Upcoming events
Tulane Undergraduate Philosophy ConferenceDepartment of Philosophy, Tulane UniversityOctober 10 - 12, 2025
Varieties of Risk Workshop 1: Pluralism and RiskVarieties of Risk, University of StirlingSeptember 8 - 9, 2021
Special Legal-Themed Panel Discussion on Stereotyping & Medical AIKing's College LondonJuly 29, 2021
Between Ethics and Belief: Ethical Believing and the Epistemology of EthicsCONCEPT, University of CologneJune 11, 2019
ANU Workshop on Ethics & RiskSchool of Philosophy, Australian National UniversityJuly 15 - 18, 2018
Rationality and ReasonablenessCologne Center for Contemporary Epistemology and the Kantian Tradition, University of CologneApril 9 - 10, 2018
Intuitions, The A Priori, and Philosophical KnowledgeLogos, University of BarcelonaOctober 26 - 27, 2017
Penn-Rutgers-Princeton (PRP) Social Epistemology WorkshopDepartment of Philosophy, Rutgers UniversityApril 6, 2013