My Survey Responses

Survey Prompt Response
A priori knowledge Lean towards: yes
Abortion Accept: permissible
Aesthetic value Accept a combination of answers:
  • Accept Aesthetic values are objective
  • Accept Aesthetic values are subjective
Aim of philosophy Accept a combination of answers:
  • Lean towards Truth/knowledge is an important aim of philosophy
  • Accept Understanding is an important aim of philosophy
  • Accept Wisdom is an important aim of philosophy
  • Lean towards Happiness is an important aim of philosophy
  • Lean towards Goodness/justice is an important aim of philosophy
Capital punishment Accept: impermissible
Causation Lean towards: primitive
Consciousness Accept: functionalism
Cosmological fine-tuning Accept a combination of answers:
  • Lean towards The multiverse explains cosmological fine-tuning
  • Lean towards Nothing explains cosmological fine-tuning
Eating animals and animal products Accept: vegetarianism (no and yes)
Environmental ethics Accept: non-anthropocentric
Experience machine Accept a combination of answers:
  • Lean towards I would enter the experience machine
  • Lean towards I would not enter the experience machine
Extended mind Accept: yes
External world Accept: non-skeptical realism
Footbridge Accept: don't push
Free will Accept a combination of answers:
  • Lean towards Compatibilism about free will
  • Lean towards Eliminativism about free will
Gender Accept a combination of answers:
  • Accept Gender is biological
  • Accept Gender is psychological
  • Accept Gender is social
Gender categories Accept a combination of answers:
  • Lean towards Gender categories should be revised
  • Lean towards Gender categories should be eliminated
God Accept: atheism
Hard problem of consciousness Lean towards: no
Human genetic engineering Lean towards: permissible
Immortality Accept: yes
Law Accept: legal positivism
Laws of nature Accept: non-Humean
Meaning of life Accept: subjective
Mental content Accept: externalism
Meta-ethics Accept: moral anti-realism
Metaphilosophy Accept: naturalism
Method in history of philosophy Accept a combination of answers:
  • Lean towards I prefer a method of analytic/rational reconstruction in history of philosophy
  • Lean towards I prefer a contextual/historicist method in history of philosophy
Method in political philosophy Accept a combination of answers:
  • Lean towards I prefer the ideal theory method in political philosophy
  • Lean towards I prefer the non-ideal theory method in political philosophy
Mind Accept: physicalism
Moral judgment Lean towards: non-cognitivism
Moral motivation Lean towards: externalism
Morality Lean towards: constructivism
Newcomb's problem Accept: two boxes
Normative ethics Accept a combination of answers:
  • Lean towards Consequentialism
  • Lean towards Virtue ethics
Personal identity Accept a combination of answers:
  • Accept Biological views of personal identity
  • Accept Psychological views of personal identity
Philosophical progress Lean towards: a lot
Political philosophy Accept a combination of answers:
  • Lean towards Egalitarianism in political philosophy
  • Accept Libertarianism in political philosophy
Science Accept: scientific realism
Teletransporter Lean towards: death
Trolley problem Lean towards: don't switch
Truth Accept: correspondence
Vagueness Accept: semantic
Zombies Lean towards: inconceivable