Eric Sanday specializes in Ancient Greek Philosophy with a focus on the relationship between ethics and ontology. His new book, A Study of Dialectic in Plato's Parmenides, is forthcoming from Northwestern University Press. He also has an article on Aristotle's account of imagination and animal motion in the Continuum Companion to Aristotle. He is co-editor of volumes on Plato's Laws, Heraclitus, and a companion to Ancient Philosophy from a Continental Perspective, and on Heraclitus. His next book project will focus on the way in which the account of truth and life in Plato's "later" dialogues relates to those aspects of Platonic philosoph…
Lexington, Kentucky, United States of America
Areas of Specialization
Metaphysics |
Social and Political Philosophy |
Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy |
Continental Philosophy |
Areas of Interest
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Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy |
Plato |
Aristotle |
Plato: Metaphysics |
Plato: Ethics |
Plato: Philosophy of Science |
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