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    Technical Invention as Biological Function
    Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 27 (1): 21-41. 2023.
    This article aims to introduce English-speaking readers to a still little-known tradition of French philosophy of technology: the “biological philosophy of technology.” As recognized by Georges Canguilhem, this philosophy was initiated by Henri Bergson, who conceived of technology as an extension of life, which in its evolution, creates natural tools (organs) and artificial ones (technical objects). The paleontologist André Leroi-Gourhan took up this thesis and put it to the test of archaeologic…Read more
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    Biobanks as Exteriorized Memories of Life
    Philosophy and Technology 35 (1): 1-18. 2022.
    The aim of this article is to consider biobanks through the conceptual tools of French Thought and twentieth-century French philosophy of technology. Firstly, two pairs of authors and their respective conceptions of the relationship between technics and memory are considered: on the one hand, Jacques Derrida and Bernard Stiegler, who thought of memory and technics on the model of writing; on the other hand, Henri Bergson and André Leroi-Gourhan, who thought of memory as linked to biological life…Read more
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    Il Corso su L’ermeneutica del soggetto problematizza un tema che attraversa sottotraccia l’intera riflessione di Foucault, quello della tecnica. L’articolo, proponendo un dialogo fra Foucault, Heidegger e Simondon, prova a rintracciare lo sviluppo di questo tema, chiedendosi inoltre in che modo la tecnica entri in relazione con i processi di assoggettamento e di soggettivazione
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    I. Kant’s Critique of Judgment is a maintext to catch the epistemological tensions created by the emerging notion of life . By investigating the specific causality of life in order to explain the phenomenon of self-organization of the living, Kant uses the remarkable concept of technique of nature , thus establishing a strong analogy between technique and life.The consequences of this analogy affect not only the epistemology of life, but also the modern conception of technique.To a technicizatio…Read more