•  66
    On the Permanent Immaturity of Art: Aesthetic Modernism with Apologies to Kant
    Æ: Canadian Aesthetics Journal / Revue Canadienne D'Esthétique 14 (Fall/Automne 2008): 1-9. 2008.
    I offer an interpretation of the puzzle posed by Greenberg’s failure to come to terms with the explosion of postmodernist experimentation in the 1960’s. Greenberg, one of the most influential critics of the immediately preceding period and a strong supporter of New York abstract expressionism and color field painting, is indelibly associated with modernist schools of painting. His short essay, “Modernist Painting”, valorized precisely these movements and was a tour de force catapulting Greenberg…Read more
  •  57
    Murray Murphey's Work and C. I. Lewis's Epistemology: Problems with Realism and the Context of Logical Positivism
    with John Corcoran, Stephen F. Barker, John Greco, Naomi Zack, Richard S. Robin, Joel Isaac, and Murray G. Murphey
    Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (1): 32-44. 2006.
  •  18
    Ontological Reduction
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 35 (4): 582-583. 1975.
  •  23
    On the Spiritual Dimension of Education: Finding a Common Ground
    Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (3): 432-447. 2016.
    Questions about the place of spirituality in publicly funded schools are made difficult in a multicultural secular society. I discuss the work of Paulus Geheeb and Rabindranath Tagore, two great 20th century educational innovators, to offer, by way of an argument from analogy with the social importance of moral education, a common ground for spiritual education.
  •  31
    Lewis's Late Ethics
    Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (1): 17-23. 2006.
  • Desire and Practical Reason
    Dissertation, The University of Western Ontario (Canada). 1973.
  •  39
    Art and Interpretation is a comprehensive anthology of readings on aesthetics. Its aim is to present fundamental philosophical issues in such a way as to create a common vocabulary for those from diverse backgrounds to communicate meaningfully about aesthetic issues. To that end, the editor has provided selections from a wide variety of challenging works in aesthetic theory, both classical and modern. The approach is often cross-disciplinary. Within the discipline of philosophy it seeks to balan…Read more
  •  46
    C. I. Lewis and the Given
    Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 31 (2). 1995.
  •  25
    Towards a Credible Act-Utilitarianism
    American Philosophical Quarterly 16 (1). 1979.
  •  21
    Inference and Conditional Knowledge
    Dialogue 20 (2): 237-246. 1981.
  •  1
    The Pleasures of Aesthetics (review)
    Dialogue 38 (1): 214-214. 1999.
    This welcome new volume of essays in æsthetics represents work by Jerrold Levinson since the publication of his 1990 collection Music, Art & Metaphysics, and is thus a sequel to it, developing many of the themes first expressed in that book. It also stands on its own; Levinson's work is uniformly lucid and his essays characteristically canvas in detail, and then respond critically to, recent work in analytic æsthetics. As a result, this collection introduces the reader not only to Levinson's own…Read more
  •  37
    Reason and Desire in C. I. Lewis
    Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 11 (4). 1975.
    In this paper c i lewis's theory of practical reason is discussed. the purpose is to explicate the role which value experience plays in the thinking of a rational agent who is attempting to determine imperatives of action. lewis, who vehemently opposed noncognitivism in ethics, believed that the objectivity of ethics could be shown to be the result of the logical demands of consistency upon the deliberative consciousness of an active self-determining agent. rightness, for lewis, was not primaril…Read more
  •  30
    Course of Action Utilitarianism
    Canadian Journal of Philosophy 9 (4). 1979.
    The way individual actions enter into larger courses of action often has an effect on the utility of those individual actions. This simple fact has motivated recent discussions about the intelligibility of act-utilitarianism. It has become clear that act-utilitarianism is incomplete, if not intelligible, without an account of the utility-making properties of courses of action taken as a whole. In this paper I offer a brief discussion of the difficulties of a simple act-utilitarianism and then of…Read more
  •  145
    Lewis's late ethics
    Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (1): 17-23. 2006.
  • Reinhardt Grossmann's "Ontological Reduction" (review)
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 35 (4): 582. 1975.
  •  27
  •  37
    Persuasive Argument and Disagreements of Principle
    Canadian Journal of Philosophy 11 (4). 1981.
    It is commonly said that ethical disputes either involve disagreements of fact or disagreements of principle and that while disagreements of fact can be overcome by rational means, disagreements of principle cannot. The difficulty is supposed to be this: for an argument to be rationally persuasive it must appeal to premises already accepted by the person to be persuaded, and if the premises include the principle in question then they will not be acceptable to that person; however, if the premise…Read more
  •  22
    Clarence Irving Lewis
    Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2002.
  •  28
    Tractatus 5.54–5.5422
    Canadian Journal of Philosophy 6 (2). 1976.
    The text of The Tractatus supports incompatible interpretations of a number of key philosophic positions. For example, the book is neither obviously nominalistic nor obviously realistic. Another difficulty is presented by the apparent. incompatibility of Wittgenstein's theses that propositions are logical pictures of facts, and that propositions are truth-functions of elementary propositions. There are several places in The Tractatus where these two doctrines meet head on, but the central one is…Read more
  • Drusilla Scott, Everyman Revived: The Common Sense of Michael Polanyi (review)
    Philosophy in Review 16 206-207. 1996.