•  21
    Numbers and Numeracy in the Greek Polis (edited book)
    Brill. 2021.
    This is a wide-ranging study of numbers as a social and cultural phenomenon in ancient Greece, revealing both the instrumentality of numbers to polis life and the complex cultural meanings inherent in their use.
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    The conceptualisation of numbers is culturally bound. This may seem like a counterintuitive claim, but one illustration thereof is the limitations of the resemblance of the ancient Greek concept of number to that in modern mathematics.
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    Many important artists have adapted the Passions of Christ to the cultural coordinates of their time. For contemporary classical music, with few exceptions, the genre of passions remains unusual.
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    One of the questions regarding the Parmenides is whether Plato was committed to any of the arguments developed in the second part of the dialogue. This paper argues for considering at least one of the arguments from the second part of the Parmenides, namely the argument of the generation of numbers, as being platonically genuine. I argue that the argument at 142b-144b, which discusses the generation of numbers, is not deployed for the sake of dialectical argumentation alone, but it rather demons…Read more
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    In the Republic, IV, Plato divides the soul into three parts, which can be translated as three probable origins of agency. The soul is the agent of both rational agency and non-rational agency. How is it possible for the soul to have contradictory aims, and act? In order to survey a possible answer, the paper gives an outline of the relation between soul and agency, agency and its threefold origin, and the resemblance of Plato’s theory of soul to the psychoanalytical model.
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    The accent on scientific and empirical character of alchemy, especially from the field of the history of science, promotes the idea that one can understand the cryptic and metaphorical language of alchemy mainly through the laboratory chemical practice. As a result, the tendency is to interpret the spiritual and esoteric language of alchemy, as metaphors for laboratory work and the most representative research on historiography of alchemy that point the spiritual character as being contaminated …Read more
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    ’Clarifications’ of Obscurity: Proclus’ Allegorical Reading of Plato’s Parmenides
    In Lucie Doležalová, Jeff Rider & Alessandro Zironi (eds.), Medium Aevum Quotidianum, Institut Für Realienkunde Des Mittelalters Und Der Frühen Neuzeit. pp. 15-31. 2013.
    Exegetical work on philosophical systems requires not only that one give an account of the structure of a system’s assumptions and arguments, but also of its forms, such as the form of expression (or genre: dialogue, poem, aphorisms, and so on), or its form of argumentation (clear cut dis- cursive exposition, logical formalization, metaphorical, allegorical discourse, and so forth). These formal considerations may seem to be secondary, merely ornamental iss…Read more