Hendrik Müller

Hochschule Fresenius
  •  9
    People, Tools, and Agency: Who Is the Kybernetes?
    Constructivist Foundations 1 (1): 35--48. 2005.
    Purpose: This conceptual-epistemological paper deals with the old problem of inversion of thinking, as typified by traditional metaphysics-ontology. It is proposed that a thorough constructivism -- which views structures of mind, nature, and all, as not derived from (not referring to) any pre-structured given mind-independent reality (zero-derivation, 0-D) -- can go beyond this conceptual impasse; it can also serve as a fall-back position for positive ontologies. Practical implications: The prac…Read more
  •  4
    Genetic variation at CYP3A is associated with age at menarche and breast cancer risk: a case-control study
    with N. Johnson, F. Dudbridge, N. Orr, L. Gibson, M. E. Jones, M. J. Schoemaker, E. J. Folkerd, B. P. Haynes, J. L. Hopper, M. C. Southey, G. S. Dite, C. Apicella, M. K. Schmidt, A. Broeks, L. J. Van'T. Veer, F. Atsma, K. Muir, A. Lophatananon, P. A. Fasching, M. W. Beckmann, A. B. Ekici, S. P. Renner, E. Sawyer, I. Tomlinson, M. Kerin, N. Miller, B. Burwinkel, F. Marme, A. Schneeweiss, C. Sohn, P. Guénel, T. Truong, E. Cordina, F. Menegaux, S. E. Bojesen, B. G. Nordestgaard, H. Flyger, R. Milne, M. P. Zamora, J. I. Arias Perez, J. Benitez, L. Bernstein, H. Anton-Culver, A. Ziogas, C. Clarke Dur, H. Brenner, V. Arndt, A. K. Dieffenbach, A. Meindl, J. Heil, C. R. Bartram, R. K. Schmutzler, H. Brauch, C. Justenhoven, Y. D. Ko, H. Nevanlinna, T. A. Muranen, K. Aittomäki, C. Blomqvist, K. Matsuo, T. Dörk, N. V. Bogdanova, N. N. Antonenkova, A. Lindblom, A. Mannermaa, V. Kataja, V. M. Kosma, J. M. Hartikainen, G. Chenevix-Trench, J. Beesley, A. H. Wu, D. Van den Berg, C. C. Tseng, and D. Lambrechts
    INTRODUCTION: We have previously shown that a tag single nucleotide polymorphism, which maps to the CYP3A locus, was associated with a reduction in premenopausal urinary estrone glucuronide levels and a modest reduction in risk of breast cancer in women age ≤50 years.METHODS: We further investigated the association of rs10235235 with breast cancer risk in a large case control study of 47,346 cases and 47,570 controls from 52 studies participating in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. Geno…Read more
  •  6
    Genetic variation at CYP3A is associated with age at menarche and breast cancer risk: A case-control study
    with N. Johnson, F. Dudbridge, N. Orr, L. Gibson, M. E. Jones, M. J. Schoemaker, E. J. Folkerd, B. P. Haynes, J. L. Hopper, M. C. Southey, G. S. Dite, C. Apicella, M. K. Schmidt, A. Broeks, L. J. Van'T. Veer, F. Atsma, K. Muir, A. Lophatananon, P. A. Fasching, M. W. Beckmann, A. B. Ekici, S. P. Renner, E. Sawyer, I. Tomlinson, M. Kerin, N. Miller, B. Burwinkel, F. Marme, A. Schneeweiss, C. Sohn, P. Guénel, T. Truong, E. Cordina, F. Menegaux, S. E. Bojesen, B. G. Nordestgaard, H. Flyger, R. Milne, M. P. Zamora, J. I. A. Perez, J. Benitez, L. Bernstein, H. Anton-Culver, A. Ziogas, C. C. Dur, H. Brenner, V. Arndt, A. K. Dieffenbach, A. Meindl, J. Heil, C. R. Bartram, R. K. Schmutzler, H. Brauch, C. Justenhoven, Y. D. Ko, H. Nevanlinna, T. A. Muranen, K. Aittomäki, C. Blomqvist, K. Matsuo, T. Dörk, N. V. Bogdanova, N. N. Antonenkova, A. Lindblom, A. Mannermaa, V. Kataja, V. M. Kosma, J. M. Hartikainen, G. Chenevix-Trench, J. Beesley, A. H. Wu, D. Van den Berg, C. C. Tseng, and D. Lambrechts
    © 2014 Johnson et al.Introduction: We have previously shown that a tag single nucleotide polymorphism, which maps to the CYP3A locus, was associated with a reduction in premenopausal urinary estrone glucuronide levels and a modest reduction in risk of breast cancer in women age ≤50 years. Methods: We further investigated the association of rs10235235 with breast cancer risk in a large case control study of 47,346 cases and 47,570 controls from 52 studies participating in the Breast Cancer Associ…Read more
  • SEarch via recursive rejection (SERR)
    with G. W. Humphreys and A. C. Olson
    In Richard D. Wright (ed.), Visual Attention, Oxford University Press. pp. 8--389. 1998.
  • Dimension-based Attention in Pop-out Search
    with J. Krummenacher
    In Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees & John K. Tsotsos (eds.), Neurobiology of Attention, Academic Press. pp. 412--417. 2005.
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    Epistemology Returns to Its Roots
    Constructivist Foundations 2 (2-3): 72-80. 2007.
    Purpose: Understanding the place of Ernst von Glasersfeld's Radical Constructivism (RC), and some of its implications, in the development of epistemology. Design: Characterization of two main options for the content of "knowledge" (without and with belief in mind-independent structures), sketch of their history in occidental thought; comparison of their properties concerning subjectivity, objectivity, second-order cybernetics, reliability of mental tools, and the needs and mechanisms for certain…Read more
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    Reality and People
    Constructivist Foundations 3 (1): 13-14. 2007.
    Open peer commentary on the target article “Arguments Opposing the Radicalism of Radical Constructivism” by Gernot Saalmann. First paragraph: My remarks are basedon the view that mind-and-world structures of subject-inclusive experience are created by individual and collective subjects, and are not derived from pre-existing subject-exclusive structures structuring; see my papers in CF and the Karl Jaspers Forum). I will comment on two points
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    Brain in Mind: The Mind–Brain Relation with the Mind at the Center
    Constructivist Foundations 3 (1): 30-37. 2007.
    Purpose: To show that the mind--brain relation can be understood from a perspective that keeps the mind at the center. Problem: Since at least the time of Augustine, the puzzle of the mind--brain relation has been how the mind is attached to, or originates from, the body or brain. This is still the prevalent scientific question. It implies assumption of a primary (ontological) subject--object split, and furthermore that subjective experience can be derived from, or even reduced to, a fictitious …Read more
  • Festschrift für Heike Jung (edited book)
    Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. 2007.
  •  23
    This paper wants to shed light on the way the philosophical school of Stoicsm in Greco-Roman antiquity has dealt with the relationship of men and nature by pointing out to some of the key texts in which these issues are mentioned. Although the modern concept of sustainability or environmental protection did not really exist in antiquity, the Stoa was convinced that individual decisions had a direct impact on this world. Following the concept of environmental humanities, the ancient texts and aut…Read more