Bourgeois culture : understanding Adam Smith's moral horizonIn Jordan Joseph Ballor & Cornelis van der Kooi (eds.), Theology, morality and Adam Smith, Routledge. 2022.
The Future of Creation Order. New Approaches to the Scientific Study of Religion (edited book)Springer. 2019.
10Christian faith, philosophy & international relations: the lamb and the wolf (edited book)Brill. 2019.International relations are in constant turbulence. Globalisation, the rise and fall of superpowers, the fragilisation of the EU, trade wars, real wars, terrorism, persecution, new nationalism and identity politics, climate change, are just a few of the recent disturbing developments. How can international issues be understood and addressed from a Christian faith perspective? In this book answers are presented from various Christian traditions: Neo-calvinism, Catholic social teaching, critical t…Read more
26Introduction: Towards a new architectonic critiquePhilosophia Reformata 78 (2): 89-94. 2013.8-9 January 2013 at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, a seminar took place bringing together people from various parts of the world, various disciplines, and various academic and non-academic professions — philosophers, economists, theologians, historians, social scientists as well as bankers, businessmen, investors and others — to analyze and discuss the economic crisis as it developed in the aftermath ofthe American financial crisis of 2008. An explicit goal was as well to bring together peopl…Read more
19The Future of Creation Order: Vol. 2, Order Among Humans: Humanities, Social Science and Normative Practices (edited book)Springer Verlag. 2018.This book investigates humanities, social sciences and politics from the perspective of the concept of creation order. It is the second volume in a series that provides a unique and topical overview of attempts to assess the current health of the concept of creation order within Reformational philosophy when it is compared with other perspectives. Divided into a section on fundamental reflections and a section on normative practices, it discusses issues such as redemption, beauty, nature, love, …Read more
7Response: The Hermeneutics of Suffering, Creation Order, and Modern SocietyIn Govert J. Buijs & Annette K. Mosher (eds.), The Future of Creation Order: Vol. 2, Order Among Humans: Humanities, Social Science and Normative Practices, Springer Verlag. pp. 179-191. 2018.In this response to the contribution of Zuidervaart, the idea of creation order, which is an important element in the Kuyper-tradition and which Zuidervaart criticizes, is defended. However, the grounds for this defense that are offered here, are not often called upon in relation to the idea of creation order: our human experiences of suffering. They may give us a hermeneutical witness to something like “creation order.” For suffering to be experienced as suffering, a goodness has to be presuppo…Read more
3IntroductionIn Govert J. Buijs & Annette K. Mosher (eds.), The Future of Creation Order: Vol. 2, Order Among Humans: Humanities, Social Science and Normative Practices, Springer Verlag. pp. 1-18. 2018.In this introduction a brief acquaintance is offered with the idea of ‘creation order’ as articulated within the tradition of reformational philosophy, that has developed in the line of the theologian Abraham Kuyper and the philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd. On the one hand the idea is compared to experiences of order that we come across in the history of mankind, on the other hand it is compared to more philosophical interpretations of order expressed in the natural law tradition and in nominalism.…Read more
23James K. Smith, James H. Olthuis , Radical Orthodoxy and the Reformed Tradition. Creation, Covenant, and Tradition. Grand Rapids 2005: Baker Academics. 301 pages. ISBN 080102756X (review)Philosophia Reformata 72 (1): 94-98. 2007.
22David Janssens, Tussen Athene en Jeruzalem. Filosofie, profetie en politiek in het werk van Leo Strauss. Amsterdam 2002: Boom. 336 pagina’s. ISBN 90 5352 628 5 (review)Philosophia Reformata 69 (2): 190-194. 2004.
13Anton van Harskamp, Van fundi’s, spirituelen en moralisten. Over civil society en religie. Kampen 2003: Kok. 127 pagina’s. ISBN 9043508616 (review)Philosophia Reformata 69 (2): 187-189. 2004.
22James H. Olthuis , Towards an Ethics of Community. Negotiations of Difference in a Pluralist Society. Waterloo 2000: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. ix+226 pages. ISBN 0889203393 (review)Philosophia Reformata 67 (2): 202-204. 2002.
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