•  5
    Space, Time, Concrete, Abstract
    In Bruno Langlet & Jean-Maurice Monnoyer (eds.), Gustav Bergmann: Phenomenological Realism and Dialectical Ontology, De Gruyter. pp. 69-86. 2009.
  •  3
    The First Station of Gustav Bergmann’s Odyssey
    In Laird Addis, Greg Jesson & Erwin Tegtmeier (eds.), Ontology and Analysis: Essays and Recollection about Gustav Bergmann, De Gruyter. pp. 31-50. 2007.
  •  3
    Bergmann and Exemplification
    In Guido Bonino & Rosaria Egidi (eds.), Fostering the Ontological Turn: Gustav Bergmann (1906-1987), Ontos Verlag. pp. 109-122. 2008.
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    The book aims at a comprehensive account of the relationship between Wittgenstein s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and Russell s philosophy as it developed between 1903 and 1918. The focus is on the central nucleus of the Tractatus, i.e., on its ontology and the picture theory of language. On Russell s side, the multiple-relation theory of judgment has been chosen as the leading theme around which the presentation of several other issues is organized. Whereas the similarity between Russell s and…Read more
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    Biblioteca analitica: i testi fondamentali: linguaggio, conoscenza, mente (edited book)
    with Carlo Gabbani and Paolo Tripodi
    Carocci editore. 2020.
  •  68
    The article investigates what happens when philosophy meets and begins to establish connections with two formal research methods such as game theory and network science. We use citation analysis to identify, among the articles published in Synthese and Philosophy of Science between 1985 and 2021, those that cite the specialistic literature in game theory and network science. Then, we investigate the structure of the two corpora thus identified by bibliographic coupling and divide them into clust…Read more
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    Il Mulino. 2008.
    Esiste, oltre alle singole cose rosse, la proprietà universale "rosso"? O esistono invece solo le entità individuali e particolari? Come spiegare il fatto che più entità tra loro distinte possono essere tuttavia uguali per un determinato aspetto? E che cos'è che distingue due entità che condividano esattamente le stesse proprietà? Questi sono alcuni dei problemi che costituiscono la questione degli universali e dei particolari, che, a partire dai dialoghi platonici e dalla metafisica di Aristote…Read more
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    Using quantitative methods, we investigate the role of logic in analytic philosophy from 1941 to 2010. In particular, a corpus of five journals publishing analytic philosophy is assessed and evaluated against three main criteria: the presence of logic, its role and level of technical sophistication. The analysis reveals that logic is not present at all in nearly three-quarters of the corpus, the instrumental role of logic prevails over the non-instrumental ones, and the level of technical sophis…Read more
  •  63
    Academic success in America: analytic philosophy and the decline of Wittgenstein
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2): 359-392. 2020.
    There is a rather widespread consensus, among historians of philosophy, concerning the decline of Wittgenstein amid recent analytic philosophy. However, the exact import of such a decline,...
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  • Iv-idee E Universali
    Rivista di Estetica 44 (1). 2004.
  • Idee e universali. IV
    Rivista di Estetica 44 (25): 97-111. 2004.
  •  15
    Fostering the Ontological Turn: Gustav Bergmann (1906-1987) (edited book)
    with Rosaria Egidi
    Ontos Verlag. 2008.
    Gustav Bergmann was, arguably, one of the greatestontologists of the twentieth century. In 2006 and 2007, after aperiod of relative neglect, international conferences devoted solelyto Bergmanns work were held at the University of Iowa in the USA,Universit de Provence in France, and Universit degli Studi diRoma Tre in Italy. The fifteen papers collected in this volume werepresented at the third of these conferences, in Rome, and are here dividedinto three sections: "Categories of a realistic onto…Read more
  • Bibliografia
    Rivista di Estetica 44 (1). 2004.
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    Table of Contents
    with Javier Cumpa and Greg Jesson
    In Guido Bonino, Greg Jesson & Javier Cumpa (eds.), Defending Realism: Ontological and Epistemological Investigations, De Gruyter. pp. 5-6. 2014.
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    Review of Peter Hylton, Quine (review)
    Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2008 (6). 2008.
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    Il nominalismo di Quine: un argomento circolare
    Rivista di Estetica 39 73-87. 2008.
    1. Premesse Questo articolo richiede alcune premesse. Innanzitutto sono opportuni due chiarimenti, o precisazioni, che riguardano il titolo, Il nominalismo di Quine: un argomento circolare. Il primo chiarimento riguarda l’attribuzione a Willard Van Orman Quine di una posizione nominalistica, attribuzione contestabile sotto diversi rispetti. È vero che Quine è comunemente considerato uno dei maggiori esponenti del nominalismo contemporaneo. Tuttavia il termine “nominalismo” può essere inteso i...
  •  47
    On Russell’s Robust Sense of Reality
    In Guido Bonino, Greg Jesson & Javier Cumpa (eds.), Defending Realism: Ontological and Epistemological Investigations, De Gruyter. pp. 363-378. 2014.
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    Bradley’s Regress: Relations, Exemplification, Unity
    Axiomathes 23 (2): 189-200. 2013.
    Different interpretations of Bradley’s regress argument are considered. On the basis of textual evidences, it is argued that the most persuasive is the one that sees the argument as primarily addressing the general issue of unity or connectedness
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    Reply to Plourde
    Dialectica 65 (2): 317-326. 2011.
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  • Russell e l'idealismo
    Rivista di Filosofia 85 (2): 325-328. 1994.
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    The essays collected in this volume explore the fundamental issues of philosophical realism, including metaphysical realism. Do things exist and have properties independently of being objects of thought or perception? epistemological realism: Is it possible to know any part of reality in and of itself? and ontological realism: Are there universals?
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    Russell: un filosofo analitico?
    Rivista di Filosofia 89 (3): 501-508. 1998.
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    La leggenda storiografica di Hume
    Rivista di Filosofia 87 241-265. 1996.
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    with Javier Cumpa and Greg Jesson
    In Guido Bonino, Greg Jesson & Javier Cumpa (eds.), Defending Realism: Ontological and Epistemological Investigations, De Gruyter. pp. 7-8. 2014.