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    On the Lawgiver
    with Robert Berman
    In Christopher Lynch & Jonathan Marks (eds.), Principle and prudence in Western political thought, State University of New York Press. pp. 171-189. 2016.
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    A reappraisal of Ecce Homo and The Antichrist within Nietzsche’s oeuvre. Nietzsche's Legacy takes on the most challenging and misunderstood works in Nietzsche’s oeuvre to illuminate his view of what a philosopher is and what constitutes a philosophic life. Interpreting Ecce Homo and The Antichrist as twin books meant to replace the abandoned Will to Power project, Heinrich Meier recovers them from the stigma of Nietzsche’s late mental collapse, showing that these works are, above all, a lucid se…Read more
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    Zarathustra's Crisis of Redemption
    New Nietzsche Studies 11 (3): 1-25. 2021.
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    Nietzsches Wille zur Macht und die Selbsterkenntnis des Philosophen
    Nietzscheforschung 30 (1): 127-139. 2023.
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    Über die Liebe: ein Symposion (edited book)
    with Gerhard Neumann and Seth Benardete
    Piper. 2001.
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    In this book Heinrich Meier takes on the question of the meaning of Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra, which has long proven controversial among readers. Meier closely examines the work to find a coherent structure and uncover the meanings in the figure of Zarathustra. By showing the unity in Zarathustra's life and teaching, Meier argues that the hidden architecture of the work reveals the development of self-knowledge for the philosopher. What Is Nietzsche's Zarathustra? A Philosophical Confro…Read more
  • Politik und Praktische Philosophie
    Duncker & Humblot. 2014.
    Gedenkrede auf Wilhelm Hennis
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    Das vorliegende Buch unternimmt de Versuch, die Politische Philosophie als philosophischen Begriff zu bestimmen und diesen Aug' in Aug' mit der Herausforderung der Offenbarungsreligion zu bewähren.
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    The book sets out to determine political philosophy as a philosophic concept and to test it face to face with the challenge posed by revealed Religion.
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    "On the Happiness of the Philosophic Life" presents Heinrich Meier's confrontation with Rousseau's "Rêveries", his most beautiful and daring writing. The "Rêveries" show the fire of philosophy in the mirror of the water; in the reflections of the unlimited, needing more precise determination; of the inconspicuous, needing careful inspection; and of the surface, needing in-depth Interpretation.
  • Heinrich Meiers Reflexionen zu Rousseaus "Rêveries" haben das philosophische Leben im Ganzen zum Gegenstand. Sie bedenken seinen Beginn und sein Ende. Sie verhandeln seinen Grund, sein Ziel und seine tragende Mitte.
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    Was ist Politische Theologie? - What Is Political Theology?
    Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation. 2006.
    Einführende Bemerkungen zu einem umstrittenen Begriff.
  • Eine neue Sicht des letzten und am wenigsten verstandenen Buches von Rousseau
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    Nichts ist so umstritten im Denken von Leo Strauss und nichts ist so zentral für sein Verständnis wie das theologisch-politische Problem. Da es im Zentrum von Strauss' Politischer Philosophie steht, findet der Streit seinen Niederschlag in allen großen Kontroversen, die sein OEuvre umgeben. Heinrich Meiers theologisch-politisches Traktat ist die erste Schrift zu Strauss, die das Problem, von dem Strauss sagte, es sei das Thema seiner Untersuchungen gewesen, zu ihrem Thema macht. Neben dem progra…Read more
  • Warum Politische Philosophie?
    Metzler Verlag. 2000.
    Abstract will be provided soon
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    Heinrich Meiers Buch versucht am Leitfaden der Frage, ob Zarathustra ein Philosoph oder ein Prophet ist, zum Kern des Dramas vorzustoßen.
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    Philosophie und Gesetz - Frühe Schriften
    with Leo Strauss
    J.B. Metzler. 1997.
  • Gesammelte Schriften
    with Leo Strauss
    . 1996.
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    Morality, or one's own question as a figure -- Politics, or what is truth? -- Revelation, or he that is not with me is against me -- History, or the Christian Epimetheus.
  • What is Political Theology?
    Interpretation 30 (1): 79-91. 2002.
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    The Philosopher as Enemy
    Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 17 (1-2): 325-332. 1994.
    Alexandre Kojève had traveled via Peking. The high official of the French Ministry of the Economy stopped off in Berlin in order to speak to the heads of the German Socialist Student Association. In the Hotel Berliner Hof on Lake Diana, the Parisian guest advised Dutschke & Co. that the most important thing they could do would be to learn Greek. Such an answer to the question “What is to be done?” was not expected from this famous man, whose legendary seminars on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit …Read more
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    This book is the culmination of Heinrich Meier's acclaimed analyses of the controversial thought of Carl Schmitt. Meier identifies the core of Schmitt's thought as political theology--that is, political theorizing that claims to have its ultimate ground in the revelation of a mysterious or supra-rational God. This radical, but half-hidden, theological foundation unifies the whole of Schmitt's often difficult and complex oeuvre, cutting through the intentional deceptions and unintentional obfusca…Read more
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    Why Political Philosophy?
    Review of Metaphysics 56 (2). 2002.
    WE ALL KNOW THE PICTURE OF THE PHILOSOPHER that Aristophanes drew in the Clouds for both philosophers and nonphilosophers. As he is shown to us in this most famous and thoughtworthy of comedies, the philosopher, consumed by a burning thirst for knowledge, lives for inquiry alone. In choosing his objects, he allows himself neither to be led by patriotic motives or social interests nor to be determined by the distinctions between good and evil, beautiful and ugly, useful and harmful. Religious pro…Read more
  • Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem
    Cambridge University Press. 2006.
    This book, by one of the most prominent interpreters of Leo Strauss's thought, was the first to address the problem that Leo Strauss himself said was the theme of his studies: the theologico-political problem or the confrontation with the theological and the political alternative to philosophy as a way of life. In his theologico-political treatise, which comprises four parts and an appendix, Heinrich Meier clarifies the distinction between political theology and political philosophy and reapprai…Read more