25Ontologies of Eco Kin: Indigenous World Sense/ingJournal of Social Ontology 10 (2). 2024.In our global neocolonial and neoliberal present, so-called solutions to settler-Indigenous conflict are often framed as a reconciliation achieved through a multicultural democratic society. However, this conception of resolution frequently adopts a superficial understanding of culture that ultimately understands cultural difference as reconcilable in the sense that other cultures can be folded into or made compatible with dominant cultural norms. On Turtle Island (North America), especially wit…Read more
6How Does the Monoculture Grow?In Nancy Arden McHugh & Andrea Doucet (eds.), Thinking ecologically, thinking responsibly: the legacies of Lorraine Code, Suny Press. pp. 243-262. 2021.
8Land(point) EpistemologiesIn Heidi Elizabeth Grasswick & Nancy Arden McHugh (eds.), Making the Case: Feminist and Critical Race Philosophers Engage Case Studies, Suny Press. pp. 211-239. 2021.
63TerrortoriesCritical Philosophy of Race 10 (1): 106-127. 2022.This article proceeds from the thesis proposed by Frantz Fanon that colonialism, specifically settler colonialism, is a world-destroying structure that the colonized witness as a “veritable apocalypse.” Settler colonialism is apocalyptic not only in the sense that it attempts to permanently destroy and make irretrievable various other Indigenous worlds and ways of being-in-the-world, but also in that it builds the settler colonial world in, on, and with Indigenous lands and bodies. I read Fanon …Read more
58Indigenous governance now: settler colonial injustice is not historically pastCritical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (3): 411-426. 2022.
48Conserving Dispossession? A Genealogical Account of the Colonial Roots of Western ConservationEthics, Policy and Environment 24 (3): 235-249. 2021.Western dominant global conservation is generally conceived of and understood as an unqualified ‘good’. The dark side of this so-called unqualified ‘good’ is told explicitly by listening to the tes...
71Why Epistemic Decolonization?Journal of World Philosophies 4 (2): 70-105. 2019.Why decolonize knowledge and philosophy? Pascah Mungwini proposes that epistemic decolonization should be implemented to remain true to the spirit of philosophy and to the idea of humanity. Aaron Creller, Michael Monahan, and Esme Murdock focus on different aspects of Mungwini’s proposal in their individual responses. Creller suggests some “best practices” so that comparative epistemology can take into account the parochial embeddedness of universal reason. While Monahan underscores that world p…Read more
44This Land Was Made for … : (Re)Appearing Black/Brown Female Corporeality, Life, and DeathHypatia 35 (1): 190-203. 2020.Lands and bodies are often conceptualized as exhaustible objects and property within settler-colonial and neoliberal ideologies. These conceptualizations lead to underdevelopment of understandings of lands and bodies that fall outside of these ascriptions, and also attempt to actively obscure the pervasive ways in which settler colonialism violently reinscribes itself on the North American landscape through the murder and disappearance of Black and Brown women's bodies. In this article, I will a…Read more
1068Whose Justice is it Anyway? Mitigating the Tensions Between Food Security and Food SovereigntyJournal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 33 (1): 1-14. 2020.This paper explores the tensions between two disparate approaches to addressing hunger worldwide: Food security and food sovereignty. Food security generally focuses on ensuring that people have economic and physical access to safe and nutritious food, while food sovereignty movements prioritize the right of people and communities to determine their agricultural policies and food cultures. As food sovereignty movements grew out of critiques of food security initiatives, they are often framed as …Read more
71Storied with land: ‘transitional justice’ on Indigenous landsJournal of Global Ethics 14 (2): 232-239. 2018.Transitional justice is positioned as an emergent discourse to grapple with the aim, and subsequent practices, of moving societies mired in violent political relations to more stable, democratic political relations. Increasingly, precepts of transitional justice are being applied to political reconciliatory processes in so- called liberal democratic states. This article examines limitations to transitional justice paradigms especially when applied to Indigenous-state reconciliatory processes by …Read more
68Unsettling Reconciliation: Decolonial Methods for Transforming Social-Ecological SystemsEnvironmental Values 27 (5): 513-533. 2018.'Political reconciliation' refers to processes for establishing right relations between groups that are emerging from a history coloured by violent relations. However, dominant Western, euro-descendent philosophies of political reconciliation rarely focus on ecological forms of harm or consider practices of ecological violence as constitutive of the violent relations that reconciliation hopes to repair. This article argues that the exclusion of ecological dimensions of harm from dominant Western…Read more
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