•  7
    Works of art are usually meant to elicit psychological effects from their audiences whereas paradigmatic technical artifacts such as hammers or cars are rather meant to produce physical effects when used. This suggests that works of art and technical artifacts are sharply different entities. However, recent developments in the cognitive sciences and the philosophy of technology have individuated special artifacts, namely cognitive and affective artifacts, which also generate psychological effect…Read more
  •  18
    This paper presents and discusses Simon Evnine’s hylomorphic account of fictional characters and proposes some amendments to it with the aim of explaining the functioning of fictional characters. The paper does so by relying on a case study, viz. Edgar Allan Poe’s short story Berenice. The amended hylomorphic account of fictional characters will also be capable of explaining the malfunctioning of fictional characters.
  •  9
    Being and Value in Technology (edited book)
    with Vera Tripodi
    Despite numerous publications on the philosophy of technology, little attention has been paid to the relationship between being and value in technology, two aspects which are usually treated separately. This volume addresses this issue by drawing connections between the ontology of technology on the one hand and technology's ethical and aesthetic significance on the other. The book first considers what technology is and what kind of entities it produces. Then it examines the moral implications o…Read more
  •  2
    In Alberto Romele & Enrico Terrone (eds.), Towards a Philosophy of Digital Media, Springer Verlag. pp. 1-9. 2018.
    This introduction accounts for three main elements characterizing digital media and the recent history of their interpretation and understanding. The authors label these three elements: “interaction”; “recording”; and “autonomy.” First, digital media somehow subvert the traditional notion of mass media. In digital media, the masses do not passively receive information; rather, they contribute to its creation and diffusion. Second, digital media involve a complete overlapping between communicatio…Read more
  • The post-truth in painting
    In Angela Condello & Tiziana Andina (eds.), Post-Truth, Philosophy and Law, Routledge. 2019.
  • That's Where We're Living : Determinism and Free Will in "Unthought Known"
    In Stefano Marino & Andrea Schembari (eds.), Pearl Jam and philosophy, Bloomsbury Academic. 2021.
  •  546
    The Standard of Correctness and the Ontology of Depiction
    American Philosophical Quarterly 58 (4): 399-412. 2021.
    This paper develops Richard Wollheim’s claim that the proper appreciation of a picture involves not only enjoying a seeing-in experience but also abiding by a standard of correctness. While scholars have so far focused on what fixes the standard, thereby discussing the alternative between intentions and causal mechanisms, the paper focuses on what the standard does, that is, establishing which kinds, individuals, features and standpoints are relevant to the understanding of pictures. It is argue…Read more
  •  18
    Observers and Narrators in Fiction Film
    Croatian Journal of Philosophy 22 (65): 201-215. 2022.
    In the debate on our engagement with and appreciation of fiction films, the thesis that the viewer of a fiction film imagines observing fictional events, and the thesis that these events are imagined to be presented by a narrator, are usually taken as two components of one theoretical package, which philosophers such as George Wilson and Jerrold Levison defend, while philosophers such as Gregory Currie and Berys Gaut reject. This paper argues that the two theses can be disentangled and investiga…Read more
  •  25
    Seeing‐in and Singling Out: How to Reconcile Pictures with Singular Thought
    Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102 (3): 378-392. 2021.
    According to the standard view of pictorial reference, a picture produces singular thought in virtue of both its appearance and its history. Zeimbekis (2010) challenges this view, arguing that the perception of the picture's appearance does not contribute to the production of singular thought. The paper defends the standard view from Zeimbekis' challenge, specifying the roles of appearance and history in pictorial reference. While knowledge about the picture's history allows one to identify the …Read more
  •  23
    There’s Always More Show
    Film and Philosophy 26 55-67. 2022.
    This paper casts the television series BoJack Horseman as a challenge to the genre that Stanley Cavell calls “the comedy of remarriage.” First, it is argued that the last season of the series explicitly suggests but finally contradicts the narrative pattern of the comedy of remarriage. Then, the impossibility of remarriage in BoJack Horseman is traced back to some structural features of the medium of television and its relationship to time. Finally, the impossibility of remarriage in BoJack Hors…Read more
  •  518
    A series of recent experimental studies have cast doubt on the existence of a traditional tension that aestheticians have noted in our aesthetic judgments and practices, viz. the problem of taste. The existence of the problem has been acknowledged since Hume and Kant, though not enough has been done to analyse it in depth. In this paper, we remedy this by proposing six possible conceptualizations of it. Drawing on our analysis of the problem of taste, we argue that the experimental results in qu…Read more
  •  43
    The Audience Effect. On the Collective Cinema Experience (review)
    British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (1): 151-154. 2022.
    The Audience Effect. On the Collective Cinema Experience HANICHJULIAN edinburgh university press. 2017. pp. 256. £19.99
  •  9
    Concept TV: An Aesthetics of Television Series
    with Luca Bandirali
    Lexington Books. 2021.
    Television series seem to be made of images and sounds just like films, but Luca Bandirali and Enrico Terrone suggest an alternate framework for understanding television series: as concepts whereby narratives made of images and sounds can be constructed.
  •  16
    Documentaries, Docudramas, and Perceptual Beliefs
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (1): 43-56. 2020.
    The main accounts of the documentary in contemporary analytic aesthetics have difficulties in dealing with the distinction between documentaries and docudramas. On the one hand, the assertion-based accounts proposed by Noël Carroll, Trevor Ponech, and Carl Plantinga cannot properly differentiate documentaries from docudramas. On the other hand, Gregory Currie's account can do so by relying on the notion of trace, but this involves an undesirable side effect, namely, the exclusion, from the docum…Read more
  •  95
    Science Fiction as a Genre
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (1): 16-29. 2021.
    Regardless of whether one agrees or disagrees with Stacie Friend’s claim that fiction is a genre, her notion of genre can be fruitfully applied to a paradigmatic genre such as science fiction. This article deploys Friend’s notion of genre in order to improve the influential characterization of science fiction proposed by Darko Suvin and to defend it from a criticism recently raised by Simon Evnine. According to Suvin, a work of science fiction must concern “a fictional ‘novum’ validated by cogni…Read more
  •  12
    M. Ferraris, La Fidanzata Automatica
    Rivista di Estetica 37 274-278. 2008.
    Se il mondo ti confonde, non lo capisci più, se nulla ti soddisfa, ti annoi sempre più, scienziati ed ingegneri hanno inventato già una generazione di bambole robot.Alberto Camerini, Rock’n’ roll robot La teoria della fidanzata automatica (Ferraris 2007b) ha due importanti ricadute: da una parte rivela l’opera d’arte come oggetto sociale, di contro alle derive idealistiche della filosofia dell’arte; dall’altra ne preserva la peculiarità estetica, di contro al convenzionalismo pragmatista per...
  •  11
    Ontologia dell’arte L’ontologia dell’arte è la disciplina filosofica che si occupa di stabilire a quali categorie ontologiche appartengono determinate famiglie di opere d’arte. Si consideri innanzitutto la distinzione fra individui e tipi, che ricalca la distinzione aristotelica fra particolari e universali. Un individuo è qualcosa che ha una sua precisa localizzazione nello spazio e nel tempo, qualcosa che potremmo indicare con un gesto o con un dimostrativo come “questo” o “quello”: questa...
  •  21
    Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time, raises an interesting philosophical issue, namely, how can one be in touch with past things if they no longer exist? It provides us with a way to address this issue by outlining an ontological view according to which past things still exist within a four-dimensional world. Although one cannot be in touch with past things by means of ordinary perception, one can do so by combining perception and memory. In this sense, In Search of Lost Time helps us to reco…Read more
  •  454
    Listening to Other Minds: A Phenomenology of Pop Songs
    British Journal of Aesthetics 60 (4): 435-453. 2020.
    This paper explores some phenomenological consequences of the ontological affinity between films and pop songs. Given the central place of the recording technology in both films and pop songs, one can wonder whether pop songs can elicit from their listeners the same kind of experience that films elicit from their spectators. In other words, one can wonder whether pop songs encourage us to play a ‘game of make-believe’ analogous to that we play when we engage with films. The main part of the pape…Read more
  •  513
    The story of the Ship of Theseus is one of the most venerable conundrums in philosophy. Some philosophers consider it a genuine puzzle. Others deny that it is so. It is, therefore, an open question whether there is or there is not a puzzle in the Ship of Theseus story. So, arguably, it makes sense to test empirically whether people perceive the case as a puzzle. Recently, David Rose, Edouard Machery, Stephen Stich and forty-two other researchers from different countries have undertaken that task…Read more
  •  490
    Imagination and Perception in Film Experience
    Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 7. 2020.
    Both perception and imagination seem to play a crucial role in our engagement with fiction films but whether they really do so, and which role they possibly play, is controversial. On the one hand, a fiction film, as film, is a depiction that invites us to perceive the events portrayed. On the other hand, as fiction, it invites us to imagine the story told. Thus, after watching the film Alien, one might say that one saw Ripley fighting the monster but one might also say that one imagined Ripley …Read more
  •  457
    This paper considers two different kinds of philosophical interpretations of the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. On the one hand, Eternal Sunshine as a thought experiment that can function as an argument against utilitarianism. On the other hand, Eternal Sunshine as an instance of the genre of the remarriage comedy. I will argue that these two kinds of interpretations are in conflict. More specifically, Eternal Sunshine, understood as a comedy of remarriage, cannot function as an ar…Read more
  •  477
    Documentaries, Docudramas, and Perceptual Beliefs
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (1): 43-56. 2020.
    The main accounts of the documentary in contemporary analytic aesthetics have difficulties in dealing with the distinction between documentaries and docudramas. On the one hand, the assertion-based accounts proposed by Carroll, Ponech and Plantinga cannot properly differentiate documentaries from docudramas. On the other hand, Currie’s account can do so by relying on the notion of trace but this involves an undesirable side-effect, namely, the exclusion, from the documentary, of those documentar…Read more
  •  23
    Towards a Philosophy of Digital Media (edited book)
    Springer Verlag. 2018.
    This book uses the conceptual tools of philosophy to shed light on digital media and on the way in which they bear upon our existence. At the turn of the century, the rise of digital media significantly changed our world. The digitizing of traditional media has extraordinarily increased the circulation of texts, sound, and images. Digital media have also widened our horizons and altered our relationship with others and with ourselves. Information production and communication are still undoubtedl…Read more
  •  11
    Maps of the Shared World. From Descriptive Metaphysics to New Realism
    Philosophical Readings 6 (2): 74-86. 2014.
    The main aim of this paper is to characterize Maurizio Ferraris’ New Realism as a metaphilosophical account that develops Peter Strawson’s project of a descriptive metaphysics. The paper consists of two sections. The former outlines Strawson’s descriptive metaphysics by highlighting its realist commitments. The latter characterizes New Realism as a way of turning Strawson’s metaphysics into a metaphilosophy. New Realism moves from Strawson’s metaphysical description of the world we share through…Read more
  •  12
    Istituzioni e pratiche. Le due sfere della realtà sociale
    Rivista di Estetica 68 27-40. 2018.
    I term ‘institutional monism’ the ontological thesis according to which the distinction between institutions and practices is only a matter of degree and not of kind. This paper criticizes institutional monism and puts forward a dualist theory, which takes institutions and practices as two distinct ontological kinds. For that, I introduce a distinction between the attitude and the content of a mental state. I show there can be normativity at the level of the attitude as well as at the level of t…Read more
  •  441
    This paper considers two issues raised by the claim that fictional characters are abstract artifacts. First, given that artifacts normally have functions, what is the function of a fictional character? Second, given that, in experiencing works of fictions, we usually treat fictional characters as concrete individuals, how can such a phenomenology fit with an ontology according to which fictional characters are abstract artifacts? I will indirectly address the second issue by directly addressing …Read more