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    During the last two decades virtue ethics has become the focal point of renewed ethical and theological interest. To lead a good life, it proves useful to watch those who have mastered the art of living. The conviction that living is an art is at the heart of virtue ethics. Living a good life requires exercise, and is a question of acquiring a virtuous character rather than of complying with external ethical and legal rules. This renaissance partly builds on Thomas Aquinas. He in turn recovered …Read more
  • This book is devoted to the so-called moral virtues, especially those moral virtues of which Christian tradition upholds that they are given by God to the faithful. For instance patience, humility and justice. There are not only different interpretations of these infused moral virutes, but it is also not unambiguous in the theology of Aquinas how these virtues are related to the virtues human beings acquire on their own accord. What is the relationship with Scripture, how do these virtues clour …Read more
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    with A. H. C. van Eijk, Eric Ottenheijm, Paul van Geest, Daniela Müller, C. T. M. [Kees] van Vliet, Ton Meijers, Veerle Fraeters, J. Vijgen, A. Brants, R. Welten, Giorgio Baruchello, and Carlo Leget
    Bijdragen 63 (4): 494-508. 2002.
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    with Theo de Kruijf, Bart J. Koet, E. A. M. van der Vin, Veerle Fraeters, Carlo Leget, Geert van Dartel, Wim Smit, Bart Hansen, Ton Meijers, Joke Maex, and Ria Kloppenborg
    Bijdragen 63 (1): 101-119. 2002.
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    The Virtuous Life: Thomas Aquinas on the Theological Nature of Moral Virtues (edited book)
    with Henk Schoot
    Peeters Publishing. 2017.
    This book is devoted to the so-called moral virtues, especially those moral virtues of which Christian tradition upholds that they are given by God to the faithful. For instance patience, humility and justice. There are not only different interpretations of these infused moral virtues, but it also is not unambiguous in the theology of Aquinas how these virtues are related to the virtues human beings acquire on their own accord. What is the relationship with Scripture, how do these virtues colour…Read more
  • Aquinas' Summa Theologiae (review)
    The Medieval Review 7. 2011.
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    This book collects a selection of the studies that were presented (Peeters 2001)
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    Near–death experiences. A theological interpretation
    International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 75 (1): 74-85. 2014.
    Stories about near-death experiences draw much attention from the general public and are extensively discussed by medical doctors and neuroscientists. However, though eschatology belongs to their core business, only few theologians participate in the debate. This article proposes a theological interpretation of NDEs as ‘private revelations’. I first give a critical analysis of the development of the modern, allegedly ‘scientific’, concept of NDE. This concept changes concrete personal testimonie…Read more
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    The terms 'transcendence' and 'immanence' are often used casually and as self-evident. The spatial imagery contained in their meaning determines the way they are understood and used: as opposites, like 'there' and 'here'. As a consequence, the two concepts are seen as mutually exclusive when applied to God's being and to his activity and presence in our world and in our history. This view on the relationship between God and world is characteristic not only of deism and pantheism, but also of the…Read more
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    The Angelic Doctor and Angelic Speech
    Medieval Philosophy & Theology 11 (1): 87-105. 2003.
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    This paper shows how Aquinas gradually developed his view on angelic speech. His major texts are summarized and compared to those of contemporaries (sections II-III). Next the texts are analyzed, focusing on three issues: the notion of ‘word’ (section IV), the role of the will (section V), and the need of signification (section VI). With regard to each of these topics, Aquinas’ thought evolved, first by juxtaposing and later by integrating Augustinian and Aristotelian viewpoints. Aquinas reaches…Read more
  • Faith, Hope and Love: Thomas Aquinas on Living by the Theological Virtues (edited book)
    with L. Hendriks and H. J. M. Schoot
    Peeters. 2015.