•  18
    Material hermeneutic of digital technologies in the age of AI
    AI and Society 38 (6): 2159-2166. 2023.
    Digital technologies are frequently considered as lacking material aspects. Today, it is evident that behind digital technologies lies a huge and complex material infrastructure in the form of fiber optic cables, servers, satellites, and screens. Postphenomenology has theorized the relations to material things as embodiment relations. Taking into account that technologies can also have hermeneutic aspects, this theory defines hermeneutic relations as those in which we read the world through tech…Read more
  •  31
    This article suggests several design principles intended to assist in the development of ethical algorithms exemplified by the task of fighting fake news. Although numerous algorithmic solutions have been proposed, fake news still remains a wicked socio-technical problem that begs not only engineering but also ethical considerations. We suggest employing insights from ethics of care while maintaining its speculative stance to ask how algorithms and design processes would be different if they gen…Read more
  •  15
    Writing is frequently analyzed as a mode of communication. But writing can be done for personal reasons, to remind oneself of things to do, of thoughts, of events. The cellphone has revealed this shift, commencing as a communication device and ending up as a memory prosthesis that records what we see, hear, read and think. The recordings are not necessarily for communicating a message to others, but sometimes just for oneself. Today, when machine learning algorithms read, write and transmit, a n…Read more
  •  64
    Becoming-Mobile: the Philosophy of Technology of Deleuze and Guattari
    Philosophy and Technology 35 (2): 1-25. 2022.
    Deleuze and Guattari’s Thousand Plateaus includes some useful concepts to understand technologies and their relations to humans as individuals and as a society. This article provides an introduction to their notions of machine and becoming and places them in the context of technological use in general, with a special focus on the cellphone. The concept of machine exceeds the technological context, yet it can be still relevant to technologies, especially digital ones. The concept of becoming assi…Read more
  •  19
    Where Is the Learning in Machine Learning? (review)
    Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 25 (3): 523-540. 2021.
  •  22
    Chapter 10 Attention and Technology: From Focusing to Multiple Attentions
    In Maren Wehrle, Diego D'Angelo & Elizaveta Solomonova (eds.), Access and Mediation: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Attention, De Gruyter. pp. 239-258. 2022.
  •  152
    Digital Imagination, Fantasy, AI Art
    Foundations of Science 27 (4): 1445-1451. 2022.
    In this reply to my reviewers, I touch upon Husserl’s notion of fantasy. Whereas Kant positions fantasy outside the scope of his own work, Husserl brings it back. The importance of this notion lies in freeing imagination from the tight link to images, as for Husserl imagination is an activity that functions as a “quasi perception.” Ihde and Stiegler enrich Husserl’s analysis of imagination with various aspects of technology: Ihde shows how changes in the technologies that mediate our imagination…Read more
  •  31
    The Zoom-bie Student and the Lecturer
    Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 25 (1): 153-161. 2021.
    As part of the Special Section: Technology & Pandemic, this article exam­ines the experience of teaching and learning via Zoom. I examine how technologies mediate the learning process with the postphenomenological notions of embodiment and hermeneutic relations. This section serves as a basis for understanding the trans­formation of that process into online learning. The next section is named “the Zoom-bie”—a combination of the words Zoom and zombie. The figure of the Zoom-bie provides me a way …Read more
  •  80
    Digital Imagination: Ihde’s and Stiegler’s Concepts of Imagination
    Foundations of Science 27 (1): 189-204. 2021.
    As AI algorithms advance and produce surprising outputs, the question of imagination arises. Can we classify their output as imaginative? And what is their effect on human imagination? Apparently, algorithms follow Kant’s explanations on human imagination, thereby pushing us to update our understanding of imagination by taking into account the co-shaping between humans and their technologies. Such a new understating is offered in this article based on the theories of Don Ihde and Bernard Stiegle…Read more
  •  17
    When AI Is Gender-biased
    Humana Mente 13 (37). 2020.
    AI algorithms might be gender biased as evidenced from translation programs, credit calculators and autocomplete features, to name a few. This article maps gender biases in technologies according to the postphenomenological formula of I-technology-world. This is the basis for mapping the gender biases in AI algorithms, and for proposing up-dates to the postphenomenological formula. The updates include refereces to I-algo-rithm-dataset, and the reversal of the intetionality arrow to reflect the l…Read more
  •  45
    The Onlife Manifesto rightfully points to the emergence of new forms of subjectivity in the digital age and how ICT calls for the re-distribution of tasks and responsibilities between humans and their technologies. However, Attention is still conceived in the Manifesto in modernist terms, as a problem of distraction. Within the terminology of Attention economy, the Manifesto is critical about the abuse of traditional forms of Attention, but does not make the next step to develop an alternative. …Read more
  •  49
    Digital technologies are frequently considered as lacking material aspects. Today, it is evident that behind digital technologies lies a huge and complex material infrastructure in the form of fiber optic cables, servers, satellites, and screens. Postphenomenology has theorized the relations to material things as embodiment relations. Taking into account that technologies can also have hermeneutic aspects, this theory defines hermeneutic relations as those in which we read the world through tech…Read more
  •  26
    Image, Science and Technology: a Post-phenomenological Approach. Entrevista com Don Ihde
    Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 17 107-110. 2018.
  •  219
    Feminist AI: Can We Expect Our AI Systems to Become Feminist?
    with Tiran Rothman
    Philosophy and Technology 33 (2): 191-205. 2020.
    The rise of AI-based systems has been accompanied by the belief that these systems are impartial and do not suffer from the biases that humans and older technologies express. It becomes evident, however, that gender and racial biases exist in some AI algorithms. The question is where the bias is rooted—in the training dataset or in the algorithm? Is it a linguistic issue or a broader sociological current? Works in feminist philosophy of technology and behavioral economics reveal the gender bias …Read more
  • Postphenomenology and Media: Essays on Human-Media-World Relations (edited book)
    with Yoni Van den Eede and Irwin Stacy O'Neal
    Lexington Books. 2017.
  •  86
    Postphenomenology and Media: Essays on Human–Media–World Relations (edited book)
    with Yoni Van Den Eede and Stacey O'Neal Irwin
    Lexington Books. 2017.
    Postphenomenology and Media: Essays on Human–Media–World Relations explores our contemporary media landscape from the unique perspective of postphenomenology. This volume for the first time puts the central concepts of postphenomenology to work for the specific analysis of new, digital media—thus delivering a wholly innovative take on their study.
  •  48
    Do Animals Have Technologies?
    Studia Phaenomenologica 17 265-282. 2017.
    The question of whether animals have technologies is studied in this article in three genealogical steps according to the development of human technologies: tools, machines and digital technologies. In the age of tools, animals were regarded as lacking technologies. In the age of machines, observations in animals show tool usage. However, Marx attributes both machines and tools only to humans in order to avoid a break between premodern humanity that had only tools, to modern humanity that invent…Read more
  •  46
    Ethics in Times of Posthumanism
    Foundations of Science 22 (2): 329-332. 2017.
    This commentary is an attempt to rethink the ethics of taking care in posthumanist times. It is an effort to combine ethics, posthumanism and psychological theories. I examine how the psychological notion of long-term well-being can serve as an ethical yardstick and how it can be relevant to non-humans.
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    Wall-Window-Screen: How the Cell Phone Mediates a Worldview for Us
    Humanities and Technology Review 30 87-103. 2011.
    The article proposes to model the phenomenon of the cell phone as a wall-window. This model aims at explicating some of the perceptions and experiences associated with cellular technology. The wall-window model means that the cell phone simultaneously separates the user from the physical surroundings (the wall), and connects the user to a remote space (the window). The remote space may be where the interlocutor resides or where information is stored (e.g. the Internet). Most cell phone usage pat…Read more
  •  50
    Today's navigation is different, with no paper map or compass. Instead we use a cellphone that has a built-in GPS. Such cellphone is also equipped with an embedded camera that can read signs in various languages and barcodes that most humans cannot decipher. Combined, the GPS and the camera participate in the production and exercise of augmented reality, where reality is presented with layers of information which are accessible only through technological mediation. Currently such mediation is en…Read more
  •  72
    Multi-Attention and the Horcrux Logic: Justifications for Talking on the Cell Phone While Driving
    Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 18 (1/2): 48-73. 2014.
    Attention has been addressed either as a distinction of a figure from background or as a searchlight scanning of a surface. In both ways, attention is limited to a single object. The aim of this article is to suggest a platform for an interpretation of multi-attention, that is, attention based on multiplicity of objects and spaces. The article describes how attention can be given to more than one object, based on the experiences of pilots, parents and car drivers.
  •  56
    This book is the first postphenomenological analysis of the important roles the cellphone plays in contemporary everydayness. It is an example of a new methodology to study everyday technologies that combines historical research with a philosophical investigation.
  •  54
    with Lars Botin and Kathrin Otrel-Cass
    Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 19 (2): 117-124. 2015.
    guest editors' introduction to a special issue on techno-anthropology
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    Multi-Attention and the Horcrux Logic
    Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 18 (1-2): 48-73. 2014.
    Guest editor 's introduction to a special issue on the question of whether it is dangerous to drive while talking on the mobile phone and the philosophical questions that emerge from this debate.
  •  67
    Why does a cell phone have a screen? From televisions and cell phones to refrigerators, many contemporary technologies come with a screen. The article aims at answering this question by employing Emmanuel Levinas’ notions of the Other and the face. This article also engages with Don Ihde’s conceptualization of alterity relations, in which the technological acts as quasi-other with which we maintain relations. If technology is a quasi-other, then, I claim, the screen is the quasi-face. By explori…Read more