• Erezia speranţei: Manifestele unei revoluţii imposibile
    In Cornel Haranguș, Gilda Vălcan & Ciprian Vălcan (eds.), Paradigma ereticului, "augusta". 2004.
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    Contemporary critical space theories as well as singular architectural experiments acknowledge a quest for renewing the most significant ways in which space design is conceptually elaborated, factually realised and socially perceived. Searching to seize the possibility and the meaning of a creative intervention in space-related practices, the paper aims at revisiting the manner in which modern times determined the relationship between architectural production and politics. The main reason is tha…Read more
  • The Rule Of Law Craving For Justice / L’état De Droit En Mal De Justice
    Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 1. 2010.
    We propose hereafter an analysis of the way in which the post-communism has determined the significance of justice and, in doing so, pretended to reorganize the possibility for a legitimate political community. Given that the public perception points out to a gap between the rule of law and justice, one should understand for what reasons. Does the rule of law have the resources for doing justice? Are the legal procedures enough? Or should we take into consideration the possibility that the rule …Read more
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    La rhéorique de la crise et la révocation de la sphère publique
    Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 2 (2): 410-434. 2010.
    This text is an examination of the democratic public sphere in relation to the presently dominating crisis discourse. More precisely, we endeavor to expose assumptions, aims and consequences entailed by the discourse of crisis, hereafter considered as a rhetorical apparatus asserting that crisis reveals an unambiguous and mandatory nature of things imposing self-evident and thus non deliberative decisions concerning both singular existence and communities. The crisis discourse serves to endorse …Read more
  • Management And Biopolitics Of Modernity
    Studia Philosophica 1. 2003.
    Cette contribution entend rendre compte de l’actualité de la pensée de Michel Foucault à travers une analyse du concept de bio-politique. L’étude vise l’émergence historique et celle discursive de la bio-politique, essayant d’insister sur le rapport étroit entre la mutation à travers laquelle la politique se donne comme objet la vie en tant que telle et l’émergence du capitalisme en tant que paradigme dominant de la modernité. Ce faisant, l’analyse s’inscrit dans un horizon herméneutique plus la…Read more
  • Rhetorics Of Justice In Emerging Democracies
    Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 1. 2010.
    The five articles composing the thematic dossier Rhetorics of Justice in Emerging Democracies represent the initial results of the joint Romanian and South African research project – Rhetoric of Justice and Deliberative Perceptions of the Rule of Law in Post-Communist Romania and Post-Apartheid South Africa