•  5
    On Adversative Coordinative Conjunctions
    Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 32 (3). 2017.
    Adversative coordinative conjunctions necessarily involve a contrast between two elements related to the utterances they coordinate. Contrast is a heterogeneous concept. In this article, three types of contrast are identified: restrictive, corrective and additive. These types give rise to three different readings of the adversative coordinative conjunctions. In this work, a semantic function for each type of contrast is proposed, and the presuppositional character of restrictive contrast is defe…Read more
  • Husserl en los textos de Ortega
    Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 18 97-112. 1983.
  • Husserl en los textos de Ortega
    Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 18 (n/a): 97. 1983.
  • RODRÍGUEZ-HUÉSCAR, A.: "La innovación metafísica de Ortega" (review)
    Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 18 (n/a): 143. 1983.
  • Un solo sexo. Invención de la monosexualidad y expulsión del hermafroditismo
    Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 11 95. 1995.
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    The Pragmatic Realism of Hilary Putnam
    Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 95 (1): 223-242. 2008.
    This paper will concentrate mainly on the analysis of some features present in Putnam's internal realism and in his "natural realism" that he shares with the pragmatist thinkers Peirce and James. Following the middle way which Putnam tries to reach between "reactionary metaphysics" and "irresponsible relativism," the first part of the paper deals with what is the positive insight of traditional realism, i. e., the reality of external things as independent from our mind, as it is emphasized by Pu…Read more
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    Tradición y originalidad o la tradición interpelada por la tradición
    Escritos de Filosofía 20 (39-40): 27-45. 2001.
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    Nota crítica a Demóstenes 19.94
    Synthesis 20 21-31. 2013.
    La interpretación y el texto mismo de unas líneas del parágrafo 94 del discurso Sobre la embajada fraudulenta de Demóstenes han sido objeto de discusiones, en particular la expresión τὴν πρώτην ἔφερον τοῦ φενακισμοῦ. En nuestra opinión, el problema se podría resolver si interpretamos que a lo largo de todo el pasaje se desarrolla una metáfora deportiva, en concreto relacionada con las λαμπαδηδρομίαι o carreras de relevos con antorchas. The text and the interpretation of some lines in Demosthenes…Read more
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    Nacionalismo e indigenismo en el MAS: los desafíos de la articulación hegemónica
    Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 28 47-68. 2006.
  • El valor formativo de la educación en la Universidad Iberoamericana
    Revista de Filosofía (México) 77 220-227. 1993.
  •  29
    Husserl en los textos de Ortega / Husserl in the Texts of Ortega
    Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 18 (1): 97-112. 1983.
    El sacrificio humano es una imagen frecuente en las religiones antiguas, concretamente en la griega, y su estudio ha levantado numerosos enfrentamientos entre corrientes historiográficas distintas. Uno de los casos más sobresalientes es del culto a Zeus en el Monte Liceo, que aquí analizamos. Las fuentes literarias reflejan la creencia de los griegos en estos sacrificios humanos, así que podemos decir que los sacrificios fueron reales porque fueron usados para construir paisaje y, por lo tanto, …Read more
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    Significado y sentido de las palabras: Consideraciones con referencia en L. Wittgenstein
    Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 3 (6): 56-69. 2013.
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    Intentions in Communication (review)
    with César Gárate
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 7 (1-3): 1249-1250. 1992.
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    La razón como lenguaje
    Theoria 9 (2): 229-230. 1994.
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    A new approach to landscape ecology involves the application of the eco-field hypothesis and the General Theory of Resources. In this study, we describe the putative eco-field of bark beetles as a spatial configuration with a specific meaning-carrier for every organism-resource interaction. Bark beetles are insects with key roles in matter and energy cycles in coniferous forests, which cause significant changes to forestry landscapes when outbreaks occur. Bark beetles are guided towards host tre…Read more
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    Current discussions about education suggest that a transformative pedagogy that goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge and skills is needed. However, there is no agreement as to the inputs needed for a correct development of the educational model. In this sense, we can identify the presence of two different approaches to human and social capital which embody distinct educational worldviews. On the one hand, the ‘Marketable Human Capital’ or ‘Personal Culture’ approach, and on the other hand, t…Read more
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    Beyond Mo and PoMo: trans-education for living well in a sustainable world
    with Marina García-Carmona
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14): 1483-1484. 2018.
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    Applicability of Corporate Social Responsibility to Human Resources Management: Perspective from Spain
    with Julia M. Núñez-Tabales and Ricardo Veroz-Herradón
    Journal of Business Ethics 82 (1): 27-44. 2008.
    This article analyses the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in relation to Human Resources (HR) management. Five potential tools are defined and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Finally, the implementation of the most advanced and powerful tool in this area is studied: the SA8000 standard.
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    Perspectives on human and social capital theories and the role of education: An approach from Mediterranean thought
    with Fernando López Castellano and Marina García-Carmona
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14): 1421-1432. 2018.
    Current discussions about education suggest that a transformative pedagogy that goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge and skills is needed. However, there is no agreement as to the inputs needed for a correct development of the educational model. In this sense, we can identify the presence of two different approaches to human and social capital which embody distinct educational worldviews. On the one hand, the ‘Marketable Human Capital’ or ‘Personal Culture’ approach, and on the other hand, t…Read more
  •  43
    A teleonomic distributed cognition approach to architectural design
    with Ireland Tim
    Technoetic Arts 15 (1): 15-34. 2017.
    The purpose of this article is to explore a newly defined concept of distributed cognition in a spatial domain and to propose how this conceptualization may be applied to how architectural space is organized. A novel view of distributed cognition is presented, which is concerned with the purposive behaviour of an organism-in-its-environment. We term this concept teleonomic distributed cognition. Teleonomic distributed cognition is the ability of an organism (including humans) to interact with it…Read more
  • Antropologías hechas en Ecuador. El quehacer antropológico-Tomo IV (edited book)
    with Tania González, Catalina Campo Imbaquingo, and José E. Juncosa
    Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología; editorial Abya-Yala; Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) y la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO-Ecuador). 2022.
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    Cultural Context or Generational Cohort: Which Influences Tourist Behavior More?
    with Gema Pérez-Tapia, Pere Mercadé-Melé, and Hwang Yeong-Hyeon
    Frontiers in Psychology 13. 2022.
    According to most academics, different generations share common characteristics. This undoubtedly helps to better understand their behavior in different scenarios, predicting their responses. However, this seems questionable and that is the main purpose of this study. This research, although preliminary, try to confirm if millennials have common characteristics, or if, on the contrary, there are differences between them due to the culture in which they are immersed. To this end, it has been cont…Read more
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    Sobre las conjunciones coordinantes adversativas
    Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science 32 (3): 303. 2017.
    Las conjunciones coordinantes adversativas son estructuras coordinantes que conllevan necesariamente un contraste entre dos elementos relacionados con los enunciados que unen. El contraste es un concepto heterogéneo, ya que podemos identificar tres tipos de contraste : restrictivo, correctivo y aditivo. Propondremos una interpretación semántica para cada tipo de contraste, y defenderemos el carácter presuposicional del contraste restrictivo. Con ello, pondremos de relieve que el discurso en el q…Read more
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    Future Intentions of Fitness Center Customers: Effect of Emotions, Perceived Well-Being and Management Variables
    with Vicente Prado-Gascó, Mario Alguacil, Irena Valantine, and Ferran Calabuig-Moreno
    Frontiers in Psychology 11. 2020.
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    "Evangelii gaudium": una iglesia pobre y para los pobres
    Salmanticensis 61 (3): 471-495. 2014.
    La exhortación post-sinodal del Papa Francisco “La ale-gría del Evangelio” pretende ser la hoja de ruta para la Iglesia en esta nueva etapa de evangelización que se inicia. Dentro de sus propuestas, destaca la importancia que da a la dimensión social de la fe y más concretamente de la primacía de los pobres como elemento funda-mental de la evangelización. El artí-culo pretende escudriñar las claves personales que se vislumbran en el documento por las cuales el Papa empuja a esta preocupación, ad…Read more