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    When reflecting on the conditions of a happy human life, Plato and Aristotle agree that we can only understand what happiness is if we tackle the relation between the ergon or proper function of man and the virtue that makes the performance of that function to be good. That´s why both philosophers arrive at the conclusion that eudaimonia is an activity of reason, and even more, an excellent and perfect activity of reason, which shows how Plato and Aristotle are heirs to Socratic Ethics and Epist…Read more
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    In the Republic, Plato explains the nature of Justice as one of the main virtues, along Temperance, Courage and Wisdom. According to Terence Irwin, Platonic Justice embodies the essence of all virtues, but we aim to show instead, in the light of Aryeh Kosman thesis, that Platonic Justice is just one virtue of the bunch, nevertheless the most important of the four cardinal virtues, as it stands as the virtue of proper difference in multifunctional individuals. Also, we take the opportunity to tac…Read more
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    We find the Platonic replenishment theory for the first time in the Gorgias, but it definitely can be find at its clearest in the Republic and the Philebus,where it plays a key role in the Platonic psychology of pleasure. According to thereplenishment theory, pleasure is defined as a movement or process or fulfillmentthat satisfies a previous lack, amounting to the recovery of our natural humanbalance state. Also, replenishment theory underpins ethical issues on the necessity ofpleasure in a goo…Read more
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    Todos os nomes, de José Saramago
    Perspectivas 5 (2): 54-68. 2021.
    A obra de José Saramago tornou-se conhecida pela peculiaridade das narrativas queabordam temas significativos relacionados aos problemas dos homens com o seu tempo, comoo medo da morte, a história e o seu peso na memória da sociedade, os sentimentos mais diversose também os problemas que constituem a contemporaneidade. No ciclo de romances alegóricos,José Saramago escreve romances em que elabora uma crítica à sociedade voltada ao egoísmo,à solidão, ao consumismo desenfreado e às desigualdades. T…Read more
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    Resumen Existe la posibilidad de hallar una conexión entre las perspectivas de C. H. Whiteley y Platón en lo que se refiere a la acción humana, cuando prestamos atención a la noción de conciencia que se tanto uno como otro manejan; el primero, en su obra Mind in Action. An essay in Philosofical Psychology, y, el segundo, en su diálogo tardío Filebo. A pesar de las diferencias que naturalmente podemos encontrar entre dos autores tan lejanos uno del otro, cronológicamente hablando, no obstante, pa…Read more