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    Ethical issues raised by uterus transplantation: A report from the People's Republic of China
    with Yiqi Gao, Tao Xue, Biliang Chen, and Li Wei
    Developing World Bioethics 23 (1): 34-40. 2022.
    The recent advances in assisted reproductive technology, such as hormonal stimulation, IVF, and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), have made it possible to circumvent many causes of male and female factor infertility. However, uterine infertility is still considered an ‘‘unconditionally infertile’’ condition. Owing to the continued advances in organ transplantation, microvascular anastomosis techniques, and immunosuppressive medicine, the transplantation of organs is no longer restricted t…Read more
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    As the per capita income level increases, both environmental quality and income inequality will change significantly, which arouses people’s attention on the relationship between income inequality and environmental quality. Based on mathematical derivations, we first prove that when the relationship between per capita income and environmental pollution is nonlinear, and environmental pollution is not only related to per capita income, but also, among other potential determinants, to income inequ…Read more