•  31
    Disease and value: A rejection of the value-neutrality thesis
    Theoretical Medicine: An International Journal for the Philosophy and Methodology of Medical Research and Practice 4 27-41. 1982.
  • L. W. Beck's Proposal of Meta-Critique and the "Critique of Judgment"
    Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 74 (3): 261. 1983.
  •  16
    The Problem of Meta-Critique
    Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 4 311-316. 1988.
  • The Systematic Significance of Kant's "Critique of Aesthetic Judgment."
    Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin. 1976.
  •  7
    An extremely urgent transplantation?
    with N. Biller-Andomo
    Hastings Center Report 31 (2): 27. 2001.
  •  51
    Diseases, functions, values, and psychiatric classification
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 2 (3): 219-231. 1995.
    The philosophy of medicine and psychiatry has considered the defining of disease, illness, and disorder an important project for over three decades. Within this literature, accounts based on adaptive "functions" have been prominent, particularly in the DSM nosology. In response to this trend, Jerome Wakefield has presented a view of mental disorder as "harmful dysfunction." In this view, "harm" contributes the value-element to disorder concepts, while "dysfunction" implies a value-free foundatio…Read more
  •  81
    The Issue of Expertise in Clinical Ethics
    Diametros 22 3-20. 2009.
    The proliferation of ethics committees and ethics consultation services has engendered a discussion of the issue of the expertise of those who provide clinical ethics consultation services. In this paper, I discuss two aspects of this issue: the cognitive dimension or content knowledge that the clinical ethics consultant should possess and the practical dimension or set of dispositions, skills, and traits that are necessary for effective ethics consultation. I argue that the failure to different…Read more
  •  23
    Reviews (review)
    with James Le Roy Smith, Larry R. Churchill, Laurence B. McCullough, Hans J. Schwanitz, Robert Tschiedel, H. Seithe, and B. Baldus
    Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 4 (2). 1983.
  •  366
    Personal identity and brain death: A critical response
    with Royce P. Jones
    Philosophy and Public Affairs 15 (3): 267-274. 1986.
  •  21
    Book reviews (review)
    with Martin Schneider
    Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 11 (2). 1990.
  •  65
    Disease and value: A rejection of the value-neutrality thesis
    Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 4 (1). 1983.
    Recent philosophical attention to the language of disease has focused primarily on the question of its value-neutrality or non-neutrality. Proponents of the value-neutrality thesis symbolically combine political and other criticisms of medicine in an attack on what they see as value-infected uses of disease language. The present essay argues against two theses associated with this view: a methodological thesis which tends to divorce the analysis of disease language from the context of the practi…Read more
  •  37
    Medicine as business and profession
    Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 11 (4). 1990.
    This paper analyzes one dimension of the frequently alleged contradiction between treating medicine as a business and as a profession, namely the incompatibility between viewing the physician patient relationship in economic and moral terms. The paper explores the utilitarian foundations of economics and the deontological foundations of professional medical ethics as one source for the business/medicine conflict that influences beliefs about the proper understanding of the therapeutic relationsh…Read more
  •  11
    Medicine is a complex social institution which includes biomedical research, clinical practice, and the administration and organization of health care delivery. As such, it is amenable to analysis from a number of disciplines and directions. The present volume is composed of revised papers on the theme of "Responsibility in Health Care" presented at the Eleventh Trans Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine, which was held in Springfield, illinois on March 16-18, 1981. The collective f…Read more
  •  113
    Autonomy and Long-Term Care
    Oxford University Press. 1993.
    The realities and myths of long-term care and the challenges it poses for the ethics of autonomy are analyzed in this perceptive work. The book defends the concept of autonomy, but argues that the standard view of autonomy as non-interference and independence has only a limited applicability for long term care. The treatment of actual autonomy stresses the developmental and social nature of human persons and the priority of identification over autonomous choice. The work balances analysis of the…Read more
  •  43
    How Nurses and physicians face ethical dilemmas — the Croatian experience
    with Iva Sorta-Bilajac, Ksenija Baždarić, Morana Brkljačić Žagrović, Ervin Jančić, Boris Brozović, Tomislav Čengić, and Stipe Ćorluka
    Nursing Ethics 18 (3): 341-355. 2011.
    The aim of this study was to assess nurses’ and physicians’ ethical dilemmas in clinical practice. Nurses and physicians of the Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka were surveyed (N = 364). A questionnaire was used to identify recent ethical dilemma, primary ethical issue in the situation, satisfaction with the resolution, perceived usefulness of help, and usage of clinical ethics consultations in practice. Recent ethical dilemmas include professional conduct for nurses (8%), and near-the-end-of-life…Read more
  •  65
    Physical restraint elimination in the acute care setting: Ethical considerations (review)
    with Jacquelyn Slomka, Susan J. Stagno, and Martin L. Smith
    HEC Forum 10 (3-4): 244-262. 1998.
  •  83
    On Values in Recent American Psychiatric Classification
    with J. Z. Sadler and Y. F. Hulgus
    Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 19 (3): 261-277. 1994.
    The DSM-IV, like its predecessors, will be a major influence on American psychiatry. As a consequence, continuing analysis of its assumptions is essential. Review of the manuals as well as conceptually-oriented literature on DSM-III, DSM-III-R, and DSM-IV reveals that the authors of these classifications have paid little attention to the explicit and implicit value commitments made by the classifications. The response to DSM criticisms and controversy has often been to incorporate more scientifi…Read more
  •  38
    Research on clinical ethics and consultation. Introduction to the theme
    with Stella Reiter-Theil
    Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (1): 3-5. 2008.
    Clinical ethics consultation has developed from local pioneer projects into a field of growing interest among both clinicians and ethicists. What is needed are more systematic studies on the ethical challenges faced in clinical practice and problem solving through ethics consultation from interdisciplinary perspectives. The Thematic Issue covers a range of topics and includes five recent studies from various European countries and the USA, focusing on issues such as the ethical difficulties of e…Read more
  •  43
    Freitas on Disease in Nanomedicine: Implications for Ethics (review)
    with Vassiliki L. Leontis
    NanoEthics 4 (3): 205-214. 2010.
    This paper critically examines the volitional normative model of disease and its underlying nanotechnologic vision of medicine both defended by Robert Freitas. Having provided an account of this vision, we explicate the highlight of the model, which is a concept of disease based on individual values and preferences. The model’s normative positions are then critiqued based on our argument that the epistemic basis of Freitas’s vision of nanotechnologic medicine and, by extension, of his volitional…Read more
  •  34
    Croatian physicians' and nurses' experience with ethical issues in clinical practice
    with I. Sorta-Bilajac, K. Bazdaric, and B. Brozovic
    Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (6): 450-455. 2008.
    Aim: To assess ethical issues in everyday clinical practice among physicians and nurses of the University Hospital Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia.Subjects and methods: We surveyed the entire population of internal medicine, oncology and intensive care specialists and associated nurses employed at the University Hospital Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia . An anonymous questionnaire was used to explore the type and frequency of ethical dilemmas, rank of their difficulty, access to and use of ethics support servic…Read more
  •  49
    Until they have faces: the ethics of facial allograft transplantation
    Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (12): 707-709. 2005.
    The ethical discussion of facial allograft transplantation for severe facial deformity, popularly known as facial transplantation, has been one sided and sensationalistic. It is based on film and fiction rather than science and clinical experience. Based on our experience in developing the first IRB approved protocol for FAT, we critically discuss the problems with this discussion, which overlooks the plight of individuals with severe facial deformities. We discuss why FAT for facial deformity i…Read more
  •  99
    Why Quality Is Addressed So Rarely in Clinical Ethics Consultation
    Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (4): 339. 2009.
    In a practice like ethics consultation, quality and accountability are intertwined. Critics of ethics consultation have complained that clinical ethics consultants exercise power or influence in patient care without sufficient external oversight. Without oversight or external accountability, ethics consultation is seen as more sophistical than philosophical. Although there has been more discussion of accountability, concern for quality in ethics consultation is arguably more important, because i…Read more
  •  117
    Seeking the Everyday Meaning of Autonomy in Neurologic Disorders
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (4): 295-298. 2004.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Seeking the Everyday Meaning of Autonomy in Neurologic DisordersGeorge J. Agich (bio)The Socratic aphorism that the unexamined life is not worth living and dictums like "Know thyself" remind us of the centrality of self-understanding in the history of philosophical reflections on autonomy. These traditional concerns with autonomy may seem far removed from the neurologic impairments to which Joel Anderson and Warren Lux draw our atten…Read more
  •  93
    Frank Koughan and Walt Bogdanich's response to my article, “From Pittsburgh to Cleveland: NHBD Controversies and Bioethics,” reminds me of the Shakespearean line, “The lady protests too much, methinks.” My article was not about the specifics of the 60 Minutes April 13, 1997, story on NHBD at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation , even though the story formed the basis for the reflection. I did not attack the critics, though I do believe that bioethicists are accountable for their scholarly and public…Read more
  •  72
    Guest Editorial: Encouraging the Dialogue
    with Stella Reiter-Theil
    Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (4): 333. 2009.
    Ethics consultation is the most engaged aspect of clinical ethics, a field focused on ethical issues, questions, and conflicts arising in the course of patient care and delivery of healthcare services. Despite the skepticism of some academic bioethicists and criticism expressed by social commentators, clinical ethics, which began in North America, has expanded to Europe and many other parts of the world with the proliferation of healthcare institution ethics and ethics consultation support servi…Read more
  •  88
    From Pittsburgh to Cleveland: NHBD Controversies and Bioethics
    Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8 (3): 269-274. 1999.
    In March 1997, 60 Minutes, a nationally syndicated news magazine program, featured a story in which it was claimed that The Cleveland Clinic Foundation had in place a non-heart-beating donor protocol that involved killing patients for their organs. These charges were brought by a philosopher from a local university. A student who worked at LifeBanc, the northeastern Ohio organ procurement agency where the organ donation protocol originated, was given the protocol by LifeBanc with the understandi…Read more
  •  89
    Conflicts of Interest and Management in Managed Care
    with Heidi Forster
    Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9 (2): 189-204. 2000.
    The bioethics literature on managed care has devoted significant attention to a broad range of conflicts that managed care is perceived to have introduced into the practice of medicine. In the first part of this paper we discuss three kinds of conflict of interest: conflicts of economic incentives, conflicts with patient and physician autonomy, and conflicts with the fiduciary character of the physician–patient relationship. We argue that the conflicts are either not as serious as they are often…Read more
  •  8
    Stroke patients’ preferences and values about emergency research
    with C. E. Blixen
    Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (10): 608-611. 2005.
    Background: In the USA, the Food and Drug Administration waiver of informed consent permits certain emergency research only if community consultation occurs. However, uncertainty exists regarding how to define the community or their representatives.Objective: To collect data on the actual preferences and values of a group—those at risk for stroke—most directly affected by the waiver of informed consent for emergency research.Design: Face to face focused interviews were conducted with 12 patients…Read more