Husein Inusah

University of Cape Coast
University of Ghana
  • Coherentism in Rorty's Anti-Foundationalist Epistemology
    Philosophy Pathways 200 (1). 2016.
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    A Critique of Libet and Wegner's Argument Against Free Will
    with Ferdinard Fosu-Blankson
    Journal of Neurophilosophy 2 (1). 2023.
    The research of Benjamin Libet and Daniel Wegner are groundbreaking works in neuropsychology that make arguments against human freedom. However, Libet’s and Wegner’s arguments are marred with some philosophical inconsistencies including; misconceptions, logical errors, and causal fallacies which seems to emanate from the problem of subjecting the concept of free will to an empirical enquiry only. In this essay, it is argued that empirical enquiry alone limits the study of the role of consciousne…Read more
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    To liberate African philosophy from the remnants of the colonial style of thought, Kwesi Wiredu promotes the idea of the conceptual decolonization of African philosophy. He argues that, to accomplish this project, African philosophers must theorize in African vernaculars. This article attempts to show that the project of the conceptual decolonization of African philosophy by recourse to theorizing in African vernaculars is challenging. It examines a particular strategy that Wiredu deploys in “Co…Read more
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    Mainstream Science and African Worldview: A Plea for Diversity
    with Maxwell Omaboe
    Global Philosophy 33 (6): 1-19. 2023.
    Some notable scholars argue that traditional African worldview is a backward-looking belief system that proves to be irreconcilable with mainstream science. The contention is such that unlike the principles of mainstream science which demystifies our understanding of the universe through the search for discoverable laws of nature, traditional African worldview rather mystifies the nature of our universe by rendering explanations based on metaphysical belief systems. Using the method of concept a…Read more
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    In recent years, the struggle to decolonize knowledge in academia has largely focused on addressing cognitive concerns such as curricular development matters (materials to be taught) and pedagogical strategies (how it is taught) to transform education in Africa. Hardly does the issue of non-cognitive concerns such as the right attitude required to guide the development of this reformed curricular and pedagogical strategies get explored. Indeed, what is lacking in our struggle to decolonise the c…Read more
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    The Cultural Argument and the Same-Sex Marriage Debate: The Perspective of Moderate African Communitarianism
    with Abdussalam Alhaji Adam
    Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 24 (2). 2023.
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    The Problem of Qualia and Knowledge in Plato and Aristotle
    with Peter Sena Gawu
    Philosophy Study 9 (8). 2019.
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    Wiredu and Eze on consensual democracy and the question of consensual rationality
    South African Journal of Philosophy 40 (1): 1-13. 2021.
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    Impure Infinitism and the Evil Demon Argument
    E-Logos 23 (1): 13-24. 2016.
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    The Regress Challenge, Infinitism and Rational Dialectics
    Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (2): 223-240. 2020.
    I argue in this paper that infinitism is the best answer to the dialectical regress challenge. Infinitism, as a theory of rational dialectics, has not received enough attention from scholars because major proponents of the theory have focused mainly on using infinitism to answer an epistemic regress problem. Rather than construing infinitism as an answer to the epistemic regress question, I take the theory to be addressing a dialectical regress challenge and subsequently pitch it against its dia…Read more
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    The Social Contract Theory and Corporation Moral Obligation
    with Peter Sena Gawu
    E-Logos 28 (1): 4-16. 2021.
    Contractual moralists, such as Bowie and Donaldson, have argued that contractual agreement explains why corporations have a moral obligation towards the society in which they operate. They argue that a corporation’s moral obligation emerges from a hypothetical social contract that establishes its legitimacy to operate in society. Their assumption appears to indicate a logically necessary relationship between a corporation’s moral obligation and contractual agreement that establishes the corporat…Read more
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    The Problem with Impure Infinitism
    Croatian Journal of Philosophy 21 (2): 339-351. 2021.
    It is generally believed that pure versions of infinitism face two problems, namely: 1) they are unable to distinguish between potential and actual series of justified reasons because they are defined strictly in terms of relations between beliefs in the series so that every succeeding belief is justified by the belief before it and so on ad infinitum and, 2) they are unable to mark the difference between a set of justified reasons that are connected to truth and one that is not because they are…Read more
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    It is undeniable that people have beliefs about what actions are morally right. These beliefs play an important role in guiding moral action. Is it possible however to justify beliefs about what actions are morally right? How can beliefs of this sort be justified? Sinnott-Armstrong has advanced an epistemic regress argument against the justification of moral beliefs with the consequence that moral beliefs cannot be justified. This essay addresses the issue of the justification of moral beliefs t…Read more
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    Infinitism and Dispositional Beliefs
    E-Logos 21 (1): 1-11. 2014.
  • Corporate social responsibility: An old wine in a new gourd
    Journal of Philosophy and Culture 7 (1): 1-6. 2019.
    A corporation’s moral obligation is said to be sustained by two viewpoints: the narrow and broad views. The narrow view restrains a corporation’s moral obligation to the corporation’s owners and shareholders while the broad view, which is often deployed to support Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, extends the corporation’s moral obligation towards others beyond the confines of the corporation walls to include all stakeholders, and the environment in which the corporation operates …Read more
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    Our main focus in this paper is to try to show Rorty’s point of departure from mainstream pragmatist treatment of epistemology. In his pragmatic approach to epistemology, Rorty urges that a good pragmatist should abandon epistemology as a foundational and rational discipline and instead opt for conversation, the view that knowledge is an expression of judgment of a historically conditioned social group. According to Rorty, the view that we should disentangle ourselves from rigid canons of episte…Read more