•  10
    Applied Ethics at Corvinus Business Ethics Center
    Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 3 167-174. 2023.
    Between practical ethics, which seeks to define a wide range of ethical norms and ways of ethical reasoning on firm philosophical basis, including the definition of the foundation of ethics, and business ethics, environmental ethics or health ethics the difference is only about the degree we get to apply practically ethics. The Business Ethics Center of Corvinus University of Budapest, lead by Prof. Laszlo Zsolnai, takes all these levels very seriously. The external observer who would want to re…Read more
  •  17
    The Sandglass as Allegory for Ethical Evolution
    with Lajos Békefi
    Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 3 41-48. 2023.
    As a child we all admired the sparkling desert crystal sand grains of the sandglass, and while they slowly, silently rolled down, occasionally, we started dreaming, after having turned it very carefully, watching the grains taking different directions, as the sand was suddenly starting to dance! While the sunlight reflected on the even flow of crystal grains, imagination soared far, into the actual deserts, desert ships, camels, into the fantasy worlds… It was good to dream, freely, realisticall…Read more
  •  11
    Review of Data Ethics, C. Stückelberger / P. Duggal (review)
    with Erin Green
    Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 2 131-143. 2023.
    This review is based on an expanded version of the session outcome document we prepared for WSIS. The outcome was providing a summary of the session: Data Ethics and the Ethics of Digital and Emerging Technologies – Building Trust, Serving Humanity – Globethics, which was held a few days earlier from 16:00 to 16:45, Monday, 13 March 2023 at the Geneva International Conference Center, under the auspices of the ITU.
  •  6
    Crisis of the Common Good or Great Hope?
    Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 1 175-201. 2022.
    Obiora F. Ike’s impressive amount of research texts on ethics can be found on Globethics.net Library. In general, there is no need to search for a justification of a life work and commitment to values, when a person reaches beyond a certain level of experience in life, in any field of professional work, even more in spiritual and ethical development. In the following lines I shall focus on the value of the common good for a person who not only had precise notions about a philosophical and theolo…Read more
  •  346
    Many shades of ressentiment
    In Ignace Haaz, Jakob Bühlmann Quero & Khushwant Singh (eds.), Ethics and Overcoming Odious Passions: Mitigating Radicalisation and Extremism through Shared Human Values in Education, Globethics Publications. pp. 33-58. 2023.
    In philosophical literature, the complex emotional state of ressentiment gained popularity through the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche. According to Nietzsche, ressentiment was a bad feeling that reflected the suppressed anger, the pain of impotence, and the general misery of the weak when they compared themselves to the strong and talented members of society. Max Scheler took up Nietzsche’s thesis and described ressentiment as a complex condition characterised by a thirst for revenge. Moreover,…Read more
  •  31
    Revue du livre : Diangitukwa et Siadous, Les prisons sont-elles utiles? (review)
    Journal of Ethics in Higher Education (2). 2023.
    Le contexte des prisons africaines offre amplement matière à revisiter l’idée classique de l’inutilité de certaines criminalisations. Dans un monde plus que jamais dominé par le spectacle des châtiments et des modèles de justice expéditives, il est bienvenu de replacer le rôle de l’éducation dans la prison, puisque tout détenu emprisonné, aussi démuni et à plaindre soit-il, est riche de son temps, et capable de résilience et de perfectionnement. Encore faut-il, sous peine de paraître très idéali…Read more
  •  11
    Ambivalence, Creative Investment, Publishing and Development
    Journal of Ethics in Higher Education (1): 103-121. 2022.
    The role of an academic editor and publisher is not simple. It is even less so when providing guidance and support for authors from the countries of the majority world becomes a habitual condition of this activity. Editorial commitment in this context becomes ambivalent, as it has to be oriented towards meeting two distinct objectives: ensuring academic quality and providing support to authors. To meet this challenge the publisher hopes to make the most of online tools and networks. If some scho…Read more
  •  2520
    Ethics and Overcoming Odious Passions: Mitigating Radicalisation and Extremism through Shared Human Values in Education (edited book)
    with Jakob Bühlmann Quero and Khushwant Singh
    Globethics Publications. 2023.
    This publication articulated in three parts, and twelve chapters endeavours to engage with the complex negative emotions and consequent phenomenon of self-deceit, radicalisation and extremism. First part: Emotions as Lines of Demarcation or Guidelines to Our Self. The Psychodynamic Surrounding of our Intentional Self; second part: Case Studies of Some Concrete Societal Encapsulations of the Negative Passions; and third part: Resisting the Colonisation of Tyrannical Affections. Possible Paths of …Read more
  •  276
    The value of up-hill skiing
    In Ignace Haaz & Amélé Adamavi-Aho Ekué (eds.), Walking with the Earth: Intercultural Perspectives on Ethics of Ecological Caring, Globethics Publications. pp. 181-222. 2022.
    The value of up-hill skiing is double, it is first a sport and artistic expression, second it incorporates functional dependencies related to the natural obstacles which the individual aims to overcome. On the artistic side, M. Dufrenne shows the importance of living movement in dance, and we can compare puppets with dancers in order to grasp the lack of intentional spiritual qualities in the former. The expressivity of dance, as for, Chi Gong, ice skating or ski mountaineering is a particular i…Read more
  •  1918
    Walking with the Earth: Intercultural Perspectives on Ethics of Ecological Caring (edited book)
    with Amélé Adamavi-Aho Ekué
    Globethics Publications. 2022.
    It is commonly believed that considering nature different from us, human beings (qua rational, cultural, religious and social actors), is detrimental to our engagement for the preservation of nature. An obvious example is animal rights, a deep concern for all living beings, including non-human living creatures, which is understandable only if we approach nature, without fearing it, as something which should remain outside of our true home. “Walking with the earth” aims at questioning any similar…Read more
  •  411
    The professional application of ethics often lacks the necessary conceptual tools to construct adequate theoretical foundations that can be used for practical enterprise. This book focuses on an anthropological approach to mental illness, describing how schizophrenia can distort one's experience of empathy and of the presence in the world through pathological indifference. It describes factual and phenomenological perspectives on a case of schizophrenia, based on the method of Eugène Minkowski.
  •  108
    This chapter as the whole book are a result of a Globethics conference in March 2018 at the Catholic University of East Africa (CUEA) in Kenya, focused on the integration of Ethics in Higher Education. The book captures the potential for sharing of knowledge, and triggering interdisciplinary collaboration and research across a wide variety of issues ranging from research practice, religion, entrepreneurship, leadership, fundraising and corruption. While some of the chapters focus on the understa…Read more
  •  69
    The fear of the largely unknown consequences of being exposed to coronavirus should have brought a more dynamic interplay of beliefs and opinions for those who in the footsteps of J.S. Mill believe that the limits of power, which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual, is to prevent harm to others. It is surprising that not much debate or critical interaction has taken place on the choice of locking down most of the populace in 185 countries after the outbreak of COVID-19. …Read more
  •  434
    In many universities and related knowledge transmission organisations, professional focus on empirical data shows as in vocational education that preparation for real life technical work is important, as one would expect from “career education”. University is as the name shows on the contrary focusing on the universality of some sort of education, which is neither a technical one, nor much concerned by preparing oneself for a career. The scope of this chapter is to propose an analysis of inclusi…Read more
  •  1618
    This book aims at six important conceptual tools developed by philosophers. The author develops each particular view in a chapter, hoping to constitute at the end a concise, interesting and easily readable whole. These concepts are: 1. Ethics and realism: elucidation of the distinction between understanding and explanation – the lighthouse type of normativity. 2. Leadership, antirealism and moral psychology – the lightning rod type of normativity. 3. Bright light on self-identity and positive re…Read more
  •  18
    Criminalization and self-control as "ruse of the conscious will" for Eduard von Hartmann
    Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 3 (1 e 2): 122. 2012.
    Criminal law exists in order to punish people for their culpable misconducts, whenever there is a culpable wrong one should criminalize and punish. A distinctive moral voice: the criminal wrong that we don’t find beyond is revealed and any normative ethical enquiry should point out, as a specific axiological and moral category related to such evil conducts. Why not suppose an unconscious genesis of it in the sensitive faculties, because there is a constitution of what man is, learned through his…Read more
  •  325
    An inter-disciplinary enquiry concerning Europe, Europeans and Europeanity across time, based on proceedings of the 10th world congress of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas convened at the University of Malta. Originally published in: Frendo, Henry (2010): The European Mind: Narrative and Identity : Proceedings of the X World Congress of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, University of Malta, 24th-29th July 2006. International Society for the Study…Read more
  •  1020
    The claim of this paper is to present Spinoza’s view on self-esteem and positive reciprocity, which replaces the human being in a monistic psycho-dynamical affective framework, instead of a dualistic pedestal above nature. Without naturalising the human being in an eliminative materialistic view as many recent neuro-scientific conceptions of the mind do, Spinoza finds an important entry point in a panpsychist and holistic perspective, presenting the complexity of the human being, which is not re…Read more
  •  308
    Le présent ouvrage fait suite aux deux précédents volumes de l’auteur : (2015) Droit des affaires en Afrique subsaharienne et économie planétaire, et (2016) : Démocratie électorale en Afrique subsaharienne Entre droit, pouvoir et argent, publiés par les Éditions Globethics. Bien que Pascal Mukonde convoque le thème du contrat du point de vue strictement juridique et dans le contexte du droit africain en RD. Congo, sur une ligne de recherche systématique (p.75), nous souhaitons mentionner comme p…Read more
  •  497
    Litotes, Irony and other Innocent Lies
    Globethics Global Series No. 16. 2018.
    In the following text we would like to present the philosophical discussion on untrusting lies, which introduces a space for innocent lie understood as figurative manipulation of the speech: a poetic trope that we would argue could not only be generously used to help us tolerating our sometime deceiving human condition—which is global and universally ours, that of the finitude of human capacity of knowledge and ethical action—but also to maximise our capacity for knowledge formation and adaptati…Read more
  •  585
    Poetry and Ethics: Inventing Possibilities in Which We Are Moved to Action and How We Live Together, Obiora Ike / Andrea Grieder / Ignace Haaz (Eds.), Global Series No. 16, Geneva: Globethics Publications, 2018, pp. 247-262.
  •  5434
    Poetry and Ethics: Inventing Possibilities in Which We Are Moved to Action and How We Live Together (edited book)
    with Obiora Ike and Andrea Grieder
    Globethics Publications. 2018.
    This book on the topic of ethics and poetry consists of contributions from different continents on the subject of applied ethics related to poetry. It should gather a favourable reception from philosophers, ethicists, theologians and anthropologists from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America and allows for a comparison of the healing power of words from various religious, spiritual and philosophical traditions. The first part of this book presents original poems that express ethical emotions an…Read more
  •  1180
    Part of education as interactive exercise is related to a community of practitioners, a dialogue based philosophy of morals which supposes ethical normative characteristics of the discourse. This normative layer can be interpreted either in relation to the lifeworld, i. e. to the understanding of the good life. Alternatively, it can be realized in relation to some cultural rights, since a mutual recognition based ethics, aiming at highlighting culture as necessary feature of human dignity, can e…Read more
  • Book Review (review)
    Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 56 (1): 301. 2009.
  •  33
    Selon une psychologie empiriste, aucune vie mentale inconsciente n'existe ; la conscience devrait être vue comme intérieure au sujet. Au contraire, la psychologie idéaliste soutient une philosophie de l'inconscient (et non pas de l'inconscience). La multiplicité et la finalité ne sont pas représentables comme des produits de l'évolution ou du destin des individus ; notre image du monde est conscience du monde. Nietzsche (1874), le premier, réagit contre cette thèse ; il y voit un tourbil…Read more
  •  7
    Book Review: CAMPAGNA, Norbert: La souveraineté. De ses limites et de ses juges (review)
    Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 56 (1): 301. 2009.
    Avant de peser les limites du pouvoir politique, l'auteur développe la thèse selon laquelle une société humaine doit réfléchir sur l'instance qui devrait être considérée comme souveraine. La réflexion sur le rapport entre puissance politique et puissance juridique est dérivée. Si le pouvoir politique constituait seul l'attribut de la souveraineté, alors les règles de la société seraient toujours bien faites. Dans une société idéale la seule force directrice des règles suffit sans force coercitiv…Read more
  •  443
    Climate Justice Charter
    with Frédéric-Paul Piguet, Chêne Protestant Parish, Michel Schach, Natacha à Porta, Jacques Matthey, Gabriel Amisi, and Brigitte Buxtorf
    Arves et Lac Publications. 2016.
    The latest news from our planet is threatening: climate change, pollution, forest loss, species extinctions. All these words are frightening and there is no sign of improvement. Simple logic leads to the conclusion that humanity has to react, for its own survival. But at the scale of a human being, it is less obvious. Organizing one’s daily life in order to preserve the environment implies self-questioning, changing habits, sacrificing some comfort. In one word, it is an effort. Then, what justi…Read more
  •  881
    Solidarity - Enlightened Leadership
    In Christoph Stückelberger, Walter Fust & Obiora F. Ike (eds.), Global Ethics for Leadership: Values and Virtues for Life, Globethics.net. pp. 163-174. 2016.
    Solidarity could be defined in the broad sense either as a means or as an end. Considered as an end, solidarity is the motive of any virtuous action based on altruistic reasons, such as helping others to rescue someone in order to prevent a harmful situation. E. g. contributing to lift and rescue a heavy person, lying unconscious in the street on the floor, who is being handled by rescuers, but who might be needing an additional person, could express the value of solidarity as an end, since an a…Read more
  •  13
    Les normes pénales chez Rawls
    L'Harmattan. 2010.
    Le modèle de la justice comme équité est élaboré sur des éléments centraux (en particulier: le consentement éclairé des citoyens). Les fonctions de ce modèle chez Rawls sont: un accord rationnel autour de libertés individuelles, un principe raisonnable de maximisation de la stabilité sociale et la fondation de principes, acceptables du point de vue des personnes défavorisées. Notre objectif consiste à mettre à l'épreuve une semblable conception de la justice politique libérale, avec sa composant…Read more