Guy Moshe Pinku

Kibbutzim College
  •  435
    Morally Embedded Selves and Embedded Compatibilism
    Philosophica 85 (2): 67-89. 2012.
    The principal argument suggested here is that we are all morally embedded selves: We have no control over the abilities that make us moral agents nor can we control the degree to which we have these abilities; in other words, we are not responsible for our good or bad qualities as moral agents. This, I believe, calls for the adoption of embedded compatibilism (EC). According to EC, people have control over their conduct; this control, however, is embedded within prerequisites, which they cannot …Read more
  •  85
    Consciousness of the self (COS) and explicit knowledge
    with Joseph Tzelgov
    Consciousness and Cognition 15 (4): 655-661. 2006.
    Starting with Dienes and Perner’s distinction between explicit and implicit knowledge and the traditional philosophical distinction between COS as an object and COS as a subject, we suggest a triple classification of COS experience into three modes, each corresponding to a different state of consciousness. When one acts automatically COS is totally embedded within the representation of the environment. When one monitors or attends to one’s experience, the self is implied by an explicit represent…Read more
  •  15
    Exploring the Association between Love and Sex
    In Fritz Allhoff, Michael Bruce & Robert M. Stewart (eds.), College Sex ‐ Philosophy for Everyone, Wiley‐blackwell. 2010.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Romeo and Juliet Talking about Sex and Love Plain Sex Loving Sex between Non‐Lovers Being Embodied A Primary Emotional Awareness Back to Romeo and Juliet: A Variety of Attitudes towards Sex without Love.
  •  1
    Cognitive control and consciousness In
    with J. Tzelgov
    In Patrick Wilken, Timothy J. Bayne & Axel Cleeremans (eds.), The Oxford Companion to Consciousness, Oxford University Press. pp. 139--140. 2009.
  • Paolo Bartolomeo, Caroline Decaix, Eric Siéroff. The phenomenology of endogenous orienting
    with Fred H. Previc, P. Piolino, M. Hisland, I. Ruffeveille, V. Matuszewski, I. Jambaqué, F. Eustache, Joseph Tzelgov, and Monica Meijsing
    Consciousness and Cognition 15 484. 2006.
  • Paolo Bartolomeo, Caroline Decaix, Eric Siéroff. The phenomenology of endogenous orienting
    with P. Piolino, M. Hisland, I. Ruffeveille, V. Matuszewski, I. Jambaqué, F. Eustache, Joseph Tzelgov, Dermot M. Bowler, and John M. Gardiner
    Consciousness and Cognition 15 765-766. 2006.