•  229
    Irrational methods suggest indecomposability and emergence
    European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (1): 1-21. 2023.
    This paper offers a practical argument for metaphysical emergence. The main message is that the growing reliance on so-called irrational scientific methods provides evidence that objects of science are indecomposable and as such, are better described by metaphysical emergence as opposed to the prevalent reductionistic metaphysics. I show that a potential counterargument that science will eventually reduce everything to physics has little weight given where science is heading with its current met…Read more
  •  16
    A philosophical analysis of the emergence of language
    with Antonio Benítez-Burraco
    Theoria 90 (1): 30-55. 2024.
    There is a research programme in linguistics that is founded on describing language as an emergent phenomenon. This paper clarifies how the core concept of emergence is deployed in this emergentist programme. We show that if one adopts the weak understandings of the concept of language emergence, the emergentist programme is not fundamentally different from the other non-emergentist research programmes in linguistics. On the other hand, if one adopts the stronger understandings of emergence then…Read more