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    Moral reasoning development: norms for Defining Issue Test-2 (DIT2)
    with Nahide Gungordu, Ghasim Nabizadehchianeh, Wenchao Ma, and David I. Walker
    Ethics and Behavior 34 (4): 246-263. 2024.
    This article presents normative information for the Defining Issue Test Version 2 (DIT2) schema scores and most common summary scores based on secondary data from the last 10 years DIT2 database (N = 73740, Mage = 23.11, SD = 7.87, the age range in year = 12–95) maintained by the University of Alabama’s Center for the Study of Ethical Development from 2011 to 2020. More specifically, the study provides (1) norms by education; (2) norms by gender and education; and (3) norms by gender and age for…Read more
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    Medical Culture's Bias to Actively Intervene Can Undermine Patient Empowerment and Welfare
    with Bradley Partridge
    American Journal of Bioethics 17 (11): 47-48. 2017.
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    Csikszentmihalyi (1999: 314) argues that 'creativity is a process that can be observed only at the intersection where individuals, domains, and fields intersect'. This article discusses the relationship between creativity and interdisciplinarity in science. It is specifically concerned with interdisciplinary collaboration, interrogating the processes that contribute to the collaborative creation of original ideas and the practices that enable creative integration of diverse domains. It draws on …Read more
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    Early in Jonathan Demme's 1991 film The Silence of the Lambs, the novice FBI agent Clarice Starling brings a cocoon pulled from a corpse's throat to the Museum of Natural History for identification. There she finds two entomologists playing chess with live beetles in the dim light of their lab. Interrupting their game to slice open the cocoon, they identify it as that of Acherontia styx, the death's‐head moth, a species that lives only in Asia. The specimen would have been hand‐raised from impor…Read more
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