Danville, Kentucky, United States of America
  •  6
    Book review: Blue pills: a positive love story (review)
    Medical Humanities 35 (2): 124-125. 2009.
  •  74
    Autography as Auto-Therapy: Psychic Pain and the Graphic Memoir (review)
    Journal of Medical Humanities 32 (4): 353-366. 2011.
    Over the last three decades, the graphic novel has developed both in sophistication and cultural importance, now being widely accepted as a unique form of literature (Versaci 2007 ). Autobiography has proved to be a successful genre within comics (the word is used in the plural to denote both the medium and the philosophy of the graphic form) and within this area a sub-genre, the memoir of the artist’s own disease or suffering, sometimes known as the graphic pathology, has arisen (Green and Myer…Read more