•  19
    The Tropics of Phaedo
    American Journal of Semiotics 8 (1-2): 65-86. 1991.
  • This dissertation shows that Proclus provides a consistent reading of Plato's late dialogues, and develops a three level ontology which stands on its own. By augmenting the reserve of Platonist philosophy with Post Platonic developments of Greek mathematics and astronomy and physics, at points where Platonism ceased to provide operating principles, Proclus, reached for formulations which went beyond Plato. His own metaphysics, though sometimes obscured by theurgic allusions, grounds Being in an …Read more
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    Oikoumene, Ouranos, Ousia, and the Outside
    Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 22 (2): 115-145. 2001.
    It is in the obscure terrain between the life-world of Greek science and technology and the language of its metaphysics that one sees the attempts of early navigators and map-makers to conceptualize what lies beyond the oikoumene. This interest later effects astronomy in terms of what is “beyond the heavens [ezo tes ouranos]” and then in metaphysics as a “Beyond Being [epekeina tes ousias],” an ideal Beyond proposed by Plato in Republic and one that is to eventually become a mainstay of NeoPlato…Read more
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    « What Did Plato Read? »
    Plato Journal 7. 2007.
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    A Review of Robert Hahn’s Anaximander and the Architects (review)
    Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 23 (2): 207-212. 2002.
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    The Female Personification of Wisdom (review)
    International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 7 (1): 138-141. 2013.