•  49
    Il design industriale è sempre più importante come mezzo per differenziare i prodotti e aumentarne il valore. Allo stesso tempo, la velocità con cui un prodotto viene offerto nel mercato dipende dalla capacità di integrare il design nel processo di produzione. Tuttavia, molte PMI - in particolare le nuove aziende basate sulla tecnologia - mancano di competenze specialistiche nella gestione del design e spesso non prestano sufficiente attenzione a questo aspetto. L'industria automobilistica e le …Read more
  •  57
    ¿De qué hablamos cuando decimos Diseño Sustentable? El diseño sustentable podría definirse como el diseño que tiene en cuenta los aspectos ambientales en todos los niveles de producción. Así mismo, persigue el objetivo de fabricar productos que aporten el menor impacto posible en el ecosistema a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida. Es muy difícil encontrar productos de consumo que cumplan puntualmente con los Preceptos del eco diseño y que sean exitosos en el mercado. Ante esta situación es necesa…Read more
  •  51
    El tema de este trabajo es el benchmarking en el sector público. Esta investigación, parte del interés por analizar la importancia que ha cobrado el benchmarking en el sector como herramienta de mejora e innovación de la gestión pública donde los Estados comprometen esfuerzos para conseguir calidad, eficiencia y eficacia en los servicios que presta. En esta lógica se inscribe el principal objetivo, que consiste en realizar aportes y propuestas, para la implementación de herramientas de benchmark…Read more
  •  53
    This paper attempts to open the debate on the idea of local and territorial development of microregional nodes in the Province of Buenos Aires. Under this approach, a model that proposes the creation of Municipal Development Forum, with the participation of local actors, generate local development program is proposed. The proposal is formulated for territories over 5,000 and below 30,000 inhabitants. This criterion is based on the applicability of the proposed model to municipalities with potent…Read more
  •  71
    This work aims to study strategies used in Argentine local development experiences, focussing on industrial design, marketing and entrepreneurship. In order to this purpose, backgrounds are analysed with this approach adding the study of three strategic plans for national and provincial-level that are currently in force. With the analysis of the transport system in the last decade, an accelerated cost increase is evident, resulting in a relatively higher price of distributed products. This situa…Read more
  •  71
    Evolución de la educación secundaria técnica. Diseño y emprendedorismo para la innovación
    with María Sol Sierra and María Victoria Vescio
    Tableros 2016 (7): 65-74. 2016.
    This paper analyzes the evolution of the Professional Technical Modality in Secondary Education in Argentina since its inception. How has it been traversed by the various productive models, from the foundation of the first technical school with Fordism to local development? What were the main policy milestones throughout this process? In particular, the study incorporates the design and principles of entrepreneurship in the current educational model and the basic tools for entrepreneurial develo…Read more
  •  64
    Conceptual contributions for public management: issues related to the administrative function of the State
    with Luciana Mercedes Girotto
    Cambios y Permanencias 2016 (7): 489-519. 2016.
    Often, there are conceptual differences between politicians, officials, academics and professionals on key concepts related to forms of administrative organization of the State and in relation to the categorization of the various subjects who directs their actions. Settle these differences contribute to the implementation of the modernization of the State. It is also necessary to distinguish conceptually between different degrees of protection can be …Read more
  •  74
    The theme of this book is benchmarking in the public sector and part of the interest to analyze the importance that benchmarking has gained in the sector -as a tool for improvement and innovation of public management- where States commit efforts to achieve quality, efficiency and effectiveness in the services it provides. The study is exploratory and descriptive, employing a qualitative methodology that combines a bibliographic analysis for the elaboration of the theoretical framework and the de…Read more
  •  74
    This book gathers experiences, reflections and new pedagogical proposals that are being incorporated to the teaching practices, in different levels of the technical education in our countries. The authors' interventions, which cover different perspectives and depth, allow us to understand and evaluate: the trajectories that technical education has had since its origins with the advances and setbacks it has experienced with political, economic and productive changes; the methodologies to incorpor…Read more
  •  54
    New Paradigms for Product Design: Design Thinking, Service Design and User Experience
    with Guido Amendolaggine and Ticiana Agustina Alvarado Wall
    Arte e Investigación 2018 (14). 2018.
    in the present work we analyze the new concepts and theories related to the activity of Design Management, which focus on the experiences of people and the particular characteristics of each one of them. Specifically, from an Industrial Design perspective, the scope and relationships between these conceptual definitions —now made visible— that always belonged to the field of design of the discipline will be studied, trying to identify how they influence innovation and…Read more
  •  73
    The subject of this book is benchmarking in the public sector and part of the interest is to analyze the importance that benchmarking has acquired in this sector - as a tool for improving and innovating public administration - when states strive for quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the services offered. The study is exploratory and descriptive and uses a qualitative methodology that combines a bibliographic analysis to develop the theoretical framework and the definition of the types and…Read more
  •  66
    Gandhian design for the development of Braille printers. The contribution of Industrial Design
    with Guido Amendolaggine, Florencia Tenorio, and Sofia Lara Marozzi
    Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico y Social (Idts) 1 (2): 16-27. 2019.
    The study, design and development of a low-cost digital braille printer is boarded with a transdisciplinary approach. The main challenge was focused on reducing significantly the high cost of this type of printers and their printing services. This context is aggravated with the low commercialization of these products in the country, a factor that makes the access of these tools -that are essential to much of the low and middle sectors of the Argentine social structure- even more di…Read more
  •  71
    Municipal Development Forums: model for the improvement of local productive systems
    with Luciana Mercedes Girotto
    Revista de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos 8 (2): 122-132. 2020.
    This article attempts to open the debate on a territorial development perspective that fixes the interest in organized territories that are characterized by the existence of a community with a local identity, politically and administratively regulated. We conceive these territories as subjects of development promotion interventions. For this we propose a model for the creation of Municipal Development Forums, which with the participation of local actors, can generate a tailor-made Local Developm…Read more
  •  61
    Proposal for Rural Tourism Development Forums for Local Economic Development
    with Luciana Mercedes Girotto
    Revista Cubana de Administración Pública y Empresarial 5 (1). 2021.
    This article seeks to establish the development of rural communities, with up to 500 inhabitants, with the creation of a Rural Tourism Development Forum and a Tourism Development Program with local identity. It is proposed to capitalize on cultural assets and local knowledge, to strengthen the profile and tourist circuits, local services and enterprises, agro-tourism and other related economic and social activities. The objective is to contribute to territorial tourism dev…Read more
  •  71
    Strategic and participatory design in integrated ventures. Fitness case La Plata, Argentina
    with Ticiana Agustina Alvarado Wall
    Designia 9 (1): 17-37. 2021.
    The objective of this article is to analyze the relationships between theories of strategic design and participatory design, in multiple commercial alliances between local entrepreneurs from different sectors and their integrated application in the urban context. Various authors have dealt with these strategic issues in isolation and less frequently have addressed them from the entrepreneurial experience. A review of the specific literature allows us to account for the main concepts involved in …Read more
  •  91
    Changes in product design and development processes: design thinking, service design and user experience
    with Ticiana Agustina Alvarado Wall and Guido Amendolaggine
    Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration 5 (3). 2021.
    This article addresses the new theories and concepts of design management: design thinking, user experience (UX) and service design. They consider people's experiences and focus on the characteristics of each one of them. From industrial design, the scope and relationships between these definitions - now better visible - were analyzed, which always belonged to the design field of the discipline, from which an attempt was made to identify how they influence innovation, design and development of n…Read more
  •  110
    Costs of Agronomic Practices: Profitability at Different Scales of Sugarcane Production in Brazil
    with Marco Túlio Ospina-Patino, Fernando Rodrigues Amorim, Alequexandre Galvez de Andrade, and Mohammad Jahangir Alam
    International Journal of Business Administration 13 (5): 32-43. 2022.
    The diversity in agronomic practices being used by sugarcane producers in Brazil determines differences in economic performance and cost structure. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the cost of six systems of agronomic practices using fixed or variable rates for soil amendment, fertilizer, and defensive applications and assess the profitability of these systems at three scales of sugarcane production. We then describe the data sample related to the 2019–2020 harvest season and collected f…Read more
  •  173
    Effect of Production Costs on the Price per Ton of Sugarcane: The Case of Brazil
    with Sandra Cristina De Oliveira, Fernando Rodrigues Amorim, Cássio Ceron Barbosa, and Alequexandre Galvez de Andrade
    International Journal of Social Science Studies 10 (6): 15-27. 2022.
    The costs of agricultural inputs added to those of labor represent almost a third of the total cost of Brazilian sugarcane production. This study analyzes the behavior of the price per ton of sugarcane in Brazil, relating it to the main production costs of this cultivation. Twelve price indicators from January 2015 to December 2020 were evaluated. First, the data were adjusted to a multiple linear regression model to identify the significant variables on variation in the price per ton of sugarca…Read more
  •  83
    Impacts of Cyber Security and Supply Chain Risk on Digital Operations: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry
    International Journal of Technology Innovation and Management (Ijtim) 2 (2): 18-32. 2022.
    Purpose: The research explored empirical evidence to assess the impact of cyber security and supply chain risk on digital operations in the UAE pharmaceutical industry. Methodology/Design/Approach: Based on responses from 243 personnel working at 14 pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in Dubai, data were examined for normality, instrument validity and regression analysis. Cyber security and SC risk on digital operations were explored by applying convenient sampling and descriptive and analyti…Read more
  •  134
    Big Data Analytics in Healthcare: Exploring the Role of Machine Learning in Predicting Patient Outcomes and Improving Healthcare Delivery
    with Fernando Rogelio Simonato
    International Journal of Computations Information and Manufacturing (Ijcim) 3 (1): 1-9. 2023.
    Healthcare professionals decide wisely about personalized medicine, treatment plans, and resource allocation by utilizing big data analytics and machine learning. To guarantee that algorithmic recommendations are impartial and fair, however, ethical issues relating to prejudice and data privacy must be taken into account. Big data analytics and machine learning have a great potential to disrupt healthcare, and as these technologies continue to evolve, new opportunities to reform healthcare and e…Read more
  •  103
    Stimulating E-Business Capabilities and Digital Marketing Strategies on Business Performance in E-Commerce Industry
    with Sandra Cristina De Oliveira and Fernando Rogelio Simonato
    International Journal of Computations Information and Manufacturing (Ijcim) 3 (2): 1-12. 2023.
    This study investigates how e-business capabilities and digital marketing strategies jointly influence business performance in the e-commerce industry, which has experienced unprecedented growth driven by technological advancements and changing consumer behavior. E-business capabilities encompass the use of technology and digital infrastructure, while digital marketing strategies are employed to attract and retain online customers. The study examines the effect of e-business capabilities through…Read more
  •  114
    Relação custo-lucro e produtividade nas práticas culturais da cana-de-açúcar
    with Fernando Rodrigues de Amorim and Timoteo Ramos Queiroz
    Journal of Management and Technology 24 (1): 215-237. 2024.
    Objective of the study: To analyze the costs and profits of sugarcane production regarding the cultural practices of sugarcane suppliers. Methodology/approach: This study positions itself in this gap by comparatively analyzing 6 types of cultural practices: unraveling, windrowing, application of correctives, herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers, with the option of two systems Fixed rate (TF) and Variable rate (TV). Originality/Relevance: Brazil is a world reference in sugarcane production, w…Read more
  •  1714
    Introducción a los materiales y tecnologías de producción (edited book)
    National University of La Plata. 2009.
    In this first edition of Introduction to materials and production technologies, the reader will find a practical guide to agile a conceptual approach to materials and processing technologies. The text is organized into seven main chapters: ceramics, composites, wood and derivatives, metal alloys, paints, plastics and glass. Through alphabetic tables, various commercial types are listed. Each chapter culminates with picture and analytical development of various technologies applicable in each cas…Read more