Omniscience
Divine Omniscience, Misc
Philosophy of Religion, Miscellaneous
Philosophy of Religion, General Works
Philosophy of Religion, Misc
Epistemology of Religion, Misc
Reformed Epistemology
Religious Experience
Religious Skepticism
Evolution and Creationism
Creation, Misc
Moral Evil
Natural Evil
Evil, Misc
Science and Religion
The Soul
Religious Topics, Misc
Hume's Argument against Miracles
Probability in the Philosophy of Religion, Misc
Laws as Relations between Universals
Modality and Laws of Nature
Nomological Necessity
Probabilistic Laws
Laws of Nature, Misc
Explanation and Laws of Nature
Causation and Laws of Nature
Humeanism and Nonhumeanism about Laws
Humean Supervenience
Induction, Misc
Inductive Logic
Inductive Reasoning
Inductive Skepticism
New Riddle of Induction
Justification of Induction
Bayesian Reasoning, Misc
Prior Probabilities
The Problem of Old Evidence
Causal Modeling
Dempster-Shafer Theory
Plausibility Theory
Probabilistic Frameworks, Misc
Probabilistic Principles
Indifference Principles
The Reflection Principle
Scoring Rules
Chance-Credence Principles
Probabilistic Principles, Misc
Direct Inference Principles
Updating Principles
Hypothetico-Deductive Method
Scientific Metamethodology
Scientific Method, Miscellaneous
Evidence and Knowledge
Evidence, Misc
Nonempirical Virtues
Empirically Equivalent Theories
Underdetermination of Theory by Data, Misc
Paradox of Confirmation
Confirmation, Misc
Confirmation Holism
Varieties of Confirmation
Quine-Duhem Thesis
Simplicity and Parsimony
Theoretical Virtues, Misc
Abduction and Scientific Realism
Abductive Replies to Skepticism
Inference to the Best Explanation, Misc
Chance and Objective Probability
Chance and Determinism
Chance and Objective Probability, Misc
Logical Probability
Humeanism and Nonhumeanism about Chance
Counterpart Theory
Essentialism and Quantified Modal Logic
Epistemic Possibility
Conceptual Necessity
Logical Necessity
Metaphysical Necessity
Varieties of Modality, Misc
Modal Realism
Theories of Modality, Misc
Conceivability, Imagination, and Possibility
Counterfactuals and Modal Epistemology
Modal Epistemology, Misc
Thought Experiments
Modal Rationalism
Modal Intuition
Actualism and Possibilism
Possible World Semantics
Impossible Worlds
Possible Worlds, Misc
Modal Fictionalism
Facts and States of Affairs
Metaontology, Misc
Ontological Realism
Methodology in Metaphysics
Quantification and Ontology
Propositions and Facts
Propositions and That-Clauses
Propositions as Sets of Worlds
Propositions, Misc
Singular Propositions
Structured Propositions
The Unity of the Proposition
Ontology, Misc
Growing Block Views
Temporal Ontology, Misc
A-Theories of Time
B-Theories of Time
Time and Change
The Passage of Time, Misc
Experience of Temporal Passage
McTaggart's Argument
Temporal Logic
Temporal Expressions
Physics of Time
Time Travel
Philosophy of Time, Misc
Metaphysics, Misc
Deontic Logic
Aristotelian Logic
Propositional Logic
Predicate Logic
Second-Order Logic
Higher-Order Logic, Misc
Modal Logic
Quantified Modal Logic
Semantics for Modal Logic
Intensional Modal Logic
Provability Logic
Intuitionistic Logic
Paraconsistent Logic
Quantum Logic
Substructural Logic
Logics, Misc
Logical Consequence and Entailment
Logical Semantics and Logical Truth
Truth-Conditional Accounts of Indicative Conditionals
Possible-World Theories of Counterfactuals
Logic of Conditionals
Causal Theories of Counterfactuals
Indicative Conditionals, Misc
Conditionals, Misc
Logical Connectives, Misc
Logical Constants
Generalized Quantifiers
Plural Quantification
Quantifier Restriction
Unrestricted Quantification
Substitutional Quantification
Quantifiers, Misc
Liar Paradox
Russell's Paradox
Sorites Paradox
Epistemic Paradoxes, Misc
Paradox of the Knower
The Paradox of Analysis
The Twin Paradox
Moore's Paradox
Paradox of Deontological Constraints
Condorcet's Paradox
Paradoxes, Miscellaneous
Two-Envelope Paradox
Toxin Puzzle
St. Petersburg Paradox
Newcomb's Problem
Decision-Theoretic Puzzles, Misc
Probabilistic Puzzles, Misc
20th Century Logic
19th Century Logic
17th/18th Century Logic
History of Logic, Misc
Medieval Logic
Epistemology of Logic
Informal Logic
Logical Pluralism
Logic and Information
Logic in Philosophy
Model Theory
Proof Theory
Mathematical Logic
Logic and Philosophy of Logic, General Works
Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Misc
Introductions to Logic
Set Theory
Theories of Mathematics
Theories of Mathematics, Misc
Mathematical Finitism
Intuitionism and Constructivism
Logicism in Mathematics
Formalism in Mathematics
Mathematics and the Causal Theory of Knowledge
Mathematical Intuition
Phenomenology of Mathematics
Nondeductive Methods in Mathematics
Mathematical Methodology
Epistemology of Mathematics, Misc
Godel's Theorem
Computer Proof
Probabilistic Proof
Mathematical Proof, Misc
Apriority in Mathematics
Analyticity in Mathematics
Axiomatic Truth
Objectivity Of Mathematics
Mathematical Truth, Misc
Cosmological Arguments for Theism
Why is there Something?
Philosophy of Cosmology, Misc
Anthropic Principle
Multiple Universes
Observation in Cosmology
Design and Observership in Cosmology, Misc
The Big Bang
Inflation in Cosmology
Origin of the Universe
The Early Universe, Misc
Philosophy of Earth Sciences
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Classical Mechanics
Particle Physics
Solid State Physics
String Theory
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Symmetry in Physics
Philosophy of Physics, General Works
Philosophy of Physics, Misc
Bohmian Interpretation
Collapse Interpretations
Copenhagen Interpretation
Decoherence Interpretations
Everett Interpretation
Measurement Problem
Modal Interpretations
Probabilities in Quantum Mechanics
Relational Interpretations
Transactional Interpretation
Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, Misc
Quantum Field Theory
Quantum Gravity
Quantum Information
Quantum Statistical Mechanics
Quantum Theories, Misc
Quantum Computation
Quantum Chemistry
Action at a Distance
Bell's Theorem
Quantum Nonlocality, Misc
Quantum Determinism and Indeterminism
Quantum Self-Observation
Schrodinger's Cat
Uncertainty Principle
Wave-Particle Duality
Quantum Indeterminacy
Mathematical Structure of Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics, Misc
History of Quantum Mechanics
General Relativity
Special Relativity, Misc
Causal Theories of Spacetime
The Hole Argument
Metaphysics of Spacetime, Misc
Philosophy of Physical Science, Miscellaneous
Probability in the Physical Sciences, Misc
Philosophy, Introductions and Anthologies
Philosophy, General Works
Philosophy, Miscellaneous
Political Theory
Rights, Misc
Rights and Religion
Property Rights, Misc
States and Nations
War and Violence
Political Views
Government and Democracy
Freedom and Liberty
Applied Ethics
Normative Ethics
Moral Judgment
Moral Epistemology
Moral Realism and Irrealism
Moral Naturalism and Non-Naturalism
Moral Principles
Moral Reasoning and Motivation
Moral Responsibility
Moral Value
Practical Reason
Meta-Ethics, Miscellaneous
Moral Language
Moral Normativity
The Nature of Law and Legal Systems
Legal Authority and Obligation
Constitutional Law
International Law
Ethics and Society
Ethics, General Works
Ethics, Misc
Value Realism
Value Relativism
Theories of Value, Misc
Epistemic Value
Intrinsic Value
Varieties of Value, Misc
The Concept of Well-Being
Hedonist Accounts of Well-Being
Desire Satisfaction Accounts of Well-Being
Objective Accounts of Well-Being
Perfectionist Accounts of Well-Being
Well-Being, Misc
Aesthetic Evaluation
Aesthetics and Ethics
Aesthetic Criticism
Fact-Value Distinction
Aspects of Value, Misc
Incommensurability of Value
The Meaning of Life
Population Ethics
The Value of Lives, Misc
The Value of Philosophy
The Value of Pleasure
Explanatory Value
Literary Values
The Value of Equality
The Value of Phenomena, Misc
The Value of Art
Intrinsic Environmental Value
Instrumental Environmental Value
Value Theory, Misc
493 more
Areas of Interest
Mind-Body Problem, General
Consciousness and Materialism, Misc
Qualia and Materialism
Other Anti-Materialist Arguments
Kripke's Modal Argument Against Materialism
Zombies and the Conceivability Argument
Arguments from Disembodiment
Phenomenal Concepts
The Knowledge Argument
Philosophy of Consciousness, Miscellaneous
Philosophy of Consciousness, Misc
The Concept of Consciousness
Philosophy of Consciousness, General Works
Qualia, Misc
Functionalism and Qualia
Eliminativism about Qualia
Science of Consciousness, Miscellaneous
Science of Consciousness, Misc
Science of Consciousness, Foundations
Parapsychology and Consciousness
Consciousness and Language
Neural Correlates of Consciousness
Neurobiological Theories and Models of Consciousness
Consciousness and Neuroscience, Foundational Issues
Consciousness and Neuroscience, Misc
Consciousness and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanisms of Consciousness
Consciousness and Physics, Misc
Consciousness and Biology, Misc
Evolution of Consciousness
The Will
Theories of Free Will, Misc
Theories of Freedom
Libertarianism about Free Will
Identification Theories
Free Will Skepticism
Agent Causation
Alternative Possibilities
Free Will and Foreknowledge
The Consequence Argument
Topics in Free Will, Misc
Moral Responsibility, Misc
Responsibility in Applied Ethics
Doing and Allowing
Free Will and Responsibility
Free Will and Science, Misc
Free Will and Physics
Free Will and Neuroscience
Causal Closure of the Physical
Dualism, Misc
Dualism about Consciousness
Anomalous Monism and Mental Causation
Downward Causation
Externalism and Mental Causation
Reasons and Causes
The Exclusion Problem
The Function of Consciousness
Mental Causation, Misc
Other Minds, Misc
Induction and Other Minds
Abduction and Other Minds
Criteria and Other Minds
Analogy and Other Minds
Concepts of Other Minds
Direct Knowledge and Other Minds
Epistemology of Mind, Misc
Epistemic and Non-epistemic Perception
Naive and Direct Realism
Perceptual Evidence
Perceptual Justification
Perception and Knowledge, Misc
Perception and Skepticism
The Given
Speckled Hen Problem
Sense-Datum Theories
Observation-Based Accounts of Self-Knowledge
Expression-Based Accounts of Self-Knowledge
Rationality-Based Accounts of Self-Knowledge
Externalism and Armchair Knowledge
Externalism and Self-Knowledge, Misc
Externalism and Slow Switching
Memory, Misc
Theories of Memory
Epistemology of Memory
Memory and Cognitive Science
Bodily Sensations
Pain and Pain Experience
Pain and Perception
Pain, Misc
Explaining Consciousness?
Consciousness and Materialism
Theories of Consciousness
M&E, Misc
Arguments from Miracles
Anselm's Ontological Argument
Descartes' Ontological Argument
Ontological Arguments for Theism, Misc
Arguments for Theism, Misc
Cosmological Arguments from Contingency
Cosmological Arguments from Regress
Kalam Cosmological Argument
Cosmological Arguments for Theism, Misc
Design Arguments for Theism, Misc
Fine-Tuning in Cosmology
Intelligent Design
Arguments from Moral Normativity
Arguments from Moral Order
The Secular Problem of Evil
Moral Arguments for Theism, Misc
Pascal's Wager
Pragmatic Arguments for Theism, Misc
The Argument from Evil
Arguments from Naturalism against Theism
Divine Hiddenness
Arguments Against Theism, Misc
Divine Eternity
Divine Goodness
Divine Freedom
Divine Omnipotence
Divine Omnipresence
Divine Providence
Divine Immutability
Divine Necessity
Divine Simplicity
Divine Attributes, Misc
Divine Foreknowledge
Divine Middle Knowledge
Theories of Omniscience
Divine Omniscience, Misc
Philosophy of Religion, Miscellaneous
Philosophy of Religion, General Works
Philosophy of Religion, Misc
Epistemology of Religion, Misc
Reformed Epistemology
Religious Experience
Religious Skepticism
Evolution and Creationism
Creation, Misc
Moral Evil
Natural Evil
Evil, Misc
Science and Religion
The Soul
Religious Topics, Misc
Hume's Argument against Miracles
Probability in the Philosophy of Religion, Misc
Laws as Relations between Universals
Modality and Laws of Nature
Nomological Necessity
Probabilistic Laws
Laws of Nature, Misc
Explanation and Laws of Nature
Causation and Laws of Nature
Humeanism and Nonhumeanism about Laws
Humean Supervenience
Induction, Misc
Inductive Logic
Inductive Reasoning
Inductive Skepticism
New Riddle of Induction
Justification of Induction
Bayesian Reasoning, Misc
Prior Probabilities
The Problem of Old Evidence
Causal Modeling
Dempster-Shafer Theory
Plausibility Theory
Probabilistic Frameworks, Misc
Probabilistic Principles
Indifference Principles
The Reflection Principle
Scoring Rules
Chance-Credence Principles
Probabilistic Principles, Misc
Direct Inference Principles
Updating Principles
Hypothetico-Deductive Method
Scientific Metamethodology
Scientific Method, Miscellaneous
Evidence and Knowledge
Evidence, Misc
Nonempirical Virtues
Empirically Equivalent Theories
Underdetermination of Theory by Data, Misc
Paradox of Confirmation
Confirmation, Misc
Confirmation Holism
Varieties of Confirmation
Quine-Duhem Thesis
Simplicity and Parsimony
Theoretical Virtues, Misc
Abduction and Scientific Realism
Abductive Replies to Skepticism
Inference to the Best Explanation, Misc
Chance and Objective Probability
Chance and Determinism
Chance and Objective Probability, Misc
Logical Probability
Humeanism and Nonhumeanism about Chance
Counterpart Theory
Essentialism and Quantified Modal Logic
Epistemic Possibility
Conceptual Necessity
Logical Necessity
Metaphysical Necessity
Varieties of Modality, Misc
Modal Realism
Theories of Modality, Misc
Conceivability, Imagination, and Possibility
Counterfactuals and Modal Epistemology
Modal Epistemology, Misc
Thought Experiments
Modal Rationalism
Modal Intuition
Actualism and Possibilism
Possible World Semantics
Impossible Worlds
Possible Worlds, Misc
Modal Fictionalism
Facts and States of Affairs
Metaontology, Misc
Ontological Realism
Methodology in Metaphysics
Quantification and Ontology
Propositions and Facts
Propositions and That-Clauses
Propositions as Sets of Worlds
Propositions, Misc
Singular Propositions
Structured Propositions
The Unity of the Proposition
Ontology, Misc
Growing Block Views
Temporal Ontology, Misc
A-Theories of Time
B-Theories of Time
Time and Change
The Passage of Time, Misc
Experience of Temporal Passage
McTaggart's Argument
Temporal Logic
Temporal Expressions
Physics of Time
Time Travel
Philosophy of Time, Misc
Metaphysics, Misc
Deontic Logic
Aristotelian Logic
Propositional Logic
Predicate Logic
Second-Order Logic
Higher-Order Logic, Misc
Modal Logic
Quantified Modal Logic
Semantics for Modal Logic
Intensional Modal Logic
Provability Logic
Intuitionistic Logic
Paraconsistent Logic
Quantum Logic
Substructural Logic
Logics, Misc
Logical Consequence and Entailment
Logical Semantics and Logical Truth
Truth-Conditional Accounts of Indicative Conditionals
Possible-World Theories of Counterfactuals
Logic of Conditionals
Causal Theories of Counterfactuals
Indicative Conditionals, Misc
Conditionals, Misc
Logical Connectives, Misc
Logical Constants
Generalized Quantifiers
Plural Quantification
Quantifier Restriction
Unrestricted Quantification
Substitutional Quantification
Quantifiers, Misc
Liar Paradox
Russell's Paradox
Sorites Paradox
Epistemic Paradoxes, Misc
Paradox of the Knower
The Paradox of Analysis
The Twin Paradox
Moore's Paradox
Paradox of Deontological Constraints
Condorcet's Paradox
Paradoxes, Miscellaneous
Two-Envelope Paradox
Toxin Puzzle
St. Petersburg Paradox
Newcomb's Problem
Decision-Theoretic Puzzles, Misc
Probabilistic Puzzles, Misc
20th Century Logic
19th Century Logic
17th/18th Century Logic
History of Logic, Misc
Medieval Logic
Epistemology of Logic
Informal Logic
Logical Pluralism
Logic and Information
Logic in Philosophy
Model Theory
Proof Theory
Mathematical Logic
Logic and Philosophy of Logic, General Works
Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Misc
Introductions to Logic
Set Theory
Theories of Mathematics
Theories of Mathematics, Misc
Mathematical Finitism
Intuitionism and Constructivism
Logicism in Mathematics
Formalism in Mathematics
Mathematics and the Causal Theory of Knowledge
Mathematical Intuition
Phenomenology of Mathematics
Nondeductive Methods in Mathematics
Mathematical Methodology
Epistemology of Mathematics, Misc
Godel's Theorem
Computer Proof
Probabilistic Proof
Mathematical Proof, Misc
Apriority in Mathematics
Analyticity in Mathematics
Axiomatic Truth
Objectivity Of Mathematics
Mathematical Truth, Misc
Cosmological Arguments for Theism
Why is there Something?
Philosophy of Cosmology, Misc
Anthropic Principle
Multiple Universes
Observation in Cosmology
Design and Observership in Cosmology, Misc
The Big Bang
Inflation in Cosmology
Origin of the Universe
The Early Universe, Misc
Philosophy of Earth Sciences
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Classical Mechanics
Particle Physics
Solid State Physics
String Theory
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Symmetry in Physics
Philosophy of Physics, General Works
Philosophy of Physics, Misc
Bohmian Interpretation
Collapse Interpretations
Copenhagen Interpretation
Decoherence Interpretations
Everett Interpretation
Measurement Problem
Modal Interpretations
Probabilities in Quantum Mechanics
Relational Interpretations
Transactional Interpretation
Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, Misc
Quantum Field Theory
Quantum Gravity
Quantum Information
Quantum Statistical Mechanics
Quantum Theories, Misc
Quantum Computation
Quantum Chemistry
Action at a Distance
Bell's Theorem
Quantum Nonlocality, Misc
Quantum Determinism and Indeterminism
Quantum Self-Observation
Schrodinger's Cat
Uncertainty Principle
Wave-Particle Duality
Quantum Indeterminacy
Mathematical Structure of Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics, Misc
History of Quantum Mechanics
General Relativity
Special Relativity, Misc
Causal Theories of Spacetime
The Hole Argument
Metaphysics of Spacetime, Misc
Philosophy of Physical Science, Miscellaneous
Probability in the Physical Sciences, Misc
Philosophy, Introductions and Anthologies
Philosophy, General Works
Philosophy, Miscellaneous
Political Theory
Rights, Misc
Rights and Religion
Property Rights, Misc
States and Nations
War and Violence
Political Views
Government and Democracy
Freedom and Liberty
Applied Ethics
Normative Ethics
Moral Judgment
Moral Epistemology
Moral Realism and Irrealism
Moral Naturalism and Non-Naturalism
Moral Principles
Moral Reasoning and Motivation
Moral Responsibility
Moral Value
Practical Reason
Meta-Ethics, Miscellaneous
Moral Language
Moral Normativity
The Nature of Law and Legal Systems
Legal Authority and Obligation
Constitutional Law
International Law
Ethics and Society
Ethics, General Works
Ethics, Misc
Value Realism
Value Relativism
Theories of Value, Misc
Epistemic Value
Intrinsic Value
Varieties of Value, Misc
The Concept of Well-Being
Hedonist Accounts of Well-Being
Desire Satisfaction Accounts of Well-Being
Objective Accounts of Well-Being
Perfectionist Accounts of Well-Being
Well-Being, Misc
Aesthetic Evaluation
Aesthetics and Ethics
Aesthetic Criticism
Fact-Value Distinction
Aspects of Value, Misc
Incommensurability of Value
The Meaning of Life
Population Ethics
The Value of Lives, Misc
The Value of Philosophy
The Value of Pleasure
Explanatory Value
Literary Values
The Value of Equality
The Value of Phenomena, Misc
The Value of Art
Intrinsic Environmental Value
Instrumental Environmental Value
Value Theory, Misc
493 more
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