• Problema minte-creier in neurostiinta cognitiei (edited book)
    Bucharest University Press. 2013.
  •  172
    Physics rewritten
    Dissertation, University of Bucharest. 2022.
    Physics Overwritten in a new perspective: “Epistemologically Different Worlds” (Einsteins’ relativities without “spacetime”, quantum me-chanics, pre-Big Bang, Big Bangs and “inflation”, dark mat-ter and dark energy, the superstring theory, and Bohr’s com-plementarity)
  •  158
  •  1116
    Many ideas from Georg Nortoff’s works (published one paper in 2010, mainly his book in 2011, other papers in 2012, 2103, 2014, especially those related to Kant’s philosophy and the notion of the “observer”, the mind-brain problem, default mode network, the self, the mental states and their “correspondence” to the brain) are surprisingly very similar to my ideas published in my article from 2002, 2005 and my book from 2008. In two papers from 2002 (also my paper from 2005 and my book 2008), foll…Read more
  •  192
    The main ideas of the EDWs perspective are in Gabriel Vacariu’s PhD thesis posted online by UNSW (Australia) in 2007!!! I have realized the GREATEST discovery in the history of human knowledge: the EDWs! With discovering the EDWs, I have changed everything in Philosophy, Physics and Cognitive Neuroscience! This has been the main reason, so many people have published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas, many years I published my first works! UNBELIEVABLE, many (hundreds) “great” or small think…Read more
  •  556
    Dark matter and dark energy. Two notions that have troubled cosmologists for a long time. Why? Because they don’t have a “satisfactory” definition, and nobody can identify the “matter” or “forces” that govern them. Currently, we can only deduce the existence of these two notions from the strange movement of the galaxies and the manner they move away from one another, with increasing speed. However, these are not the only mysteries that cosmology cannot yet explain. What happened before the Big …Read more
  •  28
    This paper is about Kuhn’s “paradigms”/“revolutions” and my EDWs perspective. Investigating some details of Kuhn’s paradigms/revolutions, I indicate that my EDWs perspective is the greatest change in the history of human thinking (sciences and philosophy) and this is the reason I call it “hyper-paradigm”. My main argument is that thousands of “professors” from different domains/countries have published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas after I published my article at Synthese (2005, USA), o…Read more
  •  146
    On January 2023, I received an email from somebody regarding Velmans’s article 2008. After I took a look at the paper, I started to read his book 2000. Therefore, in this section, I will investigate Velmans’ works from 2000 and 2008. I emphasize that the main difference between Spinoza’s (Velmans) dual aspect theory and my EDWs approach is the framework of thinking: Spinoza, Velmans and everybody until me had been working within the unicorn world (the Universe/world), while my EDWs assumes the r…Read more
  •  161
    The main ideas of the EDWs perspective are in Gabriel Vacariu’s PhD thesis posted online by UNSW (Australia) in 2007!!! I have realized the GREATEST discovery in the history of human knowledge: the EDWs! With discovering the EDWs, I have changed everything in Philosophy, Physics and Cognitive Neuroscience! This has been the main reason, so many people have published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas, many years I published my first works! UNBELIEVABLE, many (hundreds) “great” or small think…Read more
  •  167
    The main ideas of the EDWs perspective are in Gabriel Vacariu’s PhD thesis posted online by UNSW (Australia) in 2007!!! I have realized the GREATEST discovery in the history of human knowledge: the EDWs! With discovering the EDWs, I have changed everything in Philosophy, Physics and Cognitive Neuroscience! This has been the main reason, so many people have published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas, many years I published my first works! UNBELIEVABLE, many (hundreds) “great” or small think…Read more
  •  268
    In this book, I deal with the first EW, the Hypernothing or the EW0. I emphasize that I do not have any idea about that EW0 since I have no knowledge about the EW1. Even having certain knowledge about an EW, it is quite difficult to draw something about the previous EDW because of the main rule of this perspective: one EW does not exist for any EDW. I emphasize here that I will introduce certain rational speculations about the EW0. Within the EDWs perspective, the answer to the question “Why the…Read more
  •  187
    Gabriel Vacariu (2023) Curs optional "Filosofie si Film" (Filosofie, UB)
    Dissertation, Philosophy, Bucharest University. 2022.
    Cursul va contine patru parti pe urmatoarele filme si lucrarile: I. Andrei Tarkovski: “Solaris”, “Calauza”, “Nostalghia”, “Sacrificiul” - Friedrich Nietzsche si “eterna reintoarcere” - Mircea Eliade si “eterna reintoarcere” II. Wong Kar-wai: “In the mood for love”, “2046” III. Cristi Puiu: “Sieranevada” IV. Constantin Brancusi: Ansamblul de la Targu Jiu + sculpturile principale (Pasarea in zbor, Mlle Pogany, etc.)
  •  1327
    Acest roman este o continuare a povestilor din "Viata lui G." (dar romanul se poate citit fara sa se fi citit primul roman "Viata lui G."). Sunt alte "povesti" din viata domnului G.
  •  120
    In this short article, in the first part, I introduce several principles of the Epistemologically Different Worlds (EDWs) perspective referring to the material things. Then, I will indicate that the origin of everything is, as many physicists presuppose, “nothing”. However, I mention that the “nothing” from the EDWs perspective is something quite different from the common notion of “nothing”. In the next parts, I will shortly present the notions of “energy”, the Big Bangs and matter, dark matter…Read more
  •  122
    At the beginning of the second Memorandum I mentioned that on 21.03.2022, I posted the first Memoriu I And I received from the Director of Department of Theoretical Philosophy (UB) on 05.04.2022. Here is the second Memorandum. (Both Memorandum can be access at philpapers, researchgate, academy...)
  •  219
    Chiar de la inceputul acestui memoriu, mentionez ca am depus primul memoriu[ Primul memoriu se poate accesa pe researchgate sau philpapers. Am primit raspuns pe data de 05.04.2022. [ Dupa ce am citit raspunsul la Memoriu I, am avut impresia ca a fost un raport scris de un sef de la un CAP comunist (comuna Scornicesti, judetul Olt) impotriva unui profesor care indraznise sa creeze ceva care nu era trecut in planul socialist de promovare a comunei. Sa ne aducem aminte de evenimentul din anii 1950…Read more
  •  134
    Me, Gabriel Vacariu, professor at Department of Theoretical Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest University, Romania, I declare that I have had the worst promotion during my entire career at this department even if I have had the best CV during my career (since 1998). With this memorandum, I want to find the criteria for the promotion at my department and faculty (from Bucharest University). From what I know, my promotion depends on the will of the chief of the department and of my colle…Read more
  •  171
    Me, Gabriel Vacariu, professor at Department of Theoretical Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest University, Romania, I declare that I have had the worst promotion during my entire career at this department even if I have had the best CV during my career (since 1998). With this memorandum, I want to find the criteria for the promotion at my department and faculty (from Bucharest University). From what I know, my promotion depends on the will of the chief of the department and of my colle…Read more
  •  218
    Mentionez ca, in raport cu colegii mei, la acest departament si facultate, eu am avut am avut cea mai slaba promovarea de-a lungul carierei mele, desi CVul meu a fost, inca de la inceput, cel mai bun raportat la cei din generatia mea sau apropiati de generatia mea. La ora actuala, raportat la criteriile INTERNATIONALE, CVul meu este cel mai bun de la aceasta facultate.
  •  386
    (October 2021 to 2014) The UNBELIEVABLE similarities between the ideas of some people (2011-2016) and my ideas (2002-2008) in physics (quantum mechanics, cosmology), cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind, and philosophy (this manuscript would require a REVOLUTION in international academy environment!)
  •  287
    Gabriel Vacariu (2020) Unbelievable similarities - selected authors (Sean Carroll, Frank Wilczek, Carlo Rovelli, Kastner, Kauffman et all, Lee Somlin, Markus Gabriel) from much bigger manuscript (Gabriel Vacariu, (June 2020 to 2014) The UNBELIEVABLE SIMILARITIES between the ideas of some people (2011-2016) and my ideas (2002-2008) in physics (quantum mechanics, cosmology), cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind, and philosophy (this manuscript would require a REVOLUTION in international aca…Read more
  •  513
    Many years later, many people (many countries, many domains, many of my ideas – some of them are “great” names from great USA and Germany universities!!) have published UNBELIVABLE similar ideas to my ideas Because so many “famous” people (Physics, Philosophy, Cognitive Science) have plagiarized my ideas, I should receive Noble prize for Physics and Medicine (Cognitive Neuroscience), but I will not receive it just because I am Romanian (this is the reason so many people from so many countries…Read more
  •  801
    COTENT (April 2019) Why so many people (from so many countries/domains/on so many topics) have already plagiarized my ideas? (Gabriel Vacariu) Some preliminary comments Introduction: The EDWs perspective in my article from 2005 and my book from 2008 I. PHYSICS, COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY (‘REBORN DINOSAURS’) • (2016) Sean Carroll (California Institute of Technology, USA) • (2016) Frank Wilczek (Nobel Prize in Physics) • (2017-2019 - NEW March 2019) Carlo Rovelli in three books (201…Read more
  •  539
    COTENT (April 2019) Why so many people (from so many countries/domains/on so many topics) have already plagiarized my ideas? (Gabriel Vacariu) Some preliminary comments Introduction: The EDWs perspective in my article from 2005 and my book from 2008 I. PHYSICS, COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY (‘REBORN DINOSAURS’) • (2016) Sean Carroll (California Institute of Technology, USA) • (2016) Frank Wilczek (Nobel Prize in Physics) • (2017-2019 - NEW March 2019) Carlo Rovelli in three books (201…Read more
  •  632
    (April 2019) UNBELIEVABLE similarities between some articles from a book edited by Bliss and Priest (2018) and my ideas (2002-208) (2018) Reality and its Structure - Essays in Fundamentality, Ricki Bliss and Graham Priest (eds.), Oxford Univ Press The content of this paper is about the following articles from the above book: Gabriel Oak Rabin (2018) Grounding Orthodoxy and the Layered Conception Daniel Nolan (2018) Cosmic Loops Naomi Thompson (2018) Metaphysical Interdependence, Epistemic Cohere…Read more
  •  541
    Since 2015, incredible many have published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas published between 2002-2008!!! There were others who published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas even earlier (since 2008, in general), but the number has an incredible jump after 2014. Why? In 2014, I have sent emails to thousands of people (many countries, many domains (Physics, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science)) regarding the UNBELIEVABLE similarities between my ideas (2002-2008) and Markus Gabriel’s ideas…Read more
  •  221
    In this paper I investigate the UNBELIEVABLE similarities between Boge’s ideas (2019) and my ideas on quantum mechanics… The author wrote his paper in an UNBELIEVABLE similar framework to my EDWs perspective! Many of his ideas are UNBELIEVABLE similar to my ideas from 2002-2007!!!