• Intuition as an Integral Process of the Mind
    Dissertation, The Claremont Graduate University. 1981.
    The thesis which I develop is that intuition is an integral process of the mind by which man can gain: intimations of relations within the phenomenal world; and, intimations of his relations to that which transcends the phenomenal world. ;The method by which I develop this thesis is a comparative study of what two notable philosophers have said about intuition. The philosophers are Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Martin Heidegger . Radhakrishnan was a Hindu, and Heidegger a German. Thus, their view…Read more
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    In this paper, I give examples of the similarities in thought which I have found in the works of philosophers and thinkers of ancient Greece and ancient India. Being a comparative philosopher, I have worked with both traditions for many years. In fact, the more I do research in both traditions, the more similarities I have found in various views or perspectives, beliefs and values.After briefly explaining some of the similarities, I argue that an ongoing exploration and comparison of these two g…Read more
  • Extreme fundamentalism in Islam: The problem of the 'other' and modernity
    Skepsis: A Journal for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research 15 (1). 2004.
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    In this paper I argue that, for Nietzsche, the will to power is a kind of élan vital, i.e., vital impulse, force or drive. In living creatures, it is a drive to express their natures. In human beings, it is complex and must be developed in stages. The initial stages include becoming independent and striving for freedom of spirit and expression. Of the few that achieve the last stage, some will become the Übermensch or superior persons who will achieve great creative acts and in so doing enhance …Read more
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    Ahimsa is an ancient concept that began in India about 3600 years ago. The roots of ahimsa are found in the Vedas, i.e., the sacred scriptures of the Hindu tradition. However, the concept spread to Jainis and then to Buddhism. It culminated in the thought and practice of Mahatma Gandhi. For Gandhi, the basic meaning of ahimsa was no harm to any living being by thought, word or deed and the greatest love (compassion) for all creatures. Given Gandhi's belief in and practice of ahimsa, one is able …Read more