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    Is NIMBYism Immoral?
    The Prindle Post. 2023.
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    The Morality of Forgiving Student Debt
    The Prindle Post. 2022.
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    The thesis combines the Humean theory of normative practical reasons with constitutivism. Humeanism claims, roughly, that an agent’s reasons are explained by his desires. Constitutivism claims that the foundations of moral normativity can be found in the constitutive features of agency. This combination, ‘Humean constitutivism’ as I call it, claims there is some desire-like mental state, the possession of which is partly constitutive of rational agency, which explains the normativity of morality…Read more
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    Abstract‘Dogwhistles’ and microtargeted political advertisements are objects of widespread moral and political concern. With a few notable exceptions in the case of dogwhistles (and none in the case of microtargeting) moral criticism of these speech act types generally focuses on problematic content—that a dogwhistle is, for instance, racist, or a microtargeted advertisement misleading. I argue that these practices are additionally morally wrongful on content-neutral grounds—regardless of their …Read more