Parkville, Victoria, Australia
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    The securities market in India is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India constituted under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992. The Board has to protect interests of investors and promote and regulate the securities market. Recently, the Parliament of India has passed the Securities Laws Act, 2014, in order to give more powers to the Board for calling for information for any person including banks or any other authority, calling for information from any outside …Read more
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    Re-conceptualizing urban agriculture: an exploration of farming along the banks of the Yamuna River in Delhi, India
    with Jessica Cook, Kate Oviatt, Deborah S. Main, and John Brett
    Agriculture and Human Values 32 (2): 265-279. 2015.
    The proportion of the world’s population living in urban areas is increasing rapidly, with the vast majority of this growth in developing countries. As growing populations in urban areas demand greater food supplies, coupled with a rise in rural to urban migration and the need to create livelihood options, there has been an increase in urban agriculture worldwide. Urban agriculture is commonly discussed as a sustainable solution for dealing with gaps in the local food system, and proponents ofte…Read more