•  275
    Architectural Value and the Artistic Value of Architecture
    Debates in Aesthetics 17 (1): 13-28. 2021.
    This paper seeks to refute the claim that architectural value is one and the same value as the artistic value of architecture. As few scholars explicitly endorse this claim, instead tacitly holding it, I term it the implicit claim. Three potential motivations for the implicit claim are offered before it is shown that, contrary to supporting the claim, they set the foundations for considering architectural value and the artistic value of architecture to be distinct. After refuting the potential m…Read more
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    Value of Art
    Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2023.
    The Value of Art Philosophical discourse concerning the value of art is a discourse concerning what makes an artwork valuable qua its being an artwork. Whereas the concern of the critic is what makes the artwork a good artwork, the question for the aesthetician is why it is a good artwork. When we refer to … Continue reading Value of Art →
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    The “Social” in the Social Turn: Empathy, Bias, and Participatory Art
    Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 9 (1): 65-81. 2023.
    Aesthetics and social cognition are two disciplines rarely merged, despite the penetration of artworks into social, moral, and political concerns. In particular, participatory artworks involve direct social interaction and perception, and are more often than not motivated by, and aim towards, ethico-political ends. In the following, I fuse considerations aesthetic with considerations intersubjective, arguing that participatory artworks engage and exploit empathy’s biased character towards a reca…Read more
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    Aesthetic experiences with others: an enactive account
    Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1-21. forthcoming.
    We can look at paintings, listen to music, dance, play instruments, and watch movies, on our own almost anytime, anywhere. That is, we have effortless, on-demand access to an abundance of private aesthetic experiences. Why, then, do we seek out aesthetic experiences together? Indeed, it is not controversial to claim that listening to music, dancing, and watching films are activities that we do together more so than we do on our own. While the significance of interpersonal aesthetic experiences, …Read more
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    Creating Cities
    Philosophy Now 153 14-15. 2022.