Peking University
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
PhD, 2021
Konstanz, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Areas of Specialization
Science, Logic, and Mathematics
Areas of Interest
Metaphysics and Epistemology
  • The Geach‐Kaplan sentence reconsidered
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. forthcoming.
    The Geach‐Kaplan sentence is alleged to be an example of a non‐first‐orderizable sentence, and the proof of the alleged non‐first‐orderizability is credited to David Kaplan. However, there is also a widely shared intuition that the Geach‐Kaplan sentence is still first‐orderizable by invoking sets or other extra non‐logical resources. The plausibility of this intuition is particularly crucial for first‐orderism, namely, the thesis that all our scientific discourse and reasoning can be adequately …Read more