New London, Connecticut, United States of America
Areas of Interest
Applied Ethics
  •  69
    Not “Minority” but “Minoritized”
    with Jillian McLeod
    Teaching Ethics 21 (1): 1-11. 2021.
    Rather than referring to “minorities,” “members of minority groups” or “underrepresented minorities,” we should refer to such individuals as “minoritized.” Using “minoritized” makes it clear that being minoritized is about power and equity not numbers, connects racial oppression to the oppression of women, and gives us an easy way to conceive of intersectionality as being a minoritized member of a minoritized group. The term “minoritized” reveals the fact that white males and other dominant grou…Read more
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    This dissertation examines the ecophilosophical implications of the thought of John Dewey and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and argues that an ecophilosophy informed by these two philosophers can avoid many of the problems that traditional approaches to ecophilosophy have encountered. ;Part One discusses the limitations of traditional environmentalism and the resultant development of ecological ideologies such as deep ecology, social ecology, and bioregionalism. It argues that all of these ecological i…Read more