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    En este artículo se analiza la posición de Madame de Staël sobre la búsqueda de la felicidad, el tratamiento de las pasiones y el papel de la compasión, tres temas centrales en Schopenhauer, pero con los cuales ella articula un camino diferente a la negación de la voluntad y a la mera afirmación de la voluntad. Madame de Staël interpretó la compasión, esa pasión femenina por excelencia en Schopenhauer, también de una manera más amplia y en la que la ética y la política se combinan en relación co…Read more
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    In their later works, Thomas More and Severinus Boethius carry out a profound reflection on the meaning of suffering and justice in relation to the experience of God and the consolation of dialectical reason. The aim of this article is to analyze this issue highlighting the novelty of the position of the character Boethius with a meditation different from the Christian consolation and the traditional comfort that exposes Philosophy.
  • F. Nietzsche y N. Mahfuz: La II Intempestiva en Clave Transcultural
    Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 68 (3): 521-546. 2012.
    Resumo Neste artigo a autora analisa alguns dos aspetos fundamentais da posição de Nietszche na II das Intempestivas, na qual o autor aborda a história como uma enfermidade. Esta patologia pode ser entendida a partir de um ponto de vista transcultural. Esta perspetiva, relaciona- se com a reflexão sobre o reformismo muçulmano, acerca da reativação do seu legado cultural e, em particular, com a reflexão realizada por Mahfuz a partir da literatura sobre as três grandes religiões monoteístas. Dessa…Read more
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    In the following pages I examine Schopenhauer’s contribution to the debate about the extension of the moral community, concretely, to the basis principles of the animal ethics. In the first section, I describe the role of the compassion in the ethics, as propounds Schopenhauer. In the second, I focuse on the correlation ‘suffering - intellectual capacity’ as criterion to feel compassion, and I emphazise the limits of the empathy in Schopenhauer’s philosophy too. In the third section, I examine t…Read more
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    Virginia Woolf: la política de los afectos de las «hijas de los hombres cultos»
    Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 63 27. 2014.
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    La «tercera navegación» en Schopenhauer: el carácter adquirido y el arte de vivir
    Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 31 23-42. 2004.
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    One of the phenomena of our times is our low tolerance to negativity and frustration. Traditionally, philosophy has been given the task of dealing with emotions and offering suggestions to improve our world. The work of Thomas More, which gives rise to the name of the utopian genre, raises an important challenge; the philosopher Raphael Hythloday, who describes society on the island of Utopia, nevertheless rejects entering politics to attain the ideal. My intention is to address the issues raise…Read more