•  1643
    The de jure objection against belief in miracles
    Manuscrito 44 (4): 434-452. 2021.
    Alvin Plantinga (1993a, 1993b, 2000) argues that de jure objections to theism depend on de facto objections: in order to say that belief in God is not warranted, one should first assume that this belief is false. Assuming Plantinga’s epistemology and his de facto/de jure distinction, In this essay, I argue that to show that belief in miracles is not warranted, one must suppose that belief in miracles is always false. Therefore, a person who holds a skeptical position regarding miracles must choo…Read more
  •  634
    A First-Order Modal Theodicy: God, Evil, and Religious Determinism
    South American Journal of Logic 5 (1): 49-80. 2019.
    Edward Nieznanski developed in 2007 and 2008 two different systems in formal logic which deal with the problem of evil. Particularly, his aim is to refute a version of the logical problem of evil associated with a form of religious determinism. In this paper, we revisit his first system to give a more suitable form to it, reformulating it in first-order modal logic. The new resulting system, called N1, has much of the original basic structure, and many axioms, definitions, and theorems still rem…Read more
  •  543
    Edward Nieznański developed two logical systems to deal with the problem of evil and to refute religious determinism. However, when formalized in first-order modal logic, two axioms of each system contradict one another, revealing that there is an underlying minimal set of axioms enough to settle the questions. In this article, we develop this minimal system, called N3, which is based on Nieznański’s contribution. The purpose of N3 is to solve the logical problem of evil through the defeat of a …Read more
  •  542
    An axiomatic approach to theodicy via formal applied systems
    Dissertation, University of Campinas. 2020.
    Edward Nieznański developed two logical systems in order to deal with a version of the problem of evil associated with two formulations of religious determinism. The aim of this research was to revisit these systems, providing them with a more appropriate formalization. The new resulting systems, namely, N1 and N2, were reformulated in first-order modal logic; they retain much of their original basic structures, but some additional results were obtained. Furthermore, our research found that an u…Read more
  •  479
    Are Plantinga’s theodicy and defense incompatible?
    International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 95 (3). 2024.
    Plantinga’s free will defense is sometimes regarded as a successful response to the logical problem of evil. Still, a recent objection concludes Plantinga’s defense and theodicy are incompatible. According to this objection, in Plantinga’s defense, Jesus’ having a creaturely essence entails that Jesus suffers from transworld depravity and sins in the actual world, but this result conflicts with Plantinga’s theodicy and with Christian theism, where Jesus is sinless. In this paper, I argue that th…Read more
  •  306
    Neste artigo, discutimos como o dilema entre autoridade científica e crenças religiosas, presente no contexto brasileiro da pandemia por COVID-19, se relaciona com a ideia de que há um conflito entre ciência e religião. A partir das contribuições de Harrison e Barbour, argumentamos que, enquanto o modelo de conflito entre ciência e religião não favorece a aceitação da autoridade da ciência em âmbitos religiosos, o de diálogo pode ajudar na reconstrução da confiança pública na ciência.
  •  12
    Are Plantinga’s theodicy and defense incompatible?
    International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 96 (2): 147-156. 2024.
    Plantinga’s free will defense is sometimes regarded as a successful response to the logical problem of evil. Still, a recent objection concludes Plantinga’s defense and theodicy are incompatible. According to this objection, in Plantinga’s defense, Jesus’ having a creaturely essence entails that Jesus suffers from transworld depravity and sins in the actual world, but this result conflicts with Plantinga’s theodicy and with Christian theism, where Jesus is sinless. In this paper, I argue that th…Read more
  •  7
    Uma abordagem axiomática ao problema lógico do mal
    In Fábio Bertato, Nicola Claudio Salvatore & Marcin Trepczyński (eds.), Coleção CLE - Vol 94 - Themes in Philosophy of Religion, . pp. 99-130. 2023.
    O problema lógico do mal é a alegação de que a existência de Deus e a existência de mal no mundo são logicamente inconsistentes. Neste artigo, descrevemos o sistema N3, baseado em partes na contribuição de Nieznański (2007, 2008), que oferece uma resposta ao problema lógico do mal através da refutação de uma versão do determinismo religioso. Argumentamos especificamente que, dados os resultados de N3, a existência de Deus não é contraditória com a do mal, e portanto, o teísmo clássico não pode s…Read more