79Can AI become an Expert?Journal of Ai Humanities 16 (4): 113-136. 2024.With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), understanding its capabilities and limitations has become significant for mitigating unfounded anxiety and unwarranted optimism. As part of this endeavor, this study delves into the following question: Can AI become an expert? More precisely, should society confer the authority of experts on AI even if its decision-making process is highly opaque? Throughout the investigation, I aim to identify certain normative challenges in elevating …Read more
APA Central Division
아이오와시티, IA, United States of America
Areas of Specialization
Metaphysics |
Logic and Philosophy of Logic |
Social Ontology |
Normativity |
Areas of Interest
Value Theory |
Social and Political Philosophy |
20th Century Analytic Philosophy |