Universität Bonn
Institut für Philosophie
PhD, 1982
Munich, Bayern, Germany
Areas of Specialization
History of Western Philosophy
Areas of Interest
History of Western Philosophy
  •  31
    Foundations of Transcendental Philosophy (Wissenschaftslehre) Nova Methodo
    with Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Daniel Breazeale
    Philosophical Review 103 (3): 585. 1994.
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    In Stefan Lorenz Sorgner & Oliver Fürbeth (eds.), Music in German philosophy: an introduction, University of Chicago Press. 2010.
    This chapter reports the biography of Arthur Schopenhauer and explores his particular thoughts on musical philosophy. Schopenhauer was born on February 22, 1788. With his philosophy in general, and more specifically with his philosophy of art, Schopenhauer has probably exercised a greater effect on artists and musicians than any other thinker or writer. His reflections on music were contributions that either focused on the metaphysical significance of the art form or made factual and normative s…Read more
  •  12
    Pax kantiana
    Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 16 275-282. 2008.
    The paper investigates Kant's usage of the legal-political symbolism of war and peace in his self-interpretation of the historical role of the critical philosophy. The focus is on Kant's late essay, "Announcement of the Imminent Conclusion of a Treatise on Perpetual Peace in Philosophy" from 1796. The essay is placed in thecontemporary context of Kant's controversy with the historian and publicist, Johann Georg Schlosser, who had reduced Kant's transcendental philosophy to the mechanical operati…Read more
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    The paper assesses Martin’s recent logico-phenomenological account of judgment that is cast in the form of an eclectic history of judging, from Hume and Kant through the 19th century to Frege and Heidegger as well as current neuroscience. After a preliminary discussion of the complex unity and temporal modalities of judgment that draws on a reading of Titian’s “Allegory of Prudence” (National Gallery, London), the remainder of the paper focuses on Martin’s views on Kant’s logic in general and hi…Read more
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    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.2 (2001) 304-305 [Access article in PDF] Wildfeuer, Armin G. Praktische Vernunft und System. Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur ursprünglichen Kant-Rezeption Johann Gottlieb Fichtes. Stuttgart-Bad/Cannstatt : Frommann-Holzboog, 1999. Pp. 596. Cloth, DM 168. The subtitle of this book, a slightly revised dissertation from the University of Bonn (1994), reads: "Investigations into the d…Read more
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    Authenticities: Philosophical Reflections on Musical Performance
    Philosophical Review 106 (4): 638. 1997.
    Kivy distinguishes between three different claims to authenticity in the historical performance movement: authenticity with respect to the composer’s intention, authenticity with regard to sound, and authenticity in matters of performance practice. To this, Kivy adds a fourth notion of authenticity that does not figure in the idealized self-description of the historical performance movement but rather points to an alternative kind of authenticity championed by Kivy himself: the authenticity that…Read more
  •  10
    Schopenhauer: Prize Essay on the Freedom of the Will (edited book)
    with Eric F. J. Payne
    Cambridge University Press. 1999.
    Written in 1839 and chosen as the winning entry in a competition held by the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences, Schopenhauer's Prize Essay on the Freedom of the Will marked the beginning of its author's public recognition and is widely regarded as one of the most brilliant and elegant treatments of free will and determinism. Schopenhauer distinguishes the freedom of acting from the freedom of willing, affirming the former while denying the latter. He portrays human action as thoroughly determi…Read more
  •  14
    Review: Neuere ausländische Arbeiten zu Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft (review)
    Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 45 (2). 1991.
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    Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (review)
    Review of Metaphysics 53 (1): 162-164. 1999.
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    No ano de 2014, não só ocorreu o bicentenário da morte de Johann Gottlieb Fichte, mas também completou cem anos o começo da Primeira Guerra Mundial ou Grande Guerra, como ainda é denominada no ocidente. O desembarque dos aliados na Normandia completou cinquenta anos. Além disso, esse ano marcou os doze séculos que nos separam, ou melhor, nos unem à morte de Carlos Magno e dois milênios à de Júlio César Otaviano, conhecido como Augusto — todos eles aniversários de grandes acontecimentos políticos…Read more
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    Parallelleben. Fichte und Beethoven
    Fichte-Studien 41 279-301. 2014.
  • Thinking and willing in the later Fichte
    In Tom Rockmore & Daniel Breazeale (eds.), After Jena: New Essays on Fichte's Later Philosophy, Northwestern University Press. 2008.
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    Brief Biography
    In Stefan Lorenz Sorgner & Oliver Fürbeth (eds.), Music in German philosophy: an introduction, University of Chicago Press. pp. 34. 2010.
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    Der Beitrag eruiert den Metaphysikbegriff Kants in der systematischen Spanne zwischen Wissenschaftslehre und Weisheitslehre. Der erste Abschnitt erörtert das architektonischmethodologische Verhältnis von transzendentaler Kritik und theoretischer Metaphysik beim kritischen Kant, insbesondere in der Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Der zweite Abschnitt präsentiert Kants kritische Konzeption einer limitativen Metaphysik des Anti-Materialismus, Anti-Determinismus und Anti-Fatalismus in den Prolegomena zu…Read more
  •  7
    InhaltVorwort SiglenverzeichnisJakub KLOC-KONKOLOWICZ: »Jeder wird Gott« – Zur Erfüllung des Gesetzes und zumStatus des handelnden Ich Claus DIERKSMEIER: Über die Wirtschaftstheorie in Fichtes Rechtslehre von 1812 Bernhard JAKL: Recht und Zwang in Fichtes Rechtslehre von 1812 Bärbel FRISCHMANN: Fichte über den Rechtsstaat als Sozialstaat Christian STADLER: Dimensionen und Wandlungen des Fichteschen Rechtsbegriffes im Vergleich Jena – Berlin C. Jeffery KINLAW: Law, Morality and Bildung in the 181…Read more
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    The essay examines Kant’s Enlightenment conception of metaphysics as a science to be kept free of ideological prejudice and extrarational cognitive resources and to be established under the conditions of public, intersubjectively valid discourse. I analyze Kant’s self-interpretation of his transcendental philosophy as “metaphysics of metaphysics” and argue for the extensional partial identity of the critique of metaphysics and the metaphysics so rendered possible. In particular, I identify the “…Read more
  • L'assoluto e il suo fenomeno: La ricezione di Schelling da parte del tardo Fichte
    Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 23 (2): 238-253. 2003.
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    The Unity of Reason: Rereading Kant
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (2): 306-308. 1996.
    306 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 34:2 APRIL ~996 exposition of Siris but also in the way he is able to tie it thematically to the earlier periods of Berkeley's life. Much of the content of this book has already appeared in articles published by Berman within the past twenty-odd years. Yet, since some this material resides in journals difficult of access without an excellent library, the volume is a welcome addi- tion to the Berkeley literature. In the enormous wake of his mentor, A. A. L…Read more
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    This paper examines the relation between intuition and concept in Kant in light of John McDowell’s neo-Kantian position that intuitions are concept-laden. 2 The focus is on Kant’s twofold pronouncement that thoughts without content are empty and that intuitions without concepts are blind. I show that intuitions as singular representations are not instances of passive data intake but the result of synthetic unification of the given manifold of the senses by the power of the imagination under the …Read more
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    11 Republicity: The Forensic Form of Life
    Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2016 (1): 123-135. 2016.
    The essay places the modern Euro-American conception of publicity into the historical and systematic context of the Western political tradition of republicanism. Section 1 features the state as the public realm of political deliberation and decision in the twin traditions of the Greek city state and the Roman republic. Section 2 analyzes the redrawing of the boundaries between the public and the private in early modern political thought. Section 3 examines the transformation of the distinction b…Read more
  •  8
    Two hundred years after his death, Kant remains one of the most important modern philosophers. The Prolegomena is the ideal introduction to Kant's unique account of the nature human knowledge, according to which we actively shape the world as we know it. This new edition of Kant's own summary of his philosophy is designed specially for students. Guenter Zoeller assumes no prior knowledge of the Prolegomena and provides an extensive and comprehensive introduction which explores Kant's life, the o…Read more
  • Book reviews (review)
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (3): 541. 1999.