I am Professor of Philosophical Anthropology, Theodicy and Philosophy of Religion at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain). Furthermore, I am Associate Professor in the Department of History of Law and Legal Philosophy, Moral and Political of the State University of Salamanca.
I hold a degree in Theology (1994). In 2005 I defended my doctoral dissertation entitled: “The path from Levinas in Phenomenology. An intellectual itinerary starting from Husserl”. I received my Ph.D. in philosophy with Extraordinary prize of Doctorate (special award).
From 2013 to 2016 was Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and befo…
I am Professor of Philosophical Anthropology, Theodicy and Philosophy of Religion at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain). Furthermore, I am Associate Professor in the Department of History of Law and Legal Philosophy, Moral and Political of the State University of Salamanca.
I hold a degree in Theology (1994). In 2005 I defended my doctoral dissertation entitled: “The path from Levinas in Phenomenology. An intellectual itinerary starting from Husserl”. I received my Ph.D. in philosophy with Extraordinary prize of Doctorate (special award).
From 2013 to 2016 was Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and before had been his Vice Dean since 2010. In 2013 I was appointed Expert Assessor of the Holy See (Vatican-Rome) of the Agenzia della Santa Sede per la Valutazione e la Promozione della Qualità della Università e Facoltà Ecclesiastiche (Avepro). From 2012 to 2017 I was Director of the Chair “Fernando Rielo” and in 2015 Director also of the Official Master’s Degree in Research in Human and Social Sciences of the Pontifical University of Salamanca.
I am currently a member of the Research Group “Humanism, Reform and Science: the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment” and as well member of the editorial board of several scientific journals. I have also done research stays in Germany (Institut für Religionsphilosophie, Hochschule für Philosophie, München), France (Sorbonne University and Catholic Institute of Paris) and Rome.
My area of research focuses on the intersections of Philosophy with Theology, as well as key figures and movements within the history of Metaphysics, Philosophical Theology, Philosophy of Religion, and philosophical Anthopology. So far, I have been involved in research exploring a number of issues including the following: Phenomenology, Jewish Philosophy and Humanist Thought. Specializations: Thomas of Aquino, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas, Zubiri, Balthasar, Rahner, Habermas.
I have published the book, From Husserl to Levinas. A Path in Phenomenology (2005) and I have also translated Jean Héring’s book, Phenomenology and Religious Philosophy. Study on the theory of religious consciousness (2019). I have been the editor of the Special Issue of “Aporía: International Journal for Philosophical Investigations” (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) on Phenomenology and Theology (2019) and of the works: The Hours of Philosophy (2013), God, the Truth and Faith (2014), Anthropology, Mystics and Art (2015) and Virtues, Values and Social Commitment (2017). I am also the author of numerous Articles and Book Chapters. I have directed also a great number of doctoral theses, final degree works and master’s degree dissertations.
My current long-term research project focuses on the preparation of a manual on the Philosophy of Religion (B.A.C.) and the elaboration of a book on the relationship of Philosophy-Theology in Karl Rahner.