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    This book presents a critical reconsideration of the Kantian cognitive and practical subject. Special attention is devoted to highlight the complex relation between subjectivity as it is presented in the three critiques and the way in which it is construed in other writings, in particular the Anthropology. While for Kant our cognitive apparatus and the structure of our will are common to all humans, the anthropological subject reveals degrees of variation, depending on a myriad of external circu…Read more
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    Novalis and the problem of the original action of the I
    Revista de Filosofía 44 (1): 25-41. 2019.
    Between 1795 and 1796 Novalis produces a vast group of fragments on Fichte’s philosophy, the posthumously entitled “Fichte-Studien”. Among the topics therein approached, one of the most important is that of the _original action of the I _, and _the possible or impossible union of the opposites which model human life and thought_, feeling and reflection. The aim of this article is to inquire Novalis’ view of this problem of paramount importance for a philosophy of the I; namely, to investigate th…Read more
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    Resumo: O presente ensaio visa debruçar-se sobre o conjunto de anotações coligidas por Immanuel Kant, tendo em vista a arguição da dissertação do seu colega J. G. Kreutzfeld. Mais concretamente, pretende-se analisar a visão kantiana do tópico da ilusão poética, e o vínculo que esta forja entre as inferiores e as superiores faculdades do ânimo, a sensibilidade e o entendimento. Almeja-se ainda demonstrar como, para Kant, o engano apenas suscita o fastídio do espírito e, portanto, nenhum conhecime…Read more
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    Amid a period of isolation and profound internal conflict, both in his life and in his thought, arises that which, according to Hölderlin, is “the general conflict in the human being”, namely the conflict between the “aspiration to limitation” and “the aspiration to the absolute”. The aim of this article is to analyze and, as much as possible, follow to its fullest extent, this fundamental thought: to see how it molds Hölderlin’s positions on existence and philosophy, how it meets the most poign…Read more
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    “A Superior Anthropological Perspective.” On Kant’s Anthropo-cosmological Conception of Ideal
    Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 9 (2): 279-298. 2022.
    The topic of the ideal, that is, the topic of the possible or impossible human attainment of the absolute is ascribed divergent treatments throughout Kant’s work. Namely, it is either promptly accepted as possible by the critical Kant, and seen as something attainable by a means other than an infinite approximation (which would indeed imply a violation of autonomy, but denies the genuineness of the ideal), or it is rejected as impossible by the non-critical Kant, that is, it is seen as something…Read more
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    The main point of our study is that the Kantian problem of a suitability between theory and practice, one of the key issues in Kant’s practical thinking in general, was erroneously perceived not only by those who defended it, and conceived of its possibility, but also by those who denied it and defended its impossibility. Our position, conversely, is that Kant, upon approaching a seemingly irresoluble problem, was forced to conceive of a via media, an “intermediate member of connection” between …Read more
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    Kant's Logic of the Pathological: Aesthetics and Politics
    Con-Textos Kantianos 15 260-262. 2022.
    Kant's Logic of the Pathological: Aesthetics and Politics.
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    Emergentes não raras vezes nas Lições de Antropologia de Kant, os termos “Einbildungskraft”, “Einbildungsfähigkeit” e “Imagination” são comummente tomados – e, prova maior disto mesmo, traduzidos – como um só. O presente artigo propõe-se pôr em causa e demonstrar a incorrecção desta abordagem. Bem pelo contrário, estamos em crer que, no âmbito da antropologia kantiana, em primeiro lugar, “faculdade de imaginação” e “capacidade de imaginação” não são uma e a mesma coisa, antes significam diferent…Read more
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    Among the many stages of Kant’s problem of a reciprocal collocation of the human knowledges, Encyclopedism, quite unsurprisingly, is one of the most relevant; and yet, quite surprisingly, it is Anthropology which plays here one of the lead parts, insofar as the complex ascertainment of its definition, its position, its task proves to be of irrefutable importance towards solving the greater problem at hand. The question arises as the association – or dissociation – between Empirical Psychology an…Read more
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    Diurno E noturno no pensamento de Gaston Bachelard
    Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 7 (13): 11-23. 2016.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo caracterizar as duas fases do pensamento bachelardiano intituladas diurna e noturna e o modo como determinadas noções que permeiam essas duas etapas do pensamento do autor configuram uma comunicação recíproca entre si, fazendo com que haja uma troca assídua de valores entre ambas as vertentes. Deste modo, tentar-se-á demonstrar o quanto o fluxo de uma fase a outra de seu pensamento denota um sentido de completude ao invés de desconexão, negação ou mesmo oposiçã…Read more
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    Kant on the Concept of Witz
    Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 57 (2): 163-182. 2020.
    The central aim of this essay is to portray Kant’s notion of Witz as it unfolds from his Lectures on Anthropology, in a decisive stage of his intellectual evolution. This aim is sub-divided into two parallel objectives: first, to sketch a brief history of the concept of Witz, thus showing how Witz came to evolve from having a rational connotation to having an imaginative connotation, and how it came to be a pregnant philosophical issue, as well as an aesthetic principle. Secondly, to show how Ka…Read more
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    “A Natureza é Devido ao Homem, O Homem é o Fim da Natureza”. Lições de Antropologia de Immanuel Kant
    Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (55-56): 55-88. 2020.
  • “Traduzir, uma Salutar Ginástica para a Linguagem.“ Homenagem por Ocasião do 25.º Aniversário da Revista Philosophica
    Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (50): 113-121. 2017.
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    ABSTRACT The question of human consciousness is a crucial part of Novalis’ aim of construing a self-critique of the I, or critique of human identity, as it is proposed in his “Fichte-Studien”. Namely, this question is an intermediary stage in said critique, serving as proof for Novalis’ theory of the opposites, the fundamental stage, and his position on philosophizing, the final stage of this endeavor, which will be at the basis of his whole philosophical system; and as such, it is a topic of gr…Read more
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    Correspondência Schelling-Hegel-Hölderlin
    Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (11): 423-456. 2020.
    O presente texto, de que se dá em seguida a tradução portuguesa, consiste numa selecção da correspondência entre F. W. J Schelling, J. C. F. Hölderlin e G. W. F. Hegel, três colegas e amigos do Stift de Tübingen, três vértices de uma das mais interessantes e importantes unidades teóricas do idealismo alemão e, por conseguinte, três elementos cujos anos de aprendizagem filosófica se revelam hoje essenciais para a boa compreensão da génese da sua época.
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    The present article seeks to inquire the nature of Novalis’ difficult relation with philosophy. By founding this relation in a primordial spiritual conflict, wherein philosophy is the cause and the solution for the latter, as well as in an inescapable mythical understanding, wherein philosophy is at the same time necessary, and yet necessarily expendable, we intend to prove Novalis’ own seemingly contradictory, yet infinitely productive concept of philosophizing: one where philosophizing is a du…Read more
  • Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar»
    with Immannuel Kant
    Con-Textos Kantianos 2 324-346. 2015.
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    Das gespräch zwischen hölderlin, Hegel und schelling über Kants antinomien
    Philosophica -- Revista Do Departamento de Filosofia da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa 39 55-68. 2012.
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    Partindo da inequívoca assumpção de que há um espírito comum entre Platão e o período do idealismo alemão, o presente ensaio propõe-se comprovar esta mesma tese analisando o conjunto de anotações intitulado “Über den Geist der Platonischen Philosophie”, coligido por Schelling ainda na fase pré-filosófica da sua evolução espiritual, em 1793. Da análise deste, e dos dois mitos aí contidos, esperase por sua vez que estes nos possam fornecer fortes indícios não só do quadro histórico-mitológico que …Read more
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    O conceito de génio nas lições de antropologia de Kant
    Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (135): 677-702. 2016.
    RESUMO Seguindo a elevação de outros dons naturais do espírito humano a categorias ou princípios estéticos, o que ocorreria gradualmente durante o século XVIII, o génio e as suas várias problemáticas tornam-se uma das mais prementes questões na agenda filosófica da época. Entre outros, a questão assume particular relevância na filosofia de Immanuel Kant, e isso não apenas na sua obra publicada, mas também na sua actividade como Professor. O presente texto propõe-se abordar a questão do génio nas…Read more
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    «Zum Erfinden wird Witz erfordert». On the Evolution of the Concept of Witz in Kant’s Anthropology Lectures
    In Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques, Robert Louden, Claudio La Rocca & Bernd Dörflinger (eds.), Kant's Lectures / Kants Vorlesungen, De Gruyter. pp. 121-132. 2015.