•  20
    This article analyses little-known short stories of modern Ukrainian writers Valerian Pidmohylny and Mykhailo Yatskiv in the context of the 20th century existentialism. It can be considered as a cultural phenomenon which combines philosophy with literature. Pidmohylny’s short stories were significantly influenced primarily by the ideas of the European philosophers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Therefore, we can search for similar motives in the works of Pidmohylny and the existentia…Read more
  •  12
    Šiame straipsnyje XX amžiaus egzistencializmo kontekste nagrinėjamos mažai žinomų šiuolaikinių Ukrainos rašytojų Valeriano Pidmohylny’o ir Mykhailo Yatskivo novelės. Jos gali būti laikomos kultūriniu reiškiniu, sujungiančiu filosofiją ir literatūrą. Pidmohylny’o novelės visų pirma buvo ryškiai paveiktos XIX a. pabaigos ir XX a. pradžios Europos filosofų minčių. Todėl panašių motyvų galime ieškoti tiek Pidmohylny’o, tiek ir egzistencialistų, kuriuos paveikė Schopenhauerio, Kierkegaard’o ir Nietzs…Read more
  •  10
    Hryhorii Skovoroda: syncretism-cordocentrism-wisdom
    Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2 144-152. 2023.
    The article defends the thesis that Skovoroda is a representative of syncretic culture and thinking, which combines philosophy, religion (faith), poetry (literature), theology into an unity. His universality, as a talented and comprehensively developed personality, also lies in this combining different sphere of a human activity. To combine all this, Skovoroda must be the bearer of syncretic thinking and perception of the world. But, such combination includes also philosophy and, therefore, subo…Read more
  •  611
    In this article, on the basis of analysis of the classical definition of a miracle (from D.Hume to C.S.Lewis and R. Swinburne) and the nonclassical one (J.L. Marion and J.P.Manussakis), the phenomenological and the etymological aspects of a miracle are examined.Taking into consideration the historical development of the concept of a miracle, the author proves the connections between contemplation, miracle and novelty. They are necessary for the constituting of religious experience. Faith itself,…Read more
  •  23
    Martin Heidegger’s job of thinking
    Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1 70-79. 2020.
    This article is dedicated to 130th Anniversary of German thinker Martin Heidegger. The main goal of the article is to develop Ukrainian reception of Heidegger’s philosophical heritage. The author considers the particularities of Heidegger’s understanding of thinking in the context of Dasein’s fundamental ontology. Thus, thinking is understood as being in a "tradition without tradition"; this, in turn, means the immediacy of thinking, which will never be past, never become a memory or a system of…Read more
  •  13
    Jiddu Krishnamurti’s apophatic philosophy of freedom
    Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3 104-116. 2019.
    The author considers the particularities of Jiddu Krishnamurti’s negativism. Jiddu Krishnamurti is a well-known thinker, spiritual teacher, and master, who did not join in with anytrend of religion, philosophy or social and political movements. The atypical nature of his negativism is that Jeddah Krishnamurti rejects the external forms of achieving freedom and truth, emphasizing the impossibility of cultivating and developing a sense of love, and draws attention to the need for an internal revol…Read more
  •  12
    Problem-Based Teaching of Philosophy (on the Example of Lviv National Polytech)
    Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 22 (1): 180-198. 2018.
    The reform of higher education continues in Ukraine more than a year; however it does not pay much attention to the changes in the teaching of philosophy. In the article the author investigates different technologies of the problem-based teaching of philosophy and its methods, substantiates the necessity of introducing such technologies in the teaching of philosophy and also shows the specifics of the application of such technologies during the teaching of philosophy at the Lviv National Polytec…Read more
  •  29
    This article examines the interaction of ideas of Modern Western philosophy, including Polish philosophy, and Ukrainian philosophy in Eastern Galicia in the late eighteenth century through the early twentieth century. The authors argue that during this period the methodological foundations of Ukrainian philosophy and its history, both in periodization, and the development of philosophical terminology, were intensively elaborated. This is proved by the analyzing works of such Galician thinkers an…Read more
  •  222
    In this article the author shows the connections between contemplation, miracle and novelty. They are necessary for the constituting of religious experience. The author argues that faith itself, in theological sense, is not determinative for religious experience. It has sense only when it is integrated into contemplation. True religious experience discloses the chain of routine, repetitive everydayness and lets a human being to see the new in the usual. The author maintains that religious experi…Read more
  •  14
    Problem-Based Teaching of Philosophy
    Філософія Освіти 22 (1): 180-198. 2018.
    The reform of higher education continues in Ukraine more than a year; however it does not pay much attention to the changes in the teaching of philosophy. In the article the author investigates different technologies of the problem-based teaching of philosophy and its methods, substantiates the necessity of introducing such technologies in the teaching of philosophy and also shows the specifics of the application of such technologies during the teaching of philosophy at the Lviv National Polytec…Read more
  •  20
    Jiddu Krishnamurti's apophatic philosophy of freedom
    Філософська Думка 1 (3): 104-116. 2019.
    The author considers the particularities of Jiddu Krishnamurti’s negativism. Jiddu Krishnamurti is a well-known thinker, spiritual teacher, and master, who did not join in with any trend of religion, philosophy or social and political movements. The atypical nature of his negativism is that Jeddah Krishnamurti rejects the external forms of achieving freedom and truth, emphasizing the impossibility of cultivating and developing a sense of love, and draws attention to the need for an internal revo…Read more
  •  30
    In this article, the author considers the particularities of Franz Brentano’s psychognosy in the context of notion of “basic” or “analytic” truths and his methodological approaches to scientific, philosophical investigations as well as his influence upon Kasimir Twardowski, who was the pupil of Brentano and accepted the main points of his methodological program. The author also stresses that the study of Brentano’s and Twardowski’s heritage is important for tracing the origin of scientific/analy…Read more
  •  24
    In this article the author proposes nonscientific and nonanthropological resolution of “the prob- lem of consciousness” and denies the possibility to explain the nature of consciousness with the help of physics, neuroscience, cognitive science and also analytic philosophy. The author stresses that 1) consciousness transcends Me and does not belong to it, 2) consciousness perceives being; being is consciousness. “The problem of consciousness” is not theoretical problem at all. In order to know wh…Read more
  •  912
    In this paper the relation between being and becoming is analyzed and the Kierkegaard’s existential method is considered. Also the three stages of existence are described as the evolution of a human being. This evolution means gradual creation of true selfhood due to decisive choices and actions. The author stresses that Kierkegaard’s existential anthropology is a version of the dialectical religious existentialism. A human being is paradoxical and her or his conflicts cannot be resolved by rati…Read more
  •  284
    Hryhorij Skovoroda's Metaphilosophy
    Humanitarian Visions. forthcoming.
    In this article the heritage of Hryhorij Skovoroda is considered from the metaphilosophical point of view. This point of view is useful because it allows seeing some syncretism as unity of philosophy, theology, religion, myth, and poetry in the heritage of Hryhorij Skovoroda. Therefore, the author stresses that when we analyze the Hryhorij Skovoroda’s heritage it is wrong to divide it into such parts as philosophy, theology, religion, myth, and poetry. This division doesn’t lead to the whole und…Read more
  •  9
    У статті розглядається феномен справжності в контексті антропологічної кризи, яка полягає в повсякденних практиках як уміння жити за умов нецілісності. На основі аналізу фундаментальної онтології Мартіна Гайдеґґера автор доходить висновку, що справжність - це складний онтологічний досвід тут-буття, у якому, завдяки голосу совісті як заклику до вчинку, інтегровані загострене відчуття власної смертності, провини й ситуації.
  •  1133
    In this article, the author proposes a nonscientific and nonanthropological resolution of “the problem of consciousness” and denies the possibility to explain the nature of consciousness with the help of physics, neuroscience, cognitive science and also analytic philosophy. The author stresses that 1) consciousness transcends Me (selfhood) and does not belong to it, 2) consciousness perceives being; being is consciousness. “The problem of consciousness” is not a theoretical problem at all. In or…Read more
  • In this article the author considers the essential connection between liberal individualism, reforms and initiativeness. The author shows that liberal individualism has nothing in common with robinsonade, egoism and narrow view upon the things. On the contrary, it sets free the initiativeness of people and makes them active in social, economic and civil spheres. Consequently, if Ukrainians want the decentralization in all the spheres of life, then it is necessarily to realize the ideas of classi…Read more
  •  10
    У статті автор досліджує два стратегічні підходи до повсякдення: об'єктивістський і феноменологічний. Автор розглядає процес об'єктивації, унаслідок якого повсякдення стає об'єктом. При цьому зауважує, що, з іншого боку, необ'єктивоване повсякдення є феноменом, який дивує. У повсякденні об'єкти й феномени співіснують. Синтезуючи об'єктивістський та феноменологічний підходи, автор доходить висновку, що так можна створити вищого рівня теорію повсякдення. Її можна розглядати як реалізацію гасла "ра…Read more
  •  259
    This article is dedicated to possibility of overcoming the subject-object ontoligy, which is based on intentionality.The author proves that such dualism is rooted into the transcendental level. The transcendental level makes possible our empirical experience on the basis of subject-object relations. The author considers Parmenides' famous sentence "For it is the same thing that can be thought and that can be" and Husserl's well-known claim "Back to things themselves!" as essential for possibilit…Read more
  •  1875
    Philosophy and Philosophical Education
    Philosophical Thought 6. 2014.
    In this essay the author underlines the difference between philosophy and philosophical education. Recent debates on the problems of philosophical education have shown that they had not answered the main question: what is philosophy? The author stresses that philosophy is the understanding of unconditioned beginning; it is not the searching of such a beginning, but only the understanding. We see that philosophy is substituted for philosophical education. Such substitution is the death of philoso…Read more
  •  26
    Out-of-Body Expirience, Pure Being and Metaphysics
    Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research (10): 7-16. 2016.
    Purpose. The author will show that metaphysical concepts and the concepts of empirical sciences derive from experience. The only difference is that metaphysical concepts derive from unusual experience, i.e. out-of-body experience, while empirical sciences – from usual one. The example set metaphysical concept of pure being. Methodology. In order to obtain this goal the author uses two methods. The first one is comparative method. With the help of this method the stories of men who experienced cl…Read more
  •  487
    . The author has compared the world-view attitudes of oligarchy and capitalism on the basis of analysis of Ludwig von Mises’ writings. The results of such comparison allow us to maintain that there is neither market economy nor competition, and so nor capitalism in Ukraine. The world-view basis of capitalism is the philosophy of liberalism, which has such principles as equality, freedom, inviolability of private property, cooperation in favor of profits of the whole society. On the contrary, o…Read more
  •  85
    У західноєвропейській соціальній філософії та соціальній теорії осмислення повсякдення має довгу традицію. У статті аналізуються не лише наявні теорії повсякдення, але й робиться спроба вийти на метатеоретичний рівень, щоб визначити межі цих теорій та тих методів, які використовувалися для їхньої побудови. Автор статті доводить, що на часі запровадження такого дослідження повсякдення, у якому б органічно поєднувалися метатеоретичні пошуки з конкретним феноменом повсякдення, таким, яким він поста…Read more