50Transitional gradation and the distinction between episodic and semantic memoryPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 379 (1913). 2024.In this article, we explore various arguments against the traditional distinction between episodic and semantic memory based on the metaphysical phenomenon of transitional gradation. Transitional gradation occurs when two candidate kinds A and B grade into one another along a continuum according to their characteristic properties. We review two kinds of arguments—from the gradual semanticization of episodic memories as they are consolidated, and from the composition of episodic memories during s…Read more
292Constructing Embodied Emotion with Language: Moebius Syndrome and Face-Based Emotion Recognition RevisitedAustralasian Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.Some embodied theories of concepts state that concepts are represented in a sensorimotor manner, typically via simulation in sensorimotor cortices. Fred Adams (2010) has advanced an empirical argument against embodied concepts reasoning as follows. If concepts are embodied, then patients with certain sensorimotor impairments should perform worse on categorization tasks involving those concepts. Adams cites a study with Moebius Syndrome patients that shows typical categorization performance in fa…Read more
1560Special Attention to the Self: a Mechanistic Model of Patient RB’s Lost Feeling of OwnershipReview of Philosophy and Psychology (1): 1-29. 2021.Patient RB has a peculiar memory impairment wherein he experiences his memories in rich contextual detail, but claims to not own them. His memories do not feel as if they happened to him. In this paper, I provide an explanatory model of RB’s phenomenology, the self-attentional model. I draw upon recent work in neuroscience on self-attentional processing and global workspace models of conscious recollection to show that RB has a self-attentional deficit that inhibits self-bias processes in broadc…Read more
1825Extended control systems: A theory and its implicationsPhilosophical Psychology 34 (3): 345-373. 2021.Philosophers and cognitive scientists alike have recently been interested in whether cognition extends beyond the boundaries of skin and skull and into the environment. However, the extended cognition hypothesis has suffered many objections over the past few decades. In this paper, I explore the option of control extending beyond the human boundary. My aim is to convince the reader of three things: (i) that control can be implemented in artifacts, (ii) that humans and artifacts can form extended…Read more
47Locating animals with respect to landmarks in space-timeBehavioral and Brain Sciences 42. 2019.Landmarks play a crucial role in bootstrapping both spatial and temporal cognition. Given the similarity in the underlying demands of representing spatial and temporal relations, we ask here whether animals can be trained to reason about temporal relations by providing them with temporal landmark cues, proposing a line of future research complementary to those suggested by the authors.
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