Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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    Hegel e a analítica da racialidade de Denise Ferreira da Silva
    Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 68 (1). 2023.
    Neste texto, proponho-me a acompanhar as linhas fundamentais da interpretação de Hegel no livro Homo modernus, de Denise Ferreira da Silva. A interpretação de Hegel oferecida pela autora é profunda e original, mas é completamente ignorada na literatura sobre Hegel a nível nacional e internacional. Tentarei mostrar o papel central que o pensamento de Hegel desempenha no contexto do projeto de Ferreira da Silva em Homo modernus e destacarei dois temas de refl exão que me parecem relevantes dentro …Read more
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    Il presente lavoro si propone di colmare una lacuna negli studi hegeliani analizzando in dettaglio il concetto e la teoria della sensazione di Hegel. Esso si prefigge, da un lato, di restituire il contesto sistematico entro cui Hegel discute tale concetto, fornendo un’interpretazione dei paragrafi dell’Enciclopedia ad esso dedicati; dall’altro, esso mira a fornire una ricostruzione razionale della teoria hegeliana della sensazione a partire dalla questione teorica dell’accesso epistemico del pen…Read more
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    Mcdowell and Hegel: Perceptual Experience, Thought and Action (edited book)
    with André J. Abath
    Springer Verlag. 2018.
    This book presents a comprehensive and detailed exploration of the relationship between the thought of G.W.F. Hegel and that of John McDowell, the latter of whom is widely considered to be one of the most influential living analytic philosophers. It serves as a point of entry in McDowell’s and Hegel’s philosophy, and a substantial contribution to ongoing debates on perceptual experience and perceptual justification, naturalism, human freedom and action. The chapters gathered in this volume, as w…Read more
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    RESUMO:É notório que, em sua discussão da questão da verdade, Hegel distingue dois termos técnicos, correção (Richtigkeit) e verdade (Wahrheit). É notório também que, entre os dois conceitos, Hegel considera o conceito de verdade como aquele filosoficamente mais relevante. Por este motivo, diferentemente do conceito de verdade, tem sido objeto dedebate se Hegel teria considerado o conceito de correção como possuindo alguma função teórica positiva no contexto do seu pensamento maduro. Neste artig…Read more
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    A visão revisada de McDowell acerca da experiência perceptual e a ameaça da “ansiedade pluralista”
    with Naiana dos Anjos and José Frota
    Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 24 (2). 2020.
    Em seu ensaio Avoiding the Myth of the Given, McDowell traz uma nova caraterização do conteúdo da experiência perceptual e do modo que tal conteúdo torna possível ao sujeito conhecer. Esta nova caraterização tem sido acusada de gerar uma “ansiedade pluralista”. Escopo deste artigo é reconstruir os problemas que, segundo Corti, surgem a partir da virada argumentativa do filósofo, assim como avaliar se McDowell tem à disposição recursos conceituais para esquivar-se às críticas. Para isso, contamos…Read more
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    Hegel, grandfather of disjunctivism
    Philosophical Forum 51 (3): 331-353. 2020.
    In this paper, I shall investigate whether Hegel can be considered as a sort of ancestor of McDowell’s disjunctivism. If this hypothesis turns out to be plausible, then the paper offers two gains. On the one hand, it offers an innovative interpretation of the way in which Hegel conceives of our sensible epistemic access to the world. On the other hand, McDowell's own claim that his own theoretical proposal has a Hegelian sound is supported by a previously unexplored argument. I organize my analy…Read more
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    Is Hegel’s Theory of Sensation Committed to Metaphysics?
    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 18 (1): 179-198. 2015.
    The main aim of this paper is to analyse Hegel’s theory of cognitive reference to the world and, in particular, Hegel’s theory of sensation, in order to verify whether it implies metaphysical commitments. I will pursue my goal by investigating the problem of sensation in Hegel’s philosophy starting from McDowell’s conception of the relation between mind and world and from his theory of perception. In my view, this strategy offers a threefold advantage that will enable us to do the following: i) …Read more
  • McDowell and Hegel: An Introduction
    with André Abath
    In André J. Abath & Federico Sanguinetti (eds.), Mcdowell and Hegel: Perceptual Experience, Thought and Action, Springer Verlag. 2018.
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    In this paper, I suggest that Hegel’s concept of sensation can be fruitfully read against the background of the recent distinction between state vs. content nonconceptualism. I) I provide a brief outline of the distinctions that characterize the debate between state and content nonconceptualism. II) I discuss Hegel’s concept of sensation, arguing that Hegel’s concept of sensation is compatible with a certain version of content conceptualism that is combined with a ‘weak’ state nonconceptualism f…Read more
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    ABSTRACT In this paper I will provide a reading of the relation between nature and spirit starting from an analysis of the movement of positing and presupposing, discussed by Hegel in the "Science of Logic" in his discussion of the transition between Being and Essence. 1) I will offer an analysis of the logical context within which this dialectical movement emerges. 2) I will show the role played by this dialectical movement in determining the relation between the spheres of nature and spirit in…Read more
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    This dissertation is dedicated to Hegel's epistemology and, in particular, to the concept of sensation (Empfindung) as it is systematically thematized in the Encyclopedia Anthropology – that is, the first part of the Philosophy of Subjective Spirit. The methodological approach is neither philological nor merely exegetical. Rather it is guided by a specific argumentative thread: the reconstruction of Hegel's theory of sensation will be drawn starting from McDowell's position of the problem of the…Read more
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    Die monadische Struktur der Seele
    Hegel-Jahrbuch 19 (1): 221-227. 2013.
  • The Concept of Erinnerung in Hegel's Anthroplogy
    In V. Ricci F. Sanguinetti (ed.), Hegel on Recollection. Essays on the Concept of Erinnerung, Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 59-76. 2013.
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    Hegels Begriff und Theorie der Empfindung
    Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 72 (2-3): 351-382. 2016.
    In this paper, I shall analyse Hegel’s account of sensation in the Anthropology section of the Encyclopedia. Even though sensation has received less attention than other aspects of Hegel’s epistemology, I claim that it is extremely relevant with regard to the mind-world relation. I will proceed as follows: 1. I will begin by defining the theoretical premises of my analysis. 2. Secondly, I will consider Hegel’s concept of sensation in light of the systematic context of the Encyclopedia. 3. Thirdl…Read more
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