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    Culture della persona: itinerari di ricerca tra semiotica, filosofia e scienze umane (edited book)
    with Jenny Ponzo
    Accademia University Press. 2021.
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    This paper aims to expose the relevance of an impersonal element in the philosophical works of Georges Canguilhem before The Normal and the Pathological. In The Normal and Pathological and in other major writings, the impersonal element is given by the “normativity” of living beings. In the works from the 1920s and 1930s we can find the origins of this “impersonal element” and the political meaning Canguilhem has given to it.
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    Editorial Introduction
    with Jenny Ponzo
    International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4): 1253-1256. 2022.
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    Reasoning in Life: Values and Normativity in Georges Canguilhem
    International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (4): 1019-1031. 2020.
    This paper aims at giving an account of the philosophy of norms of Georges Canguilhem in the framework of his philosophical vitalism. According to Canguilhem, vitalism is not a metaphysical or ontological theory, but rather a general attitude or a perspective about life and living beings, both understood employing the axiological concept of ‘normativity’. This notion allows Canguilhem to enlarge the concept of life beyond the field of biological phenomena, encompassing also phenomena of the soci…Read more