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    Communication and transformation of subjectivity through performances: A critical discussion of Badiou’s In Praise of Theatre
    Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 9 (1): 75-86. 2018.
    In In Praise of Theatre, an interview with Alain Badiou held by Nicolas Truong, Badiou answers questions about his ideas on the value and purpose of theatre. He explains that he takes ‘real theatre’ to be theatre that consists of performances that aim at making the members of the audience to reflect critically on what they have just heard or seen and, more importantly, the possibilities that were only implied by the performance. Contrary to disciplines such as philosophy, politics and literature…Read more
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    Reviews (review)
    with Carlos M. Roos, Sean Leahy, and José Gomes Pinto
    Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 8 (2): 237-251. 2017.
    Harold INNIS’S History of Communications: Paper and Printing – Antiquity to Early Modernity, William J. Buxton, Michael R. Cheney and Paul Heyer (eds) (2015) Lanham and London: Rowman and Littlefield, 200 pp., ISBN: 9781442243385, h/bk, £52.95 Philosophy for Multisensory Communication and Media, Keith Kenney (2016) New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing, 250 pp., ISBN: 9781433122057, p/bk, 35 When the Word Becomes Flesh. Language and Human Nature, Paolo Virno (2015) South Pasadena, CA: Semiotext(e)…Read more