Human existence implies a variety of activities. We perceive, we act, we communicate with others, we feel, we think, we imagine. How much of this activity is determined by given conditions, be it permanent traits of character or external physical or social conditions, and how much is an expression of freedom? What do we choose, for what can we be considered responsible? When I sit and let my thoughts wander freely, one after another emerges. Is it I who choose which thoughts I think? Could I hav…
Read moreHuman existence implies a variety of activities. We perceive, we act, we communicate with others, we feel, we think, we imagine. How much of this activity is determined by given conditions, be it permanent traits of character or external physical or social conditions, and how much is an expression of freedom? What do we choose, for what can we be considered responsible? When I sit and let my thoughts wander freely, one after another emerges. Is it I who choose which thoughts I think? Could I have chosen to think other thoughts? Am I responsible for the fact that this thought and not another emerges? If I am not responsible, will there be any responsibility left at all? Is it not possible to trace also the deliberate and reflected choices that I make back to an origin of thoughts which spontaneously occur?